Enemy of My Enemy -
Rumours and Remedies

by  Kath Tate and Vicki James

Disclaimer: Star Trek Voyager and its characters are the property of Paramount. This story does not mean to infringe upon the trademarks or copyrights of Paramount.

EOME is a series of Voyager stories which are based on the premise that the Maquis ship was not destroyed in "Caretaker." Given that there is no name in canon for the Maquis ship, this series calls it "Fides," which is Latin for "Faith."

The order of the EOME series:
Follow the Leader
Casualty and Confession
Food for Thought
Change of Command
Cracks in Time's Mirror
Fides Violare
Fletcher Christian Was in Starfleet
Far From My Home
Judas Kiss Part One
Judas Kiss Part Two
Wi-na-de-ya-ho (A New Day)
A Matter of a Moment
Rumours and Remedies

Please do not distribute without Kath's or Vicki's permission. Thanks.  Many thanks to Sheena for her help with the fictional remedies and to Jen for her editorial thoughts! =)


"...sensors not picking up what we thought was..."

Harry broke off his report, startled, when the door to the conference room opened and Chakotay entered with a fast gait.

"My apologies for being late, Captain," he murmured, taking a seat.

Janeway inclined her head with acknowledgement then signaled Ensign Kim to continue. She wasn't really paying him close attention as she was momentarily distracted by how pleased she was that Chakotay had joined them. Despite improvements in relations between the two crews since the Potlatch, Chakotay had remained aloof. This was the first staff meeting he'd attended without a direct entreaty on her part.

Chakotay sat relaxed in his chair. His gaze and his attention seemed focused on Harry while his mouth was twitching with a smile. So. He'd thrown her off balance then. Good. He enjoyed doing that.

Chakotay didn't have anything to contribute to the meeting. He had come because he was feeling a little too out of touch with things. Reading reports didn't always tell you the full story.

Things were winding down when Tuvok spoke up with an item that made the other department heads groan.

"Captain, we should work on better resource forecasting. I believe our energy usage could be more efficiently maintained if people were more aware of exactly how much they use and for what purpose."

Chakotay pondered asking his crew to forecast and maintain an energy quota. He decided he'd only attempt it if Torres was on the other side of the room.

"That's an interesting idea," Janeway said thoughtfully. "I take it you mean something more than the reports we're already collecting?"

"Captain!" piped up Paris. "With all due respect to Lieutenant Tuvok, I don't think that producing another report is going to help. I think people are acutely aware of our energy shortage." Tom added under his breath, "Every time they go into the mess hall."

Neelix's head snapped up and he was about to protest when Tuvok cut him off.

"I disagree with Mr. Paris. Even if people are aware of the shortage they may not be aware of their own usage."

"I think the Maquis are very aware of their energy consumption," Chakotay put in, trying to hide his amusement. Paris would do anything to get out of writing another report.


Heads swivelled in surprise to stare at Tuvok with astonishment.

"What was that?" asked Neelix, perplexed.

"I seem ::Hic!:: to have acquired ::Hic!:: the hiccups ::Hic!::," stated Tuvok with some difficulty.

"I thought Vulcans didn't get hiccups," Harry said with a frown.

"They don't," Tuvok said. ::Hic!::

"What are hiccups?" asked Neelix.

Tuvok opened his mouth to answer but only ::Hic!:: came out so Kes spoke up softly,

"Hiccups happen when the diaphragm muscle goes into spasm and contracts causing the windpipe to..."


"...make that noise," finished Kes.

"How extraordinary!" said Neelix with fascination. "What causes this? Is it contagious? How do you get rid of them?"

Tuvok fixed him with as stony a Vulcan glare as he could muster in between the ::Hics!::.

"I don't think we know the cause," Kes said, just as Janeway assured Neelix they were not contagious.

"As for getting rid of them," Janeway said, turning to Tuvok, "I've always found holding my breath would do the trick."

"Failing that, drink a glass of water," suggested Carey.

"Better yet," added Harry, "drink it from the opposite side of the glass."

"Water never worked for me," claimed Paris. "But breathing into a paper bag was usually very effective. 'Course, it wasn't always easy to find a paper bag; I usually had to replicate one. I guess that's not really an appropriate use of energy, though, eh Lieutenant?"


"Gentlemen," Janeway said, with a slight edge of warning to her tone. "Thank you. You are dismissed. Please provide departmental energy forecasts for our meeting tomorrow."

The senior staff slowly filed out of the conference room, all levity caused by Tuvok's hiccups seriously deflated by the prospect of resource forecasting. Tuvok was at the end of the line, leaving only Janeway and Chakotay still seated.


"My father taught me an ancient method for curing hiccups," Chakotay told Tuvok.

"Yes, Commander? ::Hic!::"

"Stand on your head and gargle salt water."

