Prince Janus lived in the year 12,000 B.C. in the Palace of Zeal on the floating island of Zeal (all named after his mother, Queen Zeal), populated by only those that could harness the power of magic. Janus, however was an exception to this rule, or so every other Zeal citizen thought. Below Zeal laid a continent filled with people banished to dwell in caves due to their lack of magic skills. The caves provided shelter from the arctic blowing snow, and thusly they were dubbed the Earthbound ones.

Janus was quite spoiled due to all the attention he received from his limelight position. Yet, he was also a sort of an outcast because of his inability to perform spells. His closest friend was Alfador, his pampered cat, whom Janus forbid others to even touch. Although enjoying the plush title of "Prince", Janus despised his mother with all of his heart because he suspected her of evildoing. Because of this maternal hatred, Janus turned to his stepsister, Schala, for motherly love and companionship. The two were practically inseparable.

Dalton, Zeal's advisor, informed her of the Mammon Machine's power to gather the Earth's power to summon the almighty Lavos for ultimate world domination. World domination is halted, however, when a spiky haired kid and his friends show up, practically out of thin air, and struck up some concern after a prophet warned Queen Zeal of their eminent power. Capturing these fiends, Queen Zeal trapped them in suspended animation. Having pity for them, Schala released them all. Outraged, the prophet demanded that the gate from which the heroes arrived be shut off.         

Mysteriously, the heroes returned and rescued a guru named Melchior. Being grateful and eager to help, Melchior granted them a mysterious Red Knife, a weapon capable of destroying the Mammon Machine. Back on the continent of Zeal, Queen Zeal commanded Schala to go to the Undersea Palace so the power of Schala's pendant can be used to power up the machine. Schala gave Janus a special memoir amulet and then departed for the Palace. Janus waits until Dalton departs and follows after his sister. Immediately upon arriving, the Mammon Machine goes awry and sucks Janus through an interdimensional time warp, separating him from his beloved stepsister.

Dazed and bewildered, Janus awoke in a strange land that appears to be in the much distant future. Because of his separation anxiety, Janus makes a vow that he will get his revenge on Lavos for what he has done. Soon after his turbulent arrival, a fat, luggish creature by the name of Ozzie abducts Janus. Ozzie, being a soldier of evil, realized the boy's dark power and trains Janus to become an even greater warrior. He grew older and wiser and discovered his inner magical power. He constructed a castle, has himself named Magus by his cohorts, and set his egomaniacal sights on the plush city of Guardia. Guardia retaliated and thusly created a war between good and evil. Two soldiers of the Guardia Legion, Glenn and Cyrus, gather enough courage to face off against Magus. The battle ends with evil triumphant and Cyrus perishing. Glenn, whose role model and master was Cyrus, ran off scared to perish as well. Magus cut him off and transforms the strong youthful body of Glenn's to that of a frog's. From this point, a hate/hate relationship forms between Magus and Frog.

Magus’ evil empire became ever more prosperous, having the people of Guardia under constant fear of him and his Mystic forces. Magus' monster minions came to his every beck and call. Magus remembers Lavos, the being who tainted his life, and decides to summon him and destroy him. Meanwhile, the same meddling heroes, along with Frog, Magus’ sworn archrival, interrupt his summoning and engage him in a battle.

The team succeeded and the victory throws off the delicate balance of Lavos' arrival. This caused a warp that sends Magus and the team hurtling back in time. Magus finds himself right back where he started from in the year 12,000 B.C. He dresses up as a prophet and informs Zeal, Schala and Janus of what the future holds in store for them, seeing as he knows... because he lived it. Much later, that team of magic using punks came by, only this time not as triumphant as they imagined. The leader, the spiky-headed one, sacrificed himself to Lavos. Lavos, still on a berserk rampage, destroys the entire continent of Zeal. The prophet, who reveals himself as Magus, survives and takes refuge in the North Cape of the Earthbound continent.

As he was reflecting on his intriguing life, this team of kids that have been disturbing his life for thousands of years now appeared and requested of him to join in their quest against the greatest evil, Lavos. Seeing that Frog was in this lineup of characters he was hesitant, yet allowed Frog to either fight him and have his curse lifted or join the team as a warrior against Lavos. This decision and all the following decisions are determined by you, the one with the SNES/Playstation controller in hand.
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