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Logic of political absurdities.

A. Shkarubo

Human mind works in such a way that all strange things it encounters are either ignored by it or irritate it. 

The same reaction is triggered by the senseless rushes in Russia's policy: first, they decide to do in the terrorists, then oligarchs; then journalists and fundamentalists; fascists and communists; now it’s the gays who appear on the public enemy top list.

The resourcefulness of state wisdom, expressed in the famous aphorism of Prime Minister Chernomyrdin “We did our best, but got usual results”, the comic nature of the latest decision leaves one wondering what Kremlin has against the gays, and what should the rests of the public expect from Kremlin?

The first reading of a draft law outlawing once again homosexuality triggered a weak protest among sexual minorities and equally scant comments from the mass media. 

The commentary given by the author of this legislative initiative, the leader of a pro-presidential faction, justifying the motion by the necessity to protect public morals, this commentary was taken at face value. 

None seemed to ask why should our completely compromised legislature become concerned with moral issues? – "the Kremlin whore", which rubber-stamped the Labor, Land and Housing Codes, thereby practically stripping the majority of our population of their work, land and home, in other words, turning them into slaves?

One wonders by what moral norms the deputies were guided when they amended the law, lowering the minimal consent age, first, from 18 to 16, and quite recently from 16 to 14, legalizing, in so doing, child prostitution and pedophilia?

The moral norms of western civilization, to which our regime ascribes itself to, are known to have been defined by Christianity. But none of Christ’s commandments has any reference to sexual minorities. 

None of the hierarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church, despite its proximity to Kremlin, has publicly approved this legislative initiative. None of them said homosexuality was a) mortal sin b) a deadly threat to our statehood.

How to explain the two obvious contradictions? Why should an absolutely immoral ruling regime, which is breaking daily such Christ’s commandments as “Thou shall not kill; thou shall not steal; shall not commit adultery and perjury”, why should such regime become concerned with the issue of morals? And why did it deem homosexuality a mortal sin and a deadly threat to the state?

The contradictions of the Russian state policy are normally explained by subjective causes, like the fact that the majority of our policy makers have close links with the secret services or/and the underworld, who are actually running the state, and therefore conceal their true goals and motives by the false ones, though officially propagated.

There are also objective causes of this wild swinging of the Russian political pendulum, producing the whole flood of such preposterous laws, already mentioned.

To understand them one has to examine the state structure and the principle of its work as that of an abstract system.


Tasks and ways

Survival of any entity, including the state, depends on a pursuit of two contradictory tasks: “Change without changing”, that is, it has to adapt to rapidly changing reality, at the same time, preserve its entity, integrity and unity.

It adapts in two ways: 1) active way of maneuvering to avoid negative impact – and when the first way fails: 2) passive way of internal reconstruction to match reality of the world.


Single standard

To analyze-understand the way the state conducts its policy of survival one must use the universal standard, Time (frequency, period, phase) and the universal measuring, dialectics, which stipulates that any movement, process is the result of

A) unity and struggle of two opposites

B) its quantitative changes bring about a qualitative shift, a transfer from one state to the other, opposite one.

To put it into plainer words of physics,


Structures & Principle

The state’s functioning, like that of any other entity, is the result of the struggle of two opposite forces, one represents change (Future), the other inertia, preservation (Past). 

These two opposite forces, in their turn, are represented by two poles: 1) the top one – informational essence (ideology) 2) the bottom one – outer form (people).

The two poles are linked (and their work regulated) by state structures (government chain), whose task is to perform a balancing act between the forces of change, Future, and inertia, Past (between ideology-people) i.e. the state, like anything else, functions in oscillatory regime.

The quantitative-qualitative shift (accompanied by a drop of tension on the system’s poles) implies a stoppage of quantitative, visible changes, i.e. movement, then disintegration and reconstruction of structures, resulting in a transfer from one quality to the other, opposite one.

Functioning conditions

These opposite forces exist due to phase-frequency (qualitative) shift on the poles, which implies structural differences (changes) on them, experienced as tension.