"That sounds ::Hic!:: more like an attempt ::Hic!:: at drowning," Tuvok said.

Chakotay barely smothered a smile.

"Well there was always that risk, of course. But your hiccups were gone!"

Tuvok left without a backward glance.

"You are very wicked to tease my first officer that way," Janeway told Chakotay as she tried not to laugh. Chakotay shrugged, not bothering to suppress his amusement any longer.

"I had to say something and all my stock hiccup remedies had already been mentioned."


"Mr. Vulcan! Oh Mr. Vulcan!"

Neelix's piercing voice was impossible for Tuvok to ignore and so he stood stoically waiting for the Talaxian to catch up to him. Neelix was slightly out of breath from his burst of energy.

"What is it that I can do for you, Mr. Neelix?" inquired Tuvok.

"I was wondering what happened with your hiccups," Neelix said.

"Ah," Tuvok began. He should have surmised that Neelix, with his insatiable curiosity, would not have forgotten about his exposure to the Alpha Quadrant affliction. "Using a Vulcan relaxation technique I was able to eradicate them."

Neelix's expression could only be described as disappointment while he patted Tuvok's arm.

"Well. Congratulations," he said, with less enthusiasm than his normal exuberance. "Are you heading to the mess hall? Lunch today is..."

Neelix stopped talking as they rounded a corner and very nearly collided with Commander Chakotay, who appeared to be travelling at a very fast pace. In his hand was a small bunch of wildflowers.

"Hello Commander!" cried Neelix. "You've been down on the planet's surface I see."

Surprisingly, Chakotay looked embarrassed.

"Yes. The away team has just returned now. I thought since the captain didn't get a chance to beam down that I'd bring her a little bit of nature to enjoy."

"Commander, I hope that you had those flowers thoroughly scanned before bringing them aboard. It is possible that they contain...."

"Tuvok!" Chakotay interrupted, annoyed. "They passed through the biofilter with flying colours. Unless Captain Janeway suffers from hay fever, they're totally harmless."

Tuvok did not reply, but managed to look slightly disapproving. Neelix glanced at the two officers as though oblivious to the ever-present tension between them.

"I think it's a very generous gesture on your part, Commander."

Chakotay nodded his thanks to Neelix and continued on his way. He hadn't quite made it beyond earshot before Neelix called after him.

"Commander! I hope you'll join us for dinner this evening! I'm serving Ocampan kibvitsil. Mr. Kim assures me it's just like lasagna."

Chakotay hesitated. He had no reason to be on Voyager for the dinner hour, but Mr. Neelix was very hard to refuse.

"Thanks, Neelix. I wouldn't miss it."

Just before reaching the mess hall, Neelix noticed Tuvok twitch.

"Are you alright, sir?"

::Hic!:: Tuvok replied.

Neelix's eyes widened.

"They're back!"

He guided Tuvok into the crowded dining area.

"You know, I've been doing a bit of research into these hiccups. The database was very informative with a wide variety of remedies."

"Indeed," commented Tuvok.

"For example, did you know that as well as all the ideas suggested yesterday, humans recommend eating a teaspoon of sugar?"


"But I found some of the other Alpha Quadrant races to have the most interesting ideas," continued Neelix. "The Ferengi rub ice on their ear lobes." Neelix frowned. "I gather their lobes are large and rather sensitive."

"You could ::Hic!:: say that," said Tuvok.

"And the Bolians hop counterclockwise on one foot with their hands raised in the air while counting backwards from 100. Sounds like a lot of effort to me!"

"Most things ::Hic!:: worth achieving ::Hic!:: require effort," was Tuvok's thought on that.

"But the most fascinating one I found was the Barkonians who imitate the mating call of the Bardakian pronghorn moose."

Without any warning Neelix threw back his head and howled.


Silence descended on the mess hall as all eyes turned upon them. Tuvok winced.


"What the hell is Neelix up to now?" asked Tom of Harry, as they watched from their table in the corner.

"I have no idea," said Harry, shaking his head. "Tell me more about this new holoproject of yours."

"Well, I'm sure glad the holodecks haven't been affected by the latest crackdown of the energy Gestapo," Tom said.


"Sorry." Tom grinned. "I guess I'm really into my project. It has a 20th century theme. It's great Harry. Wait 'till you see it!"

"Mr. Tuvok," Neelix said, when he had recovered his voice from the moose call. He seemed unaware of the strange looks from the crew. "I'm going to take it on as a personal project to rid you of your hiccups. With all those remedies available there must be one that will work for you!"

"That really ::Hic!:: isn't necessary," Tuvok tried to say, but Neelix wasn't listening.

"I'm sure I have some sugar around here somewhere...."


