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Preparing for a Home Birth
    These are the items that I had for my unassisted birth, some that I wished I had later, and some others have had. You may want a water birth, which would make some items useless. Just get the things you want to have. You in no way need this entire list to have your baby. Most of this is for convience.

Plastic cover: you could buy a shower curtain from a dollar store.
Paper and pen: for jotting down things you want to remember.
Clock or watch: if you want to record time baby is born.
Popsicles: to help with hydration and keeping cool. You could make your own if you want to aviod sugar or buy sugar free..
Music: some find this very relaxing and soothing.
Chux pads: very useful in soaking up fluid and blood. Find them here.
Camera: you know what this is for.
Diaper: you might want to use disposable for the first meconium, others don't mind washing the cloth, and some use elimination communication.
Baby clothes: a hat, t-shirt, socks.
Towels: to wrap baby in until baby is dry enough for dressing.
Blanket: for after dressing baby.
Sterilized scissors and string: unless you are doing a lotus birth.
Tape measure: for your own records.
Scale: for your own records.
Foot printer: I love to keep these little feet. You can get one with a free "birth certificate" from here.
A large container: to catch the placenta.
Femine napkins: with heavy absorbency.
Mesh underwear: you may like these. They are like the ones you get if you deliver in the hospital. You can find them here.
Warmed comforter: this feels great to snuggle under and take in your new baby. Have your dh throw it in the dryer just after baby is born. Then, once you are settled you will have a nice warm comforter.
Peri bottle: nice to have for after birth to rinse when making a trip to the toilet. You can find them here.
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