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In this picture, Alec Baldwin knows better than to say anything bad about Steven Seagal's jacket, as an ass-kicking will no doubt follow.  Besides, there is nothing wrong with the jacket if Steven Seagal says so.
Sometimes when someone is about to kill something, Steven Seagal will show up unexpectedly to make sure they're doing it right.  He likes to know that people are achieving things to their full potential.
Quite often when Steven Seagal is making one of his KILLER movies, the director will come up and say, "Excuse me, Steven Seagal, but could you show me how to make this movie the best ever?"

Naturally, Steven Seagal is happy to oblige.
For those that don't already know, Steven Seagal invented music one day after he ate a grapefruit.
Steven Seagal likes to play limbo when he's not KICKING PEOPLE'S ASSES!  Which isn't very often, because there's a lot of people that need their ass kicked.
"The name's Bond...James Bond."  There is only one actor who can convincingly play Bond, and that's Steven Seagal!
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