B'Elanna came to a halt halfway down the sloping aisleway to take a good look around the dimly lit room she found herself in. Upon entering the holodeck she'd already passed through a smaller foyer which held a service counter of some sort. Now she was in a large auditorium with rows of plush seats set on a staggered incline. The walls of the room were a dark colour and were embellished with a subtle gold pattern. The high ceiling boasted an elaborate alabaster molding trimmed in a gleaming metal. At the very front of the room, heavy curtains were parted to reveal only a blank white wall behind.

"Hey B'Elanna, up here!"

Turning around, B'Elanna saw Tom hanging out the window of a small room positioned at the back of the theatre. Adjacent to the door she had come in was a flight of steep stairs leading to additional seating and also up to the room where Tom was.

Tom beckoned her to join him before disappearing from the window. When B'Elanna had sprinted up the stairs and entered the little room she found Tom fitting some sort of wheel shaped object onto an archaic looking contraption.

"So this is the movie theatre?" B'Elanna asked.

"Yup!" Tom replied, pulling a thin ribbon measuring a few centimetres across out from the wheel and fitting it onto a second wheel. "It's an exact replica of the type of 20th century movie theatre that was an integral part of the social culture of the time."

"Nice job," B'Elanna said, not really having a basis for comparison but wanting to compliment Tom on his efforts just the same.

"Thanks." Tom was pleased his work had earned her praise. "Want a preview of the movie?"

"Sure. How exactly does it work?"

Tom grabbed her hand and pulled her from the doorway and over to the window.

"Right now we're in the projection room. This device," he said, pointing at the machine holding the two wheels, "projects the images onto the screen out there." He gestured out the window to the blank wall beyond all the seats.

"Turn it on," B'Elanna said eagerly, curiosity growing over this antiquated form of entertainment which had apparently been a chief recreational activity on Earth for over a century.

Tom dimmed the lights further and then switched on the projector. In a moment, the theatre was filled with orchestral strains and some text began to move along the screen.

"It's two-dimensional?!" B'Elanna said, surprised. She turned from the screen to look to Tom for confirmation.

"Uh huh," he nodded, eyes still drawn to the screen.

"Well what do we do?"

"We watch it."

"That's it?!"

Tom shifted his attention from the movie to B'Elanna for a moment.

"Sure. Just because you can't interact with it doesn't mean you can't enjoy the story."

B'Elanna attempted to focus on the action happening on-screen, where one unusual looking starship was being pursued by another much larger one.

"I really don't see what sort of entertainment people found in this. What if you don't like the movie? You can't alter the parameters of the story in any way!"

"Well," Tom began, eyes lighting with a new idea, the movie momentarily forgotten, "if you don't like the movie, the theatre does have one other feature to recommend it."

He stepped up behind her and wound his arms around her waist.

"What's that?" B'Elanna murmured, enjoying the feeling of his body pressed tight against hers.

"It is nice and dark in here."


When Janeway entered the mess hall, a little later than the usual dining hour, she was surprised to find Chakotay there, sitting by himself in an all but deserted room. She walked towards him. He was drinking from a cup and reading a padd and seemed to be oblivious to his surroundings.

"Chakotay," she said, drawing his attention. "I didn't expect to see you here."

He grinned.

"Let's just say I had a personal invitation from the chef."

Janeway turned, expecting to see Neelix behind the counter. Normally he would have been at her side with a meal the instant she walked in. But Neelix wasn't there.

Chakotay stood and moved into the galley area, gathering up a tray and serving for her with such ease that Janeway knew Kurt Bendera had not been the only cook aboard Fides. She hid a smile.

It wasn't so hard to hide when she looked down at the meal he handed her.

"What is it?" she asked, not sure she really wanted to know.

"Ocampan kibvitsil," he pronounced. "Neelix described it to me as 'lasagna-like' but if he wanted to quote Ensign Kim correctly he should have said 'it's like lasagna without the cheese, or meatloaf without the meat.'"

Chakotay laughed at the dubious expression on Janeway's face.

"It's not as bad as it looks, really."

He sat down with her, content to keep her company while she ate.

"Where is everyone?" she asked, after a few mouthfuls. He was right; it wasn't half-bad. "Where's Neelix?"

"Neelix and, I suspect, most of the off-duty crew are down in holodeck one enjoying a Tom Paris extravaganza," he told her.

"Pool tournament?" she guessed. He shook his head.

"No, it's a new program Paris concocted. Some ancient entertainment venue thing."

Janeway's eyes narrowed. 'Ancient entertainment venue? What was Tom up to? He wouldn't...'

"What sort of entertainment?" she asked suspiciously.

"Some kind of two-dimensional story..." Chakotay broke off his explanation at the look of obvious relief on Janeway's face. "What did you think it was?"

