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Year 2000-01:
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"The Young and the Successful"

Distinguished Club in First Year!

Randy Samberg, Founder
Randy Samberg, Founder
Ch@Home Toastmasters Club was founded by Randy Samberg and chartered January 1, 2000. While serving as Area C1 Governor, Randy saw the need for a Toastmasters club at her company, Excite@Home. She asked for the support of the Vice President of the Human Resources Department, Lelani Gayles. Recognizing that a Toastmasters club would be a valuable asset to the company, Lelani agreed to pay the charter fees and partial dues for the first 20 people to sign up. Two demonstration meetings were held and were met with unusual enthusiasm, with more than 70 people attending.

Thirty-one Excite@Home employees became charter members, and a contest was held to select the club name. Among the names submitted were Home Runners, Dot.Communicators, and Excite Exclaimers. The name chosen, submitted by Karl Yost, combined the concept of speaking (chat) and the company affiliation into "CH@Home" Toastmasters.

The first elected officers were: President, Beth McElhinney; VP Education, Randie Ellington; VP Membership, Karl Yost; VP Publicity, Dean Burnham; Secretary, Alok Bhatia; Treasurer, Barbara Oshima; Sgt-at-Arms, Amberlynn Frye.

First President and Club Mentor, Beth McElhinney, cutting cake for CH@Home's First Anniversary, Dec. 2000First VP Education and Club Mentor, Randie EllingtonTwo officers, Beth McElhinney and Randie Ellington, had been Toastmasters before and also served as Club Mentors. They brought along many of the terrific ideas that form the basis for the club's procedures. Beth McElhinney remarked on her experience serving as the club's first President: "I certainly got more out of the program by taking the extra step and serving as an officer. It's been amazing and gratifying to have watched the club go from a group of strangers who came to see what Toastmasters is about to a connected group of individuals who grow more confident in themselves and eloquent in their speech as each week passes."

Three members received their CTM (Competent Toastmaster award)during this early period--Blaise Pabon, Al Dobbs, and Beth McElhinney. Randie Ellington received the club's first CL (Competent Leader award). Beth McElhinney was named CH@Home's first "Toastmaster of the Year" for her double duty as President and Club Mentor. In June 2001, CH@Home completed its first full Toastmasters year by receiving a Distinguished Club Award. We are sure this is just the start of many good years to come!

Dec. 2000 Members Celebrate End of Club's First YearCH@Home Members December 2000

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