Mathematics Dictionary

Elementary Geometry


GE 01. Angles


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GE 02. Lines

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GE 03. Triangles
  • Topic | Triangles
  • Examples
    • Various names of triangle
    • Five centers
    • Pedal triangle
    • Ex-central triangle

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GE 04. Circle


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GE 05. Polygons


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GE 06. Quadrilaterals


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GE 07. Theory and rules of triangle

  • Congruent of triangle
  • Similarity of triangle
  • Mid point theory of triangle
  • Topic | Diagrams related with theory of Triangles

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GE 08. Circle : Rule and theory
  • Tangent and normal are perpendicular each other
  • Two tangents to a circle are equal

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GE 09.

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GE 10. Locus

  • Two points A and B are fixed. Moving point C keeps angle ACB same.
  • What is the locus

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GE 11. Construction geometry

Topics : Examples
  • 1. Draw parabolla using the definition of locus
  • 2. Draw ellipse using the definition of locus
  • 3. Draw triangle using 3 given medians

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Q12. New

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GE 13. New

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GE 14.

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GE 15. Ex-center and in-center

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GE 16. Ortho-center

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GE 17. Pedal triangle
  • Topic | Pedal triangle
  • Topics
    • Definition, proof and theory

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GE 18. Ex-central triangle
  • Topic | - Ex-central triangle
  • Topics
    • 1. Definition, proof and theory
    • 2. Prove that AF = s and s = (a+b+c)/2. AF is tangent to ex-circle

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GE 19. Nine points circle

  • Topic | - Nine points circle
  • Topics
    • Definition, proof and theory

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GE 20. Geometry Index
  • Topic | Geometry Index
  • How to find keyword ?
    • Find the section number and topic number of keyword
    • 1st number : Section number
    • 2nd number : Topic number
    • Remeber these two numbers
    • Click Back to back subject page
    • Click "Goto Begin" to top
    • Click section number to enter the required section
    • Click topic number

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GE 21. Graphs in Geometry

  • Topic | Diagrams in geometry
  • Examples
    • Program 03 02 : Five centers of triangle

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GE 22. Glossary

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GE 23. Home Work
By number sequence
  • Topic | Mathematics Home works
  • Selected Questions
    • Algebra
    • Analytic geometry
    • Calculus
    • Geometry
    • Trigonometry
By Keyword in alphabetic order
  • Topic | Mathematics Home works
  • Selected Questions
    • Algebra
    • Analytic geometry
    • Calculus
    • Geometry
    • Trigonometry

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GE 24. References
  • Topic | References
  • Topics
    • Mathematics on Internet
    • Mathematics on PC Computer

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GE 25. Examples link to program numbers n1 and n2
  • Topic | Examples link to program numbers n1 and n2
  • How to use ?
    • 1. Find the question by keyword in alphabetic order
    • 2. Remember the number n1 and n2
    • 3. Click Back
    • 4. Goto begin
    • 5. Select lesson number n1 and enter new section n1
    • 6. Select section number n2

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GE 26. Formulae in geometry

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GE 27. Examples with solutions (QA)

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Q00. Tips

Index and examples
  • Lesson 20 : Index
  • Lesson 21 : Application graphic programs
  • Lesson 22 : Glossary
  • Lesson 23 : Goto home works
  • Lesson 24 : References
  • Lesson 25 : Examples link to section numbers, e.g. 03 02
  • Lesson 26 : Formulae in calculus
  • Lesson 27 : Select examples with solution (QA)
Highlight tops (Update later)
  • 1. Five centers of a triangle in GE 03 03
  • 2. Locus of geometrical problems in Lesson 10
  • 3. Construction method in Lesson 11
  • 4. Study of orthoo-center in Lesson 16
  • 5. Pedal triangle in Lesson 17
  • 6. Ex-central triangle in Lesson 18
  • 7. Nine point circle in Lesson 19
Run Application graphic program (See Lesson 21)
  • Step 1 : Run at current location (no download)
  • Step 2 : Select Yes to run
  • Notes
    • 1. The application program is only for internet use (Update monthly)
    • 2. Download only available upto end of the month

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