"Well, I don't know, but knowing Tom's reputation..." she stopped and frowned at herself. "No, that's unfair," she said quietly.

"Yes, it is. Or at least, that's what you're always telling me," he pointed out.

"So tell me more about this two-dimensional story." Janeway continued eating.

"It's called a cinema, or movie house, and it was apparently quite popular in the 20th century."

"Of course! The 20th century! I should have guessed because Tom's always been very interested in that era of history," Janeway said.

Chakotay regarded her thoughtfully for a moment. He took another sip from his mug and then asked,

"How long have you known Paris?"

"I first met Tom Paris in a New Zealand penal institution a few days prior to leaving for the Badlands to find you. But I knew of Tom through his father, whom I've known since I was at the Academy. Owen was always very proud of Tom's accomplishments. It is unfortunate that he wasn't so understanding when it came to Tom's failings."

"Judging a man through the eyes of his father is just as dangerous as judging him on his reputation," Chakotay said, a bit sadly. Janeway wondered if he was still referring to Tom Paris.

"Well, what do you say, Kathryn?" Chakotay broke the silence. "Shall we check out this marvel of the past?"

Although she smiled, she shook her head.

"I don't think so. Why spoil their fun by having the captain there?"

"And what about the captain's fun?" he asked.

"Chakotay, you know how it is. The crew can never relax fully if the captain is around," she said.

"No, I don't know that," he said frankly. "On my ship I'm generally invited to all festivities."

She smiled fondly at him.

"Things are different on Fides. You remember what it was like in Starfleet...."

"What I remember," Chakotay interrupted, "is that the captain was only as distant to his or her crew as the captain wanted to be."

"And what I know," he continued when she said nothing, "is that if you intend to keep those pips on 24 hours a day until we reach the Alpha Quadrant, then you're going to be a very lonely person."

Kathryn wasn't sure what made her do it. Perhaps it was the sincerity in his eyes and the frankness of his tone. Perhaps it was that he was probably the only person either ship who would talk with her this way. Perhaps it was his uncanny knack for hitting close to home. She was lonely.

In a swift movement she raised her hand to her neck and plucked the pips from her collar.

"Could you hold onto these for me?" she asked. "I will need them later, but not right now."

He took the pips and put them in his pocket. Standing he reached out for her hand.

"Let's go."


When they entered holodeck one, the movie was just beginning. None of the crew was in sight in the foyer of the cinema. Janeway looked around just enough to notice the detail of Paris's design and then proceeded towards the doors. Chakotay grabbed a bag of popcorn from a stand by the refreshments counter and followed her.

It was so dark in the inner room that he nearly bumped into her. Then a blinding flash of light filled the room from the screen, accompanied by a loud sound from the speakers. Chakotay surveyed the seats and pointed towards the back row, on the side, where no one was sitting.

Even before they sat Janeway's attention was transfixed by the images on the screen. Chakotay, having heard a little about this project from B'Elanna, knew what to expect, but Janeway was unfamiliar with the story.

Leaning into him, she whispered softly in his ear so as not to disturb the others.

"I don't recognize those ships. In what sector does this take place?"

Chakotay surpressed a chuckle and turned to her, whispering equally quietly,

"It's fiction, Kathryn. Remember, this story was written in the late 20th century."

She covered her mouth as though trying not to laugh at herself. Amused at her misunderstanding, and relieved that she was allowing herself some fun, he impulsively took her hand in his. She squeezed his fingers.

Completely engrossed in the story, although obviously not able to suspend her disbelief through all of it, Janeway barely noticed their hands. Every once in awhile she reached over to take some popcorn out of the bag Chakotay held.

It occurred to her at some point, when the popcorn was nearly half gone, that with one hand holding the bag and the other holding her, Chakotay wasn't able to eat any of the snack. Without thinking much about it, she took a few pieces and held them up to his mouth. As he wasn't expecting it, Chakotay fumbled a bit to get the popcorn into his mouth, and only partially succeeded. Janeway tried again, this time with more coordination between them. He nodded his thanks.

Occasionally, she would make some comment about the plot, or the technology, until Chakotay was hard pressed not to laugh out loud.

"Try to enjoy it, scientist. It's a story," he teased her.

As the credits rolled, Janeway was up on her feet and Chakotay followed her quickly out of the holodeck. Even with the pips off, she didn't want to squelch anyone's fun by imposing command protocol on them.

"Thank you Chakotay," she said as they strolled through the corridor. "That was very enjoyable."

"It was amusing," he admitted.

"I just don't see how anyone could possibly think those ships would travel through space! Their propulsion systems were completely unbelievable!"

Chakotay let out a hoot of laughter.

