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The Mind of  W. Kite

The Cosmic Mind Or Life Within The Force

(A Theory To Consider)

by William L. Kite


Since the first remote ancestor of modern man stepped out from the cave into the light of day, he has sought to understand how and why he came to be. He has likewise asked the questions, "Is death really the end of me, or is there something yet beyond this life?" These two questions have given rise over the centuries to much thought and discussion, and to the many different religious beliefs that we all know today, as well as many that have long ago faded from the memory of mankind. Early man believed in many Gods, each having their own realm to rule over. Somewhere along the way the idea of one God became the most widely accepted view and that is where most religions stand today.
This theory is not a religion, and it is not meant to replace religion for those who have faith in any of the known religions. It is meant for those who find they cannot believe in the known religions. It is for those whose minds cannot accept on faith alone the word of God as written by the hand of man himself.
This theory is put forth in the hope that it will find its way to the many who are searching for something that makes more logical sense than most religious writings do. Something that does not conflict with itself with the turning of every page, or the writings of one book versus another. So if you do not have an open mind about such things, you need not read any farther. However, if you have ever had a hard time believing some of the things the various religions teach then perhaps you are one of those that this theory is meant for. If you do read on, do so with this in mind, It is not a religion, and I do not seek to build it into one, for I have no desire to become the leader of a new order of religion. It is what I have come to believe over a lifetime of thought about the universe, and man's place in it.


~~ In The Beginning ~~

It is said that the best place to start is at the beginning, but that is very hard to do with this theory, for in this theory there was no beginning, and there shall be no end. Sound somewhat outlandish to you at first, does it? I can understand that, for we are all taught from an early age that everything has a beginning, and an ending. But what if that is not the truth at all? I shall attempt to explain why I believe the old thinking to be wrong.
If we are to believe that the universe began with the big bang, then we must surly ask the question, What was before that? How can something come forth out of nothing? There had to be something right! We are told by science that there was only a singularity, now if we believe that to be true, we now have prove that there was something before the so called beginning, so now we are faced with the question, what was before that? For once more we must ask, how could the singularity have come forth out of nothing? So now we must seek to find what was before that, and then what was before what was before that, and so on back into infinity. Suddenly the idea of no beginning seems to become much more logical. And if there was no beginning it must follow that there is no real ending as well.
Let us now look at the facts about the universe, as we know it. There are, I believe, only two states of existence in the universe that we know, energy, and matter. Everything that we know of fits into one of these two states of being. Now we must ask ourselves which came first, Energy, or Matter? For the answer to that question we shouldn't have to look very hard. We know that all matter can be converted to energy, there for there is energy locked into all matter, in fact one can think of matter as stored energy. So now we must conclude that in reality matter is really just energy in a, solid, liquid, or gaseous from. It would seem that the only real difference between pure energy, and matter is that the former is not something one can see with their eyes, for it is the power of The Force that moves the universe.
Energy is what drives the universe, it is what makes up all matter within the universe, and it is The Force that makes it all work. But as with any force, energy must have a control mechanism to keep it from running wild, and out of control. I have chosen to call that control mechanism The Cosmic Mind.
This Cosmic Mind is the intelligence that holds The Force in check, but I believe it is much more than just a control mechanism. It is I think the key to the eternity of the universe, and all that is in it, or ever will be in it. Even we humans can find eternity within the Cosmic Mind, and live on past the life we now know within The Force. To understand how this can be we must look at what the Cosmic Mind is, it is made of energy, pure energy. A state of existence that does not rely on matter, for there must always be enough pure energy to maintain control over the matter in the universe, other wise chaos would ensue, and disrupt the order of the universe itself.
This Cosmic Mind is the computer that tracks and records everything, for in order for it to maintain control it needs to know where every bit of matter in the universe is at all times, and what state it is in as well as all states it has been in as matter. Likewise the Cosmic mind must track all free energy in the universe, and record it as well. When The Force needs free energy to use, the Cosmic Mind must know where to find it, and how to feed it to The Force in whatever quantities might be required to do the task at hand. It is this recording of all things that the Cosmic Mind must do that I believe gives hope for us, and everything else that there can be an eternity within the Cosmic Mind, and the energy of The Force. From this point on you must prepare yourself for some radically new thinking, and a new concept of life after the death of the body. Life within the safety of The Cosmic Mind, and the eternity of The Force, Life everlasting.


