



Humorous Horoscopes

Feb. 27, 2001
Mar. 06, 2001
Mar. 13, 2001
Mar. 20, 2001

Joke of the Week

Feb. 27, 2001
Mar. 06, 2001
Mar. 13, 2001
Mar. 20, 2001

Trivial Tidbit

Feb. 27, 2001
Mar. 06, 2001
Mar. 13, 2001
Mar. 20, 2001

Useless Information

Feb. 13, 2001
Feb. 20, 2001

Instructor of theWeek Award

Dr Rayford Taylor
Mr. Jerome G. Chandler
Dr. Carmine G. Di Biase

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Humorous Horoscopes
Joke of the Week
Trivial Tidbit
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Instructor of the Week Award
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Copyright © 2001 3 Sheets 2 the Wind

Last Modified: Wednesday, 02-Jan-02 14:06:58 PST


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