"Kathryn! That story was written at a time when travelling to the moon was considered a major accomplishment. Those ships were merely figments of imagination. Many aspects of 20th century science fiction had no basis in scientific reality. I'm sure that there were many other examples of transportation systems that were even more unbelievable."

"Well, a little common sense could have told them...." She broke off and then laughed at herself. "You're right. Who would have thought you could get so engrossed in a two dimensional story? I can see why it was all the rage for so long."

They reached her quarters.

"Thank you Chakotay. I'm glad you encouraged me to go."

He merely smiled and handed her back her captain's pips.


As Tuvok entered the sickbay he heard a giggle come from Megan Delaney. The doctor was working on Susan Nicolletti who appeared to have injured her ankle in some way.

"Nothing like laughter as the best medicine, eh doc?" said Megan.

Susan merely grimaced as she tried to laugh at her friend's joke.

"Keep this foot elevated, Lieutenant," the doctor told her. He then noticed Tuvok's presence.

"Ah, Mr. Tuvok, are the hiccups back again?" he asked.

"No," Tuvok informed him shortly, "I have come for your resource forecasting report. You did not submit it to the captain."

The doctor sighed.

"It's very difficult for me to forecast resources when I don't know what sort of trouble the captain may be getting us into at any moment. I could end up with many patients I had not anticipated."

"True," admitted Tuvok. "But nonetheless, you could put an effort into it."

The doctor did not want to get his report for Tuvok. He was far more interested in listening to the gossip shared between Megan Delaney and Susan Nicolletti. Being cooped up in sickbay had serious disadvantages; one of them being that he was never too sure what was going on with the crew. It was always a joy to hear about the comings and goings of the officers. Reluctantly he moved away from the biobed and into his office.

Tuvok stood outside the office waiting patiently. The door to sickbay opened and Jenny Delaney entered.

"Hey Susan! Are you OK? I heard you took a bit of a tumble."

"I'm alright," said Susan. "The doc patched it up and we're just waiting for him now."

"I was just telling her," Megan said to her sister, "about Freddy Bristow and his little crush on ..."

"Oh guys!" Susan interrupted, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Have I got a scoop for you!"

Tuvok did not mean to eavesdrop on these women. He had no interest in the gossip of the ship save for learning the mood of the crew, which he would, of course, report to the captain if necessary. Susan had pitched her voice low, so as not to carry across the room. However, she had not taken into account the Vulcan superior sense of hearing, nor Tuvok's innate sense of curiosity.

"You're not going to believe what I saw last night!"

"Well, tell! Tell!" urged Megan.

"Well, you know how Paris was doing that weird 20th century entertainment thing on the holodeck?"

"Oh yeah, the movie," Jenny said. "I thought you didn't go."

"I was there alright," Nicolletti admitted. "But I came in late. And as I was waiting for my eyes to adjust so that I could see if there were any seats left I caught a glimpse of something I could not believe."

"What's that?" asked Megan.

"The captain and Chakotay -- the Maquis captain -- were sitting together."

"There's nothing unusual about that," started Jenny. "I mean after all ...."

"No, no, no, no," Susan interrupted. "I mean they were sitting together if you know what I mean."

"Oh," said Megan as realization dawned.

"I see," said Jenny at the same time.

"But still," started Megan.

"They were holding hands," Susan told them.

"Really!" said Jenny.

"And the captain gave him a passionate kiss!"

"Our captain? Captain Janeway?"

"Then, she started feeding him popcorn, sensually. And he was licking her fingers..."

"You are joking with us," interrupted Jenny, her jaw dropping with amazement. Tuvok could see it plainly in the reflection on the glass window of the doctor's office.

"Hey! Would I make something like this up?" protested Nicolletti. "I'm telling you they were all over each other. And just before the movie ended they quickly left together so they wouldn't be seen by the crowd. I was afraid to move in case they noticed I was there!"

"Here you are Mr. Tuvok," the doctor said, coming out of his office and handing him a padd. Tuvok was a little startled by the doctor's sudden appearance. "I trust that will meet with the captain's approval?

The three women by the biobed stopped talking and dissolved into giggles.

"Indeed doctor, I'm sure it will," said Tuvok, turning and exiting the sickbay.

It wasn't until he reached the turbolift and called for the bridge that the first ::Hic!:: appeared again.


The following day Tuvok rounded the corner on deck 7, intent on heading to Stellar Cartography. His mind was calculating the effects of the change in course recommended by Mr. Paris based on the latest data from their long-range sensors.

Suddenly, from out of the cross-junction with section C, Neelix jumped, landing in a squat pose in front of Tuvok.

"BAAAWAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" bellowed Neelix while flailing his arms and shaking his head like a madman.

Tuvok raised an eyebrow.

"Mr. Neelix," ::Hic!:: "are you unwell?"

Neelix stood up with a perplexed look.

