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More fun facts about the Chinese Culture!
Welcome to Even More Fun Facts! Here, we explain a little bit about the Chinese number system, as well as a few inventions, and more. Take a look around!
These are the numbers from one to ten written in Chinese.
Chinese numbers, up to the number "99", are made up of these ten words. For example, if you were to write the number "45", you would write the words "four", "ten", and "five". The number "16" would be "ten" and "six". Zero, one hundred, one thousand, and one million use other words. All numbers with two digits can be written using these words.
The Chinese have invented quite a few useful things. One thing that the Chinese invented is paper. The inventor of paper was Ts'ai Lun. He was said to have made the first paper by breaking down bamboo, rags, and fishnets in water into fibres, then lifting them out on a flat screen. This left a thin, flat sheet of paper.

Other things that the Chinese invented include compasses and fireworks.
Feng Shui
Zodiacs & Signs
Mid-Autumn Festival
Chinese New Year
Fun Facts
Traditionally in the Chinese Culture, people who are your elders must be respected. Children must always obey their parents, and must take care of them when they grow older. Parents must be respected, never talked back to, or disobeyed by their children, because parents are the reason that the children are born and alive. Children must take care of their parents because their parents loved and raised their children for so many years.
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