The phase-frequency shift, necessary for functioning or movement, means that the frequency of oscillations on the top pole (contractions-expansions of its structures) must qualitatively differ from the frequency of oscillations on the bottom pole (contractions-expansions of its structures). 

In other words, the frequency-speed of information processing, number of problem solution acts, done by the top informational pole must be qualitatively higher than the frequency-number of executive acts, done by the bottom pole, the people: (Think twice, act once principle observed). 

For this to take place, the top “informational” pole structures must be much more integrated than those of the bottom pole.

The gradual process of evolution-integration of these information structures led to the creation of “ideology” pole, a special program, which, instead of rather slow energy-wasteful random (or “blind”) search of problem solution, uses fast selective principle.



But programs become outdated, and gradually fall apart (mainly from overuse and abuse). In the case of ideology, the state’s ideals-goals were first to crumble, to be followed by values-guiding beacons.

The final dismantling-collapse of the ideology set off an explosion of energy, a euphoria and a feeling of freedom, as well as a counter-wave (tsunami) of information, never perceived before. 

The world, like in a drug-addict’s hallucinations, was turning increasingly virtual, surrealistic.

After the collapse of this informational structure, a partial disintegration took place of the state, which became unable to assess the significance of the incoming information, “to separate the grain from the chaff”.

What remained of it could still look, but couldn’t see any longer. 

Its “blind leaders of the blind” were sliding back to the old “blind” way of problem solution search. 

This random, arbitrary way of search, implied arbitrary rule in politics, which soon became evident in the rising authoritarian tendencies, like the passage of the Constitution; it also spelled a new round of disintegration, which began in Chechnya.


Solutions & New Problems

But in a condition of informational revolution this speed of information processing was insufficient. The ruling regime tried, as early as Gorbachev’s rule, to restore its informational pole, ideology, but didn’t get farther than Gorbachev’s talk about “reconstruction of thinking”. 

The morally corrupt bunch of parasites, suffering from megalomania and calling itself “elite” was intellectually barren.

 Therefore, it had to borrow heavily from the western liberal ideology and Russia’s pre-communist past and manipulate with this ideological hodge-podge. 

To restore control over the straying flock, the Russian secret services were busy, creating various parties and movements and putting their stool-pigeons as shepherds. 

But the more provocateurs were put in charge, the fewer gullible fools could be found:

The people had already entered a phase of ideological inhibition and stopped responding to political signals-commands.


Qualitative Shift Down

After the failure of attempts to restore the potential of information-ideology pole, aimed at raising tension on the state’s poles and boosting its function – no new ideology emerged, manipulations with old ones proved futile and power was again slipping out of their hands – the regime chose to

1) cut its informational potential to its natural low self – the arbitrary rule – correspondingly, to prevent the drop of tension (difference of potentials) it had to

2) lower, practically ground, the bottom pole, the people.

The only structure capable of implementing this qualitative shift was the secret services, which have never been restrained by moral, ideological or legal prejudices.

They replaced the old senile president by one of their own, and handpicked their own Duma, which began rubber-stamping their laws.

Naturally, the laws they passed, the labor, land and housing codes, have lowered the bottom pole, the people, having destroyed their basic social structure, the labor unions, and stripped them of means of subsistence and shelter.

They have also passed Information Security Doctrine, designed to give an informational backing to their arbitrary rule, because the blind leaders can lead only the blind (which immediately manifested itself in harassment of the independent media).

The arbitrary rule lowered the quality of decisions, having made their search random, but it has visibly increased its speed (which initially impresses the public).

Naturally, the speed with which Duma has to rubber-stamp the flood of edicts, initiated by the secret services, makes these laws impossible to enforce. This problem is recognized by the regime in its attempts to “reform” judicial power, the way it did with Duma.

With the rejection of ideology, politicians had to step aside and give way to the professional organizers-administrators from the secret services. The parties became superfluous and they passed a law, cutting them to a minimum.