"Didn't it work?" he asked, disappointed.


"Didn't what work?" asked Tuvok.

"Scaring you. According to humans it is a moderate to effective cure for hiccups."


"Apparently this time the effects were less than moderate," commented Tuvok dryly.

"Oh well," Neelix said, tapping his mouth with his hand as he thought.

Just as Tuvok moved to continue his journey down the corridor Neelix swung around and planted a fist into Tuvok's midsection.

"Omph! OUCH!"

Tuvok looked down at the Talaxian, now cradling a sore hand. The shock of the blow had reverberated all along Neelix's arm. He had no idea Vulcan stomachs were so ... hard.

"Are you alright?" inquired Tuvok, sounding faintly like perhaps he hoped Neelix wasn't.

"Fine, fine, right as rain," gasped Neelix, wincing.

"I take it that was another famous cure," Tuvok said, as he leaned down to grasp Neelix's good arm to guide him towards a turbolift.

"Yes," wheezed Neelix, "Klingon."

"I should have known," murmured Tuvok.



"In the future, Mr. Neelix, try not to bend your wrist when punching someone," was the doctor's advice.

"Thank you, Doctor," Neelix said.

"Neelix, what were you thinking? Why would you hit Tuvok?" asked Kes, distressed.

"I was just trying to help him with his hiccups," Neelix explained. "B'Elanna Torres told me that a swift blow to the stomach always works for her."

"Still having hiccup problems?" the doctor asked Tuvok. The Vulcan looked slightly uncomfortable.

"Yes." ::Hic!::

"Let me get you another muscle relaxant," suggested Kes.

"You know," she continued as she applied the hypospray, "it's not uncommon for muscle spasms like hiccups to recur, sometimes several times, before disappearing altogether."

"You might try increasing your intake of calcium and potassium," spoke up the doctor from his computer console. "A mineral deficiency can sometimes cause muscle spasms."

"Thank you. I will take that ::Hic!:: under advisement," Tuvok acknowledged stiffly.

"Kes, sweeting, are you going to bring me some of the fresh greens from hydroponics? I should get started on dinner. The early crowd will be off shift soon." Neelix stood from the biobed and flexed his newly healed hand.

"I'm sorry Neelix. I meant to bring you the vegetables earlier but I was trying to avoid the garden for a little while," Kes told him with a sly smile.

"Why would you avoid your own garden?" asked Neelix.

"Well...the captain and Commander Chakotay were in there earlier talking, and I didn't want to disturb them. You know how hard it is to find some privacy on the ship," Kes explained.

"Ah, yes, I see." Neelix grinned and patted her arm. "Any time with the veggies, sweeting, any time." He winked.

"Come on Mr. Vulcan," he called cheerfully to Tuvok. "Your hiccups are gone and my hand feels as good as new. And may I say, you are in extremely good shape! Excellent! To have a stomach so hard...." Neelix patted his own rotund form with both hands. "Well, I've got a ways to go."

They exited the sickbay together and continued down the hall with Neelix chattering on about Talaxian calisthenics.

In a brief respite to the deluge of alien exercise techniques a small sound escaped Tuvok's lips.


Neelix's eyes widened with surprise.

"Again Mr. Vulcan? This is bad."

Tuvok said nothing. They entered a turbolift.

"Perhaps we're going about this the wrong way," mused Neelix.

"What do you mean?" asked Tuvok after a moment, his curiosity getting the better of him.

"Perhaps your hiccups aren't being caused by something physical. Maybe they are the symptom of something psychological."

"I think that highly ::Hic!:: unlikely," said Tuvok with a frown.

"Well, no, let's not dismiss this right away," said Neelix, pondering. "When did they first appear?"

"At the senior staff meeting three days ago."

"Yes, yes, I remember that meeting. We were discussing the modifications to the sensors and energy resources and Commander Chakotay came late."

"That is correct," Tuvok agreed.

"Then they returned when I saw you on the way to lunch and we passed Commander Chakotay with those flowers for the captain. Very thoughtful of him, don't you think?"

::Hic!:: was Tuvok's only reply.

"When did you get them next?" asked Neelix.

"After I had picked up the doctor's report from sickbay yesterday," Tuvok told him.

"Was there anyone else around?"

"Lieutenant Nicolletti was having some treatment done on her ankle. She was talking with Ensigns Delaney."

"Gossiping were they?" guessed Neelix, thinking about the tale he'd heard Jenny Delaney recounting in the Mess Hall later that day.

"Yes, I believe they were."

"Mr. Vulcan, I have the answer! You are having a psychosomatic reaction to the captain's relationship with Commander Chakotay!" pronounced Neelix as he exited the turbolift. "Now, what can we do about that?" he wondered, apparently unaware that Tuvok had remained on the lift and was now on another deck.