Matter or Energy,
Which are we?

The body of course is made up of matter that for a limited time has the ability to regenerate itself, and remain a living entity. It is the biological vessel that carries us across the sea of this state of existence we call life. But we are more than just matter; we are energy as well. The body is our physical being, but there is more to us that matters, than just matter. Our thoughts, and our memories, our hopes, and our dreams makeup our energy being. For in our brain all of these exist only as energy, for they are the product of our brain waves which are nothing more than electro - magnetic impulses that produce our thoughts which are energy, and unlike the biological body, they cannot die. A thought, once born, lives forever, for once free from the matter of the brain that gave it birth, it becomes free energy, and is stored within the data bank of the Cosmic Mind for eternity. Because no two brains put out thoughts on exactly the same wave link, and frequency, they are sorted, and stored in the same file as all other thoughts from that same brain. Once they become a part of the pure energy of the Cosmic Mind they are able to merge, and generate new thoughts, just the way they do within our own brain while we are alive. Thus they are stored in two places for us to use later on, in the memory cells of our own living brain where we can use them as a bases to form new thoughts, and within the Cosmic Mind where they can do the same thing, now, and forever.
It is said that we all have two minds, our conscious mind, and our subconscious mind. Might it be that our subconscious mind is really our little part of the Great Cosmic Mind, and that because the same brain gave birth to the base of thoughts in both, we are able to link to our own part of the Cosmic Mind even while we live in this life. When our conscious mind in this life is unable to find the answers we need, perhaps we unknowingly linkup with our other mind within the Cosmic Mind where every thought we have ever had has been working to create new thoughts the same way our body based mind has. There is one big difference here though that we must not fail to see. Our body based mind has at its disposal, only what it has known in this life. Whereas our Cosmic Mind counter part has at its disposal every thought that has ever excised, from every living brain that ever excised because it is a part now of the one Great Cosmic Mind of the universe itself.
We might even want to look here at the possibility that our Cosmic Subconscious Mind would not only have access to all the thoughts that have ever been, but to all other data stored within the Cosmic mind as well. Remember that the Cosmic Mind has recorded everything within the universe. If the link were strong enough between our Matter based living mind, and our energy based Cosmic Subconscious mind, we could find the answer to any question or the solution to any problem by way of our cosmic connection. At any rate, when we hear someone say that the thought just came to him or her from out of the blue, they really may not be so far off about that at all.
Now that we have seen that we are much more than just organic matter we can look at how we might find life beyond the body within the Cosmic Mind. For those who may think such a life would not be like the Heaven spoken of in most religions, prepare yourselves for a pleasant surprise.


