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Peace Day in South Africa

Give the old South Africans their due,
They ruled with precepts that were true,
Allowing each race and each creed
To plant and to reap from each seed.

As oil and water cannot be mixed,
So it is also true for every race;
The boundaries were long ago fixed
And has been, ever since, the case.

Yet now, as a perversion of nature,
Some try to forge such a mixture,
Thinking some improvement will bring
To the natural balance of everything.

Blue ribbons, work stoppages and the like,
Or the singing of silly songs on the mike
Are just pathetic efforts and illusion
Of a demented few, to sow confusion.

For nature will not be mocked,
Genetic codes remain interlocked
In orderly form and correct places,
Differentiating trends between the races.

For some are bright and inventive,
Others are dull and destructive,
Some are truthful, others lie.
The only common thing they have - they all die.

Empangeni, 1993.

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