Chakotay walked out of transporter room one with a scowl darkening his features. He felt like he'd just been through a war. It wasn't often that he and B'Elanna resorted to such volume when discussing ship's business, however trying to get the resource forecasting report out of her had proven to be as difficult as he had first imagined.

In the end she had thrown a hyperspanner at him, narrowly missing his head, and after ducking he had resorted to raising his voice. It was very hard to pull rank on a ship where was no hierarchy, but Chakotay's authority was usually not questioned. Certainly never when he used his voice as a weapon.

Now he felt like he'd won the battle but lost the war as B'Elanna had only grudgingly given him the report and with a look that said the next one would be just as difficult to obtain.

"Commander, may I have a word with you?" Tuvok's voice spoke behind him in the corridor.

Chakotay turned reluctantly. It didn't help that resource forecasting had been Tuvok's idea in the first place. However, politeness dictated that he greet the Vulcan with respect.

"Yes, Lieutenant, what can I do for you?"

"I was wondering if I might speak with you about a personal matter," Tuvok said.

Chakotay was surprised. Tuvok had never struck him as the type to seek advice on personal matters and certainly Chakotay would not have considered himself one of Tuvok's confidantes.

"What's on your mind, Tuvok?" he asked, as the two strode down the corridor. "I was just on my way to take the captain a report."

"It is about the captain," Tuvok said. "I would like to inquire as to your intentions towards her."

Chakotay was flabbergasted. He could not have been more surprised if Tuvok had pulled out a phaser and shot him.


"It has come to my attention that you and Captain Janeway have been developing a rather close friendship. I am concerned that this could affect the morale of the crew and perhaps be a breach of protocol that could affect the running of this ship."

"I can't believe you," Chakotay said, shaking his head. He didn't know whether to be amused or angry. Unfortunately, his anger was already near the surface due to his fight with B'Elanna earlier. "It's not really any of your goddamn business!" he snapped.

"I beg to differ," Tuvok said, "as the smooth running of this ship is under my jurisdiction and Captain Janeway is a close personal friend."

"As a friend, I don't think she would appreciate you sticking your nose in where it doesn't belong," Chakotay said. "I don't have to answer to you. I don't have to answer to anybody. My relationship with Captain Janeway is between Captain Janeway and me and nobody else, including you, has anything to do with it! Do you understand me?"

Unfortunately, Tuvok wasn't nearly as intimidated when Chakotay raised his voice as were the members of the Maquis.

"Commander, if your intentions are not honourable towards the captain there will be serious consequences."

Chakotay leaned in towards the Vulcan.

"What are you going to do, Tuvok? Throw me in the brig?"

It happened so quickly that Chakotay could not have said later what exactly occurred. One minute he was leaning menacingly towards Tuvok, the next he was flat on his back gasping for breath. Tuvok leaned over him.

"I am the first officer of Voyager and the chief of security. It is my business that this ship runs according to proper procedure and protocol. It is my business that the captain be able to carry out her duties without distraction. And if that should require throwing you in the brig I will not hesitate to do so."

Chakotay got to his feet slowly.

"If you think that I am going to do anything to dishonour your captain, or breach protocol, or prevent her from doing her duty to this ship, then you really don't know me at all. You surprise me Tuvok. After all this time, I would have thought you'd know me better."

He handed his padd to Tuvok.

"Please take this to Captain Janeway. You are going to meet with her about resource forecasting I presume? That is Torres's predictions for Fides."

Then he turned without another word. Tuvok said nothing to stop him.


Janeway had just about everything prepared for the meal by the time Chakotay arrived. He entered the room cautiously, as though he was a little nervous about being there.

"Chakotay." She smiled at him. "I expected to see you earlier today with your report."

"Uh, well, I bumped into Tuvok and he graciously offered to deliver it for me," Chakotay lied.

"We're having a meeting tomorrow about resources. I trust you'll attend?"

"Of course, Captain," he replied formally.

He stood awkwardly, staring out the viewport, feeling a bit uneasy about the conversation he'd had with Tuvok earlier. Conversation! If you could call it that! His back was still feeling sore from the way Tuvok had thrown him to the ground. Not to mention his ego. They were both lucky there hadn't been any witnesses to that.

So far away from home and from the norms of the Alpha Quadrant the last thing Chakotay had expected to run into was a surrogate father, or older brother, for Kathryn. Tuvok played the part well, though, he had to admit. And Chakotay wasn't feeling so secure that Tuvok's confrontation hadn't unnerved him a little.

Janeway could see Chakotay was uneasy and sought to break the tension by directing him towards the table.

"Come. Sit down. I've got everything ready for us."

He sat opposite her at the table and looked down at the meal.

"No worries, I replicated everything. I wouldn't subject you to my cooking just yet." Janeway chuckled.

