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    I have breastfed all four of my children. It was a wonderful and fulfilling part of caring for them. I found that the sites below will have more to offer in terms of information than what I would be able to put together.
"The #1 site for breastfeeding information, support and attitude."

La Leche League
"The La Leche League International mission is: To help mothers worldwide to breastfeed through mother-to-mother support, encouragement, information, and education and to promote a better understanding of breastfeeding as an important element in the healthy development of the baby and mother."
The National Womens Health Information Center

Nanny�s Breastfeeding Corner
"If you�re pregnant and undecided about bottle or breastfeeding, please read some of the information here (either as part of Nanny�s Place or as links to outside resources) and discover the benefits of this wonderful substance we produce to nourish our babies."

A Woman's Guide to Breastfeeding-AAP
"If you have never breastfed before � and even if you have � it is natural to have some questions. For instance, you may be wondering if your breasts can make enough milk to feed your baby or if you can keep nursing after you go back to work. (The answer to both questions is "Yes!") This information was developed by the American Academy of Pediatrics to help answer your questions and give you information about the following breastfeeding issues:

why breastfeeding is so good for your baby and you.
the first feeding.
nursing after the first feeding.
medications, illnesses, and other special situations.
breastfeeding after you go back to work.
weaning your baby from the breast."

Breastfeeding Your Baby

� Breastfeeding Basics
� Problems & Solutions
� Special Situations
� Pumping & Expressing
� Extended Breastfeeding & Weaning
Breastfeeding Index: A must see!
"I've developed this website to provide evidence-based information on breastfeeding, sleep and attachment parenting. I hope that my articles are helpful and encouraging."

Breastfeeding Basics
"Breastfeeding Basics is an academic, non-commercial, short course on the fundamentals of breastfeeding. It is geared primarily for the medical practitioner, although anyone is welcome to browse or take the course."

Breastfeeding Crafts
This site has nursing shirts, baby slings, menstrual pads, nursing pillow, nursing bra, diaper bag, mobil, toddler bed sheets patterns that you can make yourself. I have personally sewn the breastfeeding pillow. It came out great. See a picture here. I have also converted my regular bras into nursing bras.
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