There's a reasonable explanation for this site: I got bored. But, however, this is a quite interesting comparison of Muppets to the CT characters. Oh, and if you find any more similarities that I overlooked, tell me! ^_^
CT Pic & Name
Muppet Pic & Name
1. Constantly fearless
2. Red spiky hair
3. Hardly talked throughout the entire game
4. Subjected to Lucca's experimental time travel
5. Uses lightning
1. Constantly fearing
2. Red spiky hair
3. Hardly talks, only "meeps"
4. Subjected to multiple experiments
5. Frequently becomes electrocuted
Dr. Bunsen
Sam the Eagle
Miss Piggy
1. Ponytail
2. Wears sandals
3. Somewhat Valley girlish
4. Perky
5. Boyfriend has red hair
6. Wears a choker and necklace
1. Occasionally has a ponytail
2. Wears sandals
3. The ultimate Valley girl
4. Quite perky
5. Boyfriend has red hair (Sgt. Floyd Pepper)
6. Wears a choker and necklace
1. Large glasses
2. Inventor of quite useful things
3. Owns a lab
4. Has Crono test her inventions
5. Known for Fire Magic
1. Large glasses
2. Inventor of quite useless things
3. Owns a lab
4. Has Beaker test his inventions
5. Known for setting things on fire
1. Blue hair
2. Face has constant look of scorn
3. Dutiful to seeing Lavos' end
4. Hooked scythe
5. Quite a loner
6. Never laughs
1. Blue feathers
2. Face has constant look of scorn (whether he likes it or not)
3. Dutiful to the American cause
4. Hooked beak
5. Quite a loner, always plays cameo parts
6. Never laughs
1. A frog
2. Forced into being a frog
3. Once named Glenn, now called Frog
4. Wears green cape around neck
5. Hides out deep in forests
1. A frog
2. "Not easy being green"
3. Named Kermit, thought he was Phil (
Muppets Take Manhattan)
4. Has weird triangle thing on neck
5. Hides out in swamps w/ banjo
1. Top part of head moves when talking
2. Comic relief of the party
3. Dependant on Lucca if he breaks down
4. Bulky physique
5. Full of hot air
6. Prefers wearing Atropos' Ribbon
1. Top and lower part of head moves when talking
2. Comic relief of the Muppets
3. Dependant on Kermit if things go wrong
4. Bulky physique
5. Full of hot air
6. Prefers wearing a white with pink polka dots tie
1. Large, curly hair
2. Eats large quantities of soup in one sitting
3. Excessively violent
4. Speaks in fractured English
5. Outfit leaves little to the imagination
6. Fights only with her fists and kicking
1. Large, curly hair
2. Basically... she's a pig
3. Excessively violent
4. Speaks in fractured French
5. Outfits consist of low cut shirts and high cut skirts
6. Fights with karate chops and kicks
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