Chakotay managed a small smile.

"I'm sure it wouldn't be so bad," he murmured.

Hoping to put him more at ease Janeway lifted her wineglass.

"Here's to ..."

Hastily Chakotay picked up his glass and looked at her expectantly.

"Here's to our people, Chakotay," she said with a smile.

"Here's to our people," he echoed.

They clinked glasses and drank and he looked at his plate again unwilling to look her in the face. Janeway, mistaking his state of mind as shyness in their intimate setting, chatted away to him about ship's business. She hoped that the professional topic would take his mind off the fact that they were having dinner in her quarters.

Chakotay only half heard the words that she was speaking while he ate without tasting the meal. He glanced across the table at this woman who had come to mean so much to him. How had it happened, he wondered, that this woman, sent to arrest him, had become such an important part of his life? He couldn't even put his finger on when it had first occurred.

"Chakotay, you haven't been listening to a word I've been saying," she chided him gently.

"No, I suppose I haven't," he admitted with a small smile. "My apologies, Kathryn."

"What's on your mind?"

She reached across the table and squeezed his fingers. It was a gentle touch, and one familiar to them, so she was surprised when he pulled his hand away.

"What's the matter?" She tried again. "Come on. Talk to me."

"It's...it's nothing. It's silly really." Chakotay was uncomfortable talking to her about Tuvok.

"Try me."

"Well, I, uh, I had a bit of a, uh, discussion with Tuvok earlier," he began warily, wondering if Tuvok had spoken to Janeway about what had happened. But she stared back at him blankly making him realize that Tuvok had said nothing about their confrontation.

"About the resources?" she asked. "Was Tuvok not impressed with your report?"

"No, no, it wasn't the resources that concerned him. It was you."

"Me?" she asked, surprised.

"Well, you and me, actually," Chakotay clarified. "As in, you and me together."

The look on Janeway's face was so unfamiliar to Chakotay that he had a hard time recognizing it at first. But when she came suddenly to her feet he realized what it was. Anger.

"Of all the nerve!" she spluttered. "What did he say? What did he do?"

"It's not really that important." Chakotay tried to back away from the subject. "He was just concerned about protocol. You know Tuvok. Always the stickler for procedure, right?"

"He's really gone too far this time," Janeway said, moving towards the door.

Chakotay came to his feet hastily.

"Kathryn, wait! There's no need to talk to him about this. He and I just had a difference of opinion. It's not the first time and it probably won't be the last. If he wasn't Vulcan I'd say he was reacting emotionally. He's just trying to protect someone about whom he cares very much. However frustrated I get with him, I'll never be able to fault his loyalty to you."

"You. Sit down! Eat!" she ordered in her best command tone, so forcefully that he sat without saying another word. Obviously, he wasn't the only one who knew how to use his voice to get what he wanted.


Tuvok had just finished meditating, sitting cross-legged on the floor of his quarters, calmly reflecting on the fact that the Bajoran meditation and incense had finally rid him of his hiccups. He believed that his altercation with Commander Chakotay earlier in the day had been beneficial in making his point known to the Maquis leader. He thought perhaps that had also helped, particularly if Mr. Neelix's theory was correct.

His door beeped at him and almost before he called it to open Janeway shot into the room as though launched from a torpedo bay.

"I have one thing to say to you, mister!" she said, practically towering over him as he remained seated on the floor. "BUTT OUT of my personal life."

"Captain?" Tuvok asked, a bit puzzled.

"My friendship with Commander Chakotay is none of your business and I will not have you harassing him, or me, or anyone else about it. It does not concern you." Janeway began to pace.

"I beg to differ Captain. Anything that could affect this ship, or this ship's security is not only my concern, but my responsibility." Tuvok stood to face her.

"I don't see how my friendship with Commander Chakotay could possibly have any effect on ship's security." Janeway's posture was challenging, her hands planted on her hips and her eyes cold. Tuvok was beginning to feel like an ensign being dressed down for being late.

"Might I remind you, Captain, that he is a wanted criminal..."

"Might I remind you, Lieutenant," interrupted Janeway, "that it is thanks to him and his crew that we have allies in this quadrant helping us along the way home. And might I remind you, Lieutenant," she stressed his rank with a snap, "that it is thanks to his ship and crew that Voyager is in one piece right now. As far as his criminality is concerned, that is a bridge best crossed when we get to it. He has committed no crime here in the Delta Quadrant, but rather he is our ally, and my friend. And you, my friend, had better accept that."

She turned and walked away, as quickly as she'd entered, leaving Tuvok to stare at the door with some dismay. It had not been his intention to upset the captain by speaking to Chakotay about their relationship. In fact, he had been merely seeking to rid himself of the hiccups.


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