"There is no such thing as 'Part-Cherokee'. Either you're Cherokee or you're not. It isn't the quantity of Cherokee blood in your veins that is important, but the quality of it . . . your pride in it. I have seen full-bloods who have virtually no idea of the great legacy entrusted to their care. Yet, I have seen people with as little as 1/500th blood quantum who inspire the spirits of their ancestors because they make being Cherokee a proud part of a their everyday life."

Jim Pell: Principal Chief of the North Alabama Cherokee Tribe

AniWahya - Wolf

The Clan color of the AniWahya is Red.
The Wolf Clan is the largest clan.
The most prominent clan, providing most of the war chiefs.
Wolf clan are Keepers of