Mathematics Dictionary
Dr. K. G. Shih

Question and Answer

  • Keyword | z001 - Circle : Draw circle passing 3 given points
  • Keyword | S106- Ciccle : Inscribed an equilateral triangle
  • Keyword | F133- Circle : Draw 4 circles to tangent triangle ABC
    • 1. Draw 1 in-circle of triangle ABC
    • 2. Draw 3 ex-cirlce of triangle ABC
  • Keyword | S19 - Circle trsnsformation : Transformation matrix
  • Keyword | S18 - Circum-center theory : Relation with ortho-center
  • Keyword | S21 - Coordinate Geometry : Slope and area of triangle
  • Keyword | F119- Coordinate Geometry (S40)
    • 1. Points A(7,4), B(3,1) & C(0,k). find k if AC + BC = Minimum
    • 2. Points A(7,4), B(3,1) & C(0,k). find k if AC^2 + BC^2 = Minimum
  • C000- Construction Geometry
    • Keyword | Centroid of triangle : 2/3 rule
    • Keyword | Circum-center of triangle : Circle passing vetices of triangle
    • Keyword | Ex-center of triangle : Circle tangents 3 sides of triangle
    • Keyword | Ex-central triangle : 4 Circles tangent 3 sides of triangle
    • Keyword | In-center of triangle : Circle tangents 3 sides of triangle
    • Keyword | Ortho-center of triangle : Draw pedal triangle
    • Keyword | Trinagle with 3 given heights
    • Keyword | Trinagle with 3 given side
    • Keyword | Triangle with 1 given median and 2 sides
    • Keyword | Triangle with 2 given medians and 1 sides

  • Keyword | F116- cos(A - B) = cos(A)*cos(B) + sin(A)*sin(B)
    • 1. Find cos(15) without calculator
    • 2. Find cos(75) without calculator
  • Keyword | S63 - cos(3*x) + 4*cos(2*x) + 8*cos(x) + 5 GE 0
  • Keyword | S65 - cos(pi/16)^4 +cos(3*pi/16) +cos(5*pi/16)^4 +cos(7*pi/16)^4 = ?
  • Keyword | S007- Cubes in cubes
  • Keyword | F213- Cubic functions with 3 zeros : Find expression
    • 1. Method 1 : y = (x - r)*(x - s)*(x - t)
    • 2. Method 2 : Equation thoery

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