It’s obvious that intensive legislative manipulations (whose only goal is to serve as a democratic cover for arbitrary rule) will have a short-lived effect – like in the case of earlier ideological manipulations – inhibition is to develop – and this time the people, the bottom pole, will ignore the laws. 

Whether it will take the form of organized civil disobedience campaign, or general lawlessness and riots is hard to say. In any case, the state will stop functioning and is to experience another qualitative shift: either upward to some form of selective, systematic problem solution search or downward – to the rule by terror.

In fact, the transfer to the rule by terror has started long time ago, with the start of general criminalization of society. 

The emerging secret services' dictatorship was skillfully concealed behind turf wars. That the whole process was planned and controlled is indicated by the fact that those criminal ringleaders who refused to cooperate with the post-communist regime were quickly exterminated.

The same scheme of “hidden” “creeping” dictatorship was implemented with the regions, when the war in Chechnya began. The idea behind it was simple: all social and ethnic groups still capable of putting up some form of resistance to the arbitrary rule of the secret services would be exterminated in “criminal» and “ethnic” conflicts.

Now we are witnessing the final transfer, the qualitative shift to the open rule by terror. In order to justify it, they continue creating an illusion of a growing chaos in the country. 

That’s why we’re having a growing number of explosions-provocations under a slogan “Death to the Jews”, designed to make the World Jewish Congress justify in the eyes of the world community the idea of using terror against alleged terrorists, the idea which President Putin expressed in his readiness to “kill them in the johns”, if necessary”. 

The label of “terrorist” now can be freely attached to anyone in Russia: ranging from a freedom-loving people down to a dissenting intellectual. 

Now to stamp out the remaining pockets of dissent, the secret services are actively framing numerous espionage cases, bringing various preposterous criminal charges against the writers; passing laws against gays and extremists.

The regime deliberately chose the unpopular fringes to start its clamp down, seeking to drag the people in its chain reaction of reprisals. 

The true goal behind this is to lower again the bottom pole, the people, to destroy the remnants of the social structures, and this time, human personality structures, like moral-ethical norms, so as to suppress the will of the people, instill fear and turn them into a submissive herd.

That’s why the new attack will be spearheaded at the individual civil liberties and rights.

The regime, thereby, is writing a scenario for a new tragedy, but its present director and his actors will inevitably turn it into a farce. 

First, they won’t succeed in starting a campaign of terror and instilling fear into masses. Our population numbers have been decreasing for the past ten years at the annual rate of almost 1 million. 

With such genocide in full swing, even fanatics won’t be able to organize and implement some additional wave of terror to impress those still living. And we have no fanatics, not in the secret services anyway.

Second, the bottom pole, the people are beginning to develop their own awareness, expressed in a slogan of striking miners: “All bosses are bustards”. 

If this axiom receives due logical development and forms a new class-consciousness, neither legislative manipulations, nor outright terror would save the regime. Those who are sowing the wind will reap the storm.

P.S. I was completing the article in a commuter train, when a man, sitting nearby, nudged me by his elbow so as to attract my attention. “Look, look at them”, he said excitedly, pointing his finger. The commuter train was going slowly, approaching a Moscow station. 

Two bums were clearly visible on a railway rampart, sexing in animal posture under the concrete fence. The passing train somehow distracted them from their occupation and they froze in their poses, raising their faces.

A look at their faces couldn’t determine their gender, and consequently, in the light of the new law, the legitimacy of their past time. Both faces were dirty and bloated; both had long dirty, standing on end, hair. A third bum was sitting on a concrete slab nearby, looking pensively at a bottle in his hand. 

The slab, he was sitting on, had a freshly repainted message “Welcome to Moscow!”.

Gentlemen, I’m convinced that after the passage of the laws on fighting homosexuals and extremists, Duma should pass the law on extermination of our bums, because it’s actually these dirty stinking animals who are undermining the foundation of our state.

June 2002.


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