On conspiracy theories
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On conspiracy theories,


a few words in defense of conspirators.


By Andrei Shkarubo.


Despite peoples’ aspirations and politicians’ ostensible efforts, the world, in the eyes of an ordinary person, has not become more peaceful or, at least, more comprehensible.

The official explanations of the emerging confrontations and conflicts as well as the measures undertaken in their connection seem too contradictory, at least for those with independent minds.

These inconsistencies and, sometimes, outright lies created a phenomenon of public consciousness, called “conspiracy theories”, as well as their endless discussions.

To make those discussions short I’d like to stress that conspiracy is inevitable and pivotal moment in the functioning of a state machine and the game it plays, called politics.

All heated debates, denials or denunciations of it are nothing but reaction of human emotions, which flare up each time our inability to understand the root-cause of phenomenon is exposed.

To comprehend its root-cause is not an easy task:

On the one hand, one should have true and, what’s more, compelling information , which is impossible without personal, if painful, experience, always accompanied by emotions, especially if it’s victim’s experience;

on the other hand, this, usually emotionally charged, experience should be subjected to impassive analysis without which no full and comprehensive picture of a phenomenon, i.e. no clarity of understanding, is possible.

To abstract oneself from one’s own experience, to make it impersonal, void of individual emotions and sentiments, one should transform oneself from a victim, drama participant, into an observer and inquirer, regarding our modern highly polarized society and its state (i.e. an instituted form of relations in a society) with their antagonistic goals, values, interests and desires as a kind of “particle accelerator-collider” in which those interests and desires are accelerated and smashed in conflict and competition, annihilating each other, and thereby creating:

a) energy, allowing every cog in the state machine to exist and function;

b) a few grains of some new special quality material, “elite”;

c) heaps of old material, used as fuel, therefore depleted, destitute and destroyed, fringes of society.

Naturally, none in this “accelerator-collider” society wants to serve as fuel, none wants to be depleted, destitute and destroyed, none even contemplates such possibility, racing along, round after round, for the first position in this accelerator, constantly colliding with competitors.

All are taking part in this race, all who are driven by passion of desires, fear of loss and despair of unattainablility, thus creating tension between the two poles of the accelerator:

a secure core and unsafe fringes, successful upwardly moving top and wretched sliding and slipping bottom.

The strong and prolonged pressure between the two poles leaves a special imprint on each other – self-awareness, perception of oneself - be it a ruling top or a riling bottom - as a separate, distinctive entity defending its own beliefs, rights, its own freedom and independence.

Naturally, this self-awareness doesn’t stretch beyond the limits of a simple function which each of those poles perform: the ruling top pushes the pendulum of state politics, say, to the right; the resisting bottom counteracts, shoving it to the left.

In order to keep the pendulum’s right-left swinging from dying-down, and tension in social boiler-accelerator from dropping, there has to be someone to coordinate those pushes both in force and time. Someone who’s linked with both poles so that, say, in the event of the pendulum’s thrust to the right by the top, one could warn the bottom as to how and when it should respond with a push to the left.

Of course neither the officially ruling top, nor the riling bottom suspect existence of such coordinating function in the management of a state machine. Nor it is easy to detect: if the machine is running smoothly, in automated regime, this function is performed as auto-correction, without any outside interference.

A deliberate coordination becomes a necessity and inevitability if a social accelerator and its state machine are to be shifted or are shifting into a new “gear”. To perform such maneuver coordination is required, that’s why the turning points in history are so rich in conspiracies, treasons and provocations.

The most scandalous example of coordination of the pendulum’s swinging was a conspiracy of nuclear physicists who leaked to Moscow the secrets of American atomic project, because they knew that in the conditions of global “East-West” confrontation, the pendulum’s unchecked swinging to one, no matter which: right or left, side would shatter the world.

Of course, the motives for which conspirators conspire can differ widely, quite often excluding each other, because all motives, interests and desires belong to a sphere of human delusions, what’s important for a social accelerator and its mechanism of confrontation is keeping the pendulum swinging, in other words, a thrust and movement to one side should be countered by a push and movement to the opposite one.

It wasn’t accidental, therefore, that in a “space race” following afterwards between the USSR and the USA, in which the latter had initially serious setbacks because of its rocket fuel, the movement of the pendulum had to be “corrected” once again.

According to the official investigation version, this happened as a result of a treason by Col.Penkovsky, who had chosen to work for the West and sold the secrets of rocket fuel to Americans. But the whole chain of unexplained and incomprehensible accidents which made the treason possible doesn’t exclude a possibility of conspiracy there: a Soviet army officer is transferred to the military intelligence directorate despite a clear-cut statement in his dossier about his excessive ambitions, vanity, egotism and other personal defects which made him unfit for the job.

But these objections were completely ignored, the officer was hired, and helped rapidly up the intelligence hierarchy; he was even promised a post of a station chief in Turkey, but at the final moment it was given to the other person. Which seriously wounded Penkovsky’s hyped ego and he, seeking revenge, began scheming, as a result of which he was removed from operative work and sent to Moscow to sort out papers on top defense secrets. The people in charge of such work are automatically barred from going abroad for the rest of their lives. But somehow they made exception in his case, and Penkovsky got a chance to gratify his hurt ego by offering his services to the West.

Whether this treason was part of a master-mind conspiracy, or a result of a sequence of incomprehensible accidents, human blunders and follies, it doesn’t matter. What matters for the mechanism of confrontation, the social accelerator-collider, is that the pendulum should keep swinging, maintaining pressure in the system.

In this respect, the drop of tension in the “East-West” confrontation axis, the subsequent collapse of the axis and the halted pendulum posed a serious threat to the whole mechanism.

The disappearance of external tension unavoidably revealed internal tension, over the years accumulated throughout the mechanism, the tension which our human body initially perceives as experience, which later, with its accumulation, is usually transformed into chronic diseases and general rapidly developing fatigue, finally to be followed by general halt, death and body decay.

In such conditions an external source of tension is very important as a stimulant or a pain-killer; any external threat capable of neutralizing the internal tension would do.

As for the plausible explanations of the causes of the newly emerged confrontation, the human mind will nimbly find them.

In this respect, the US war against Islamic terrorists does not differ much from the war, which Moscow started ten years ago against Chechen separatists. The real cause is the same: disappearance of external threat and, automatically, the rise of internal pressure, which in Russia exploded in 1993 in the execution of the Russian parliament.

Chechen separatists provided the most feasible chance to neutralize this tension, and supplied the most plausible of pretexts: restoration of constitutional order and protection of the lives of the Russian population in Chechnya.

Needless to say that with the start of the war in Chechnya, all resemblance of order there vanished; as for the Russian population, it’s they who suffered most in the bombardments of Chechen cities because the majority of Chechens fled, taking refuge in the mountain villages of their numerous relatives – whereas Russians had no place to escape: no one needed them neither in Russia, nor in its capital, Moscow.

The public outcry against the war crimes and genocide, the pressure of western countries helped to put the conflict down awhile. After which the internal pressure, social and economic, became more perceptible.

It became evident that the Russian social accelerator required not just an external threat, but a new special mechanism of control with which one could manipulate this threat, swinging its pendulum. After secret talks between Kremlin and those separatists who had close links with the Russian secret services, car bomb explosions took place in Moscow and other Russian cities, in which hundreds of peaceful civilians died; armed separatists also intruded into a neighboring republic of Dagestan, and the conflict erupted again, allowing the Russian secret services to come to power openly.

America may go on arguing whether the September 11th attack was part of a plot or not, as for Russia, only an inborn idiot there would believe the official explanations from the Kremlin, especially now - while it’s occupied by the secret services, and the holy war against their rule is waged primarily by those who had actively collaborated with them before.

At this point, one should stress the differing interests of the plotters, depending on what functions in the confrontation mechanism they perform.

Those, for example, whose interests are not linked with any of the warring poles, neither the top, nor the bottom, and who, thereby, occupy the most suitable position for coordination of the swinging pendulum, are interested only in one thing: its continued swinging.

As a rule, those people are extremely cynical and immoral, being well-aware of the public locked in a vicious circle, they would neither search for the way out, nor indicate it, profiting on human defects instead. The struggle of polarities for these people is but a good business.

Unlike this scum, they who belong to the struggling polarities and serve their goals are interested not in the struggle per se, but in their victory.

For its sake, i.e. being guided by “higher interests”, these people may and do conspire with their enemy, if they see that the usual right-left swinging won’t change the balance, that some additional impact from the opposite side (provocation) might help them mobilize their forces and finally destroy the enemy.

So, representatives of the top are resorting to provocation in order to tighten the screws of their rule and impose a total control over the bottom.

Representatives of the bottom, being guided by the “higher interests” too, are readily joining in the conspiracy and taking part in its provocations so as to broaden the base of resistance, hoping that the thread of the tightened screws in the state machine would sooner or later break under the rising pressure.

The problem is that the use of conspiracies in order to heighten pressure in a society and extinguish one of the poles can trigger an explosion of the public accelerator, as it happened in 1917 revolution in Russia.

The problem also is that the victory of one polarity and destruction of the other is relative and temporary, in other words, such victory is impossible as long as the conditions reproducing these polarities are maintained: as long as tension persists, accelerator functions, and the public is participating in the rat race for leadership.

As Russia’s experience shows, after the social explosion, a new public accelerator would be rebuilt, in which two poles, top and bottom, would reemerge, and again, as in the run-up to the 1917 revolution, conspiracies, treasons, and provocations would thrive: the fight of the poles would again require coordination and stimulation because the top would again be “willing, but unable”, while the bottom “able, but unwilling”.

So the new explosion of social accelerator is inevitable. Though this time it won’t be outwardly, but inwardly directed, in other words, it won’t be an explosion, but implosion, not a revolution, but a collapse, because the pressure inside the social boiler, despite the agents provocateur’s attempts on both right and left, is not rising, but dropping, the swinging of confrontation pendulum is not increasing in amplitude, but decreasing.

The outward Global Confrontation is falling into thousands of internal, small low intensity conflicts, the control over which is impossible.

Attempts to boost control, i.e. re-start the social accelerator by staging a global conspiracy, would be counterproductive because we’ve entered a period of information over-saturation in which any stimulation has opposite, inhibition, effect, in which “all hidden becomes exposed”, and all lies and provocations aimed at inciting strife become obvious for all and cause nothing but ever deepening apathy.

The old society living by passions and desires, on lies and strife, is doomed. Burying its decaying carcass, the state, it would also have to bury its instruments: conspiracies, treasons and provocations.

November 2nd, 2004.


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