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Lotus Birth

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Lotus Birth
    Lotus birth is the practice of leaving the umbilical cord uncut, so that the baby remains attached to his/her placenta until the cord naturally separates at the umbilicus, at 2 to 5 days after birth. This prolonged contact can be seen as a time of transition, allowing the baby to slowly and gently let go of his/her attachment to the mother's body.

Web sites:

Lotus Birth - A Ritual for our times
"Lotus birth  has been, for us,  an exquisite ritual which has enhanced the magic of the early post natal days. I notice an integrity and self-possession with my lotus-born children, and I believe that lovingness, cohesion, attunement to nature, trust, and respect for the natural order have all been imprinted on our family by our honouring of the placenta, the Tree of Life, through Lotus Birth."
The Blessing of Lotus Birth
"I would like to illustrate, from my own experiences, more blessings of Lotus birth for the baby and birthing family. When our daughter Ela-rose was born, I chose a Lotus birth because all the babies born into the community in which we were living had been Lotus born. I was highly skeptical. It seemed like a very strange practice. I had never considered that the placenta is actually one of the child's organs, simply externalized, having originated from the same cells, the same genetic material. Nor had I considered that the placenta continues to "feed" the child after delivery."
What is a lotus birth?
Midwifery Today Forum
Do it Yourself Lotus Birth
"I put the placenta in a colander, which was set in a bowl. This was set on a table next to my bed. I covered it with a dish towel and let it drain for twenty-four hours."
Lotus Birth Gallery
Photos of a lotus birth.
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