Life Within The Cosmic Mind

To the Cosmic Mind everything is to precious to be allowed to perish for all time. Nothing that has ever been has ever been lost from the universe, for if it once was, it still is within the record of the Great Cosmic Mind. For those who fear that their individually might somehow be lost within the Cosmic Mind I would say this. A Mind that is so intent on saving the individuality of something as seemly unimportant as each snow flake that has ever excised so as to keep there from ever being another one exactly like it, is a mind that could not, or would not let a thinking being be lost for all time. When a snow flake joins the others already on the ground, and is no longer a snow flake, it does not perish forever, for though its time was short indeed, The Cosmic Mind will never let it die within its memory. That for a snowflake is immortality. For us, I believe it is less work for the Cosmic Mind, as we are thinking beings, and all we really need to obtain immortality is a place to store our every thought for eternity. The snowflake was unaware of its own existence, so the Cosmic Mind must record its every detail into its memory so that it shall never be lost. All the Cosmic Mind need do for us is to give us a safe place to store our thoughts where they will never be destroyed, given that, all that we were will always be, and through the memory of the Cosmic Mind we can see ourselves, and all others as they were in this life. For like the snowflake, time is short for the body, yet it to finds immortality within the memory of the Cosmic Mind.
While you live this life as an organic matter based being, your energy based Subconscious Mind is already preparing your place in eternity within the Cosmic Mind, where you will become part of the everlasting Force that is the universe itself.
But without eyes, how will I see, without ears, how will I hear, and without the body, how will I be able to feel anything at all? These are all questions that are really very easy to answer. Your mind can already do all of these things for you even in this life you are living. If you have ever had a dream, then you should know that your mind can see, hear, and feel without even using the body at all. Our dreams are nothing more or less than our thoughts, and so if the thoughts live on, then we live on. Only our bodies die, but they are recorded forever within the Cosmic Mind, so once we find the thoughts of a loved one, an old friend or even the thoughts of someone we never knew in life, we will see them as they were, we shall hear their voice as it was, and we will be able to touch them just as we could have done while living. Better yet, because everything about ourselves, and all others is recorded, we could not only see them as they were at the last of their matter based form, but we could see them as they were at any time in that life, for it is all there within the records of the Cosmic Mind. I envision life after death within the Cosmic Mind as not just the replaying of all that has been, but the knowing of all that will be as well. Once free from the burden of the body, and the worries, and concerns of our mortal life, I believe we will be able to grow as beings.
If one were an evolutionist it could be seen as the next step in our evolutionary chain as an individual. Once within the safety of the Cosmic Mind one would have access to not only the thoughts of those already passed on, but the thoughts of all those still living as well. Our Own minds insatiable thirst for knowledge, and understanding would now reside within The Force itself, and have at its disposal all that is known, but that would not be the end of it. The universe is ever changing, and for eternity there will be new things to both observe, and learn. I can think of no place better for a thinker to be for eternity. To see your Grandfather as a child, or your Grandmother as a young women. To trade thoughts with the great minds of the past, to understand at last all the things you never could get right in your own mind before. I truly see the possibilities of being within the Cosmic Mind and therefore a part of the Force, as being as limitless as the boundaries of nothing less than the universe itself.
Once part of the Cosmic Mind, we will come to understand all those things that were never really clear to us before, we will learn the answers to all the questions ever ask, for all that is, or ever has been will be revealed to us. And it doesn't stop there, for we will come to know all that is yet to be as well. I believe there is nothing to lose, and the knowledge of the universe to be gained for us as part of the Cosmic Mind.
There is one thing lacking in the way the Cosmic Mind works that seems to be a part of most religions we know, and that is the day of judgement. For the Cosmic Mind makes no judgement at all. To it everything is worth saving, nothing is cast out, for the Cosmic Mind sees both Heaven, and Hell for what they really are, just the thoughts of humans. Within the Cosmic Mind Tyrant, and Saint share the same eternity.
Now to some that might not sound like such a good idea, but perhaps we should look to see why it has to be that way. If energy cannot die, and all thoughts are energy, then all thoughts live forever. The Cosmic Mind does not discriminate as to the good or evil of a thought. To the Cosmic mind all thoughts are energy, and as it must keep track of all energy it does so. Also, because the Cosmic Mind is intelligent, it knows that to punish those who as yet have no understanding of the wrong they have done would be just plain cruel, and that those who do know the wrong they have done will have eternity to punish themselves in there own thoughts. Perhaps to the Cosmic Mind that is more punishment than it could ever give out anyway.
I myself find this to make more scene than can be seen in a God who created us with all the flaws we have, and then makes us stand, and wait at Heaven's gate, to be judged by this same God, based on the very flaws He built into us. But then there is much that I see as making little if any scene at all, in the teachings of most religious beliefs. What is this constant obsession of the Gods of most religions for praise from their followers? To a God who created all that is, what possible value could praise from that which it created have? Why would one race of humans it created be viewed as the chosen ones, and all others viewed as being of somewhat lesser value to it? Why did God reveal himself onto Moses but not onto Pharaoh? That might have gotten results a lot faster, and without the death of so many on both sides. Why would God find it necessary to wipe out all of mankind except for the members of one family, so that they could repopulate the Earth? Why not just wipe out all of them, and start over with a new punch that might prove more to His liking. Are we to believe He had forgotten how to create humans?
Unlike the Gods of most religions, The Cosmic Mind, which is not a God, nor affiliated with any religion, makes no judgement, hands out no punishment, and denies not one thing its place in the eternity of the universe. Instead it welcomes everyone, and everything into itself as part of The Force.


Some Last Questions

Here I must answer some last questions that are sure to be asked sooner or later.

Q. What about those born with something wrong, those who's mind did not work properly, or perhaps not at all for whatever reason; say they were born without the ability to think as most do, or their thoughts were not discernible by others. Where do they fit into the Cosmic Mind, and The Force?

A. Even though they do not think as others do they would still have a place within the Cosmic Mind. The record of their thoughts would be like a computer file with unreadable data in it or nothing at all in it, and the record of their body would be recorded with a link to their thought file so that even though they were not able to think, they too would have their eternity, for the Cosmic Mind leaves no one behind, nor cast no one out for any reason.

Q. Why does the Cosmic Mind care not about the good or evil of the thoughts it stores forever?

A. The Cosmic Mind does not see things as good or evil, right or wrong; it see only Energy and Matter. Within The Force there is no difference between the energy of good thoughts, and the energy of evil thoughts. Likewise there is no difference between the matter of the body of a good person, and the matter of the body of an evil person. All must be recorded the same if nothing is to be lost, and remember that in this theory nothing has ever been lost from the universe.

Q. Is the Cosmic Mind an intelligent being?

A. That it has intelligence is for certain; that is a being in any sense of what we humans know as a being, is hard to say, for most cannot conceive a being of pure energy, and that is what the Cosmic Mind is made of.

Q. Does the Cosmic Mind consider itself God?

A. The Cosmic Mind is selfless, therefore it does not consider itself at all, much less as a God. It considers only the job it must do. It is the brain of The Force that drives the universe, and the bookkeeper of all that has been, is now, and of all that will ever be.

Q. What does the Cosmic Mind demand of us as humans?

A. Nothing at all. Remember, it is not a God, and therefore does not need the praise of humans, nor anything else for that matter from us.

Q. What if I cannot believe in this Cosmic Mind?

A. Then you cannot, you need not have any fear. The Cosmic Mind cares not if you believe in it or not. When the time comes it will welcome you into it just the same as if you did believe. The answer to the Question above works well here too.

Q. What if the theory is wrong and there is no Cosmic Mind at all?

A. Then all will be lost in time, and death may really be the end of us. As for myself, I shall believe in the Cosmic Mind for it comforts me to believe there will not be an end to me.


Wrapping It Up

Well, this then is the theory of The Cosmic Mind. As Ripley said, "believe or not!" It is really up to you to decide for yourself. If you believe that thoughts die, then you cannot believe in this theory, but if you believe thoughts cannot die then you may be able to accept it.

By now you either see the logic of it all as I do, or you think I am the maddest of mad men for putting it out there for you to read. As I am not a man who can believe in nothing at all, yet cannot accept any of the religions that are known to me, this is my belief. To those of you who can accept it I hope it will bring to you the peace of mind that it has brought to me.

May The Force Be With You Always

May You Live Forever Within the Cosmic Mind


I would like to thank the following people:

My good friend Vic Fenton of Empangeni, South Africa,
for his questions, that have made me answer by putting it all down on paper.

Vic’s wife Paula, for the snowflake analogy.
I believe it is as poetically beautiful as it is profound in thought.

Most of all I wish to thank my two cousins
Michael Fisher, now residing in the Cosmic Mind as a part of The Force
Timothy A. Fisher for the three of us spent a great deal of time talking of this very idea some 35 + years ago, when we were all much younger men.


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