So, umm, about that website... -- So hello all of my visiting chums! I've been very far removed from this website. Only because I'm lazy. Laziness rules. So not much is new, I've got a backload of fanart of the way. So those that sent it all to me, thank you and it's going up soon!!
-Graig Garman, king of lazydom (July 21, 2003)

I'm Slow...
-- This is just about my first time even remembering I had a "News" page on Magus' Threshold. Yeesh. Well, I'm a college student now, so updates will be sparse and minimal. I've yet to become terribly bogged down with homework, yet I sense it on the horizon. However, updates can be better because my dorm room has DSL. I was previously working off of god-forsaken 56k. <shudder> Anyhoo, that's about it and, don't forget, if you have a suggestion (BESIDES fanfics) don't be afraid to contact me.
-Graig Garman, UNM student extrordinaire (September 12, 2002)

-- Lately, people have been proving me wrong left and right about this and that about things I have put in this website. Which is great, I actually have something to fix in my Muppets section right now, but please, when you email me correcting me on something, don't insult me. It's the last thing you want to do. Just simply email me and then say "Hey, you biffed." that I can take. Some guy, who shall remain nameless, insulted me for an inaccuracy and I had to tell the fudgemuffin off. Thank you.
-Graig Garman, open for corrections (July 14, 2002)

Powerpuff Ma
gus? -- Allow me to explain myself. There's a new picture by me (Gyraph) in the Fanarrt section of Magus in Craig McCracken's Powerpuff Girls artstyle. I was messing on the internet on PPG sites (I'm a diehard fan) and thought to myself, "Wouldn't it be funny if..." and thus the Magus Powerpuff was born. Umm, well, just posting this so, you get on step closer to my enigmatic mind... or something like that.
-Graig Garman, ducking copyright laws on the "PPG artstyle" (July 9, 2002)

Back in mi
casa -- Rightyo, I am back from my Tennessee vacation and ready for updates and the like. Right now, I can't think much in the way of expanding this website. You know, when you've found just about EVERYTHING the internet has about Magus and put it in a nice ol' website like MT. There's not much to do. If you have any bright ideas send them my way. But, please do NOT mention Fanfics. I don't like them and, frankly, don't want them in MT. Fanfickery seems like a low level to stoop to. I'm sorry. And that's my rant.
-Graig Garman, preparing for fanfic lovers' hatemail (July 8, 2002)

ise? -- Alright, I am strongly considering selling shirts with the site name and such on it, but I am unable to use the standard Akira Toriyama Magus drawing that everyone is so accustomed to. Something about having to go to court for illegal corruption of trademark law. It'll have to be fan art. However, this is only a floating small brainchild in my head. I need to get your, the general public's, views on whether or not you would actually purchase a Magus' Threshold t-shirt. If you are all gung-ho about it, please email me with the Subject line as simply "Yes! MT T-shirts would rock!" or something of that nature. I look forward to your feedback.
-Graig Garman, t-shirt peddler extraordinaire (July 1, 2002)

"Ooh la la! A news pa
ge!" -- I want everyone who sees this to say that. Did you say it? I knew you could. Well, most RPG websites would have news about upcoming RPG's, but since this is strictly a Chrono series site. That's all I can say. I hear of rumors of a new Chrono game on the horizon however. ("Chrono Break" last I heard.) Anyway, that's not the point. The point is to keep you updated on what's going on over here at this one-man-show called MT and what's going on. That's all for this rant!
-Graig Garman, the guy that runs this one man show. (July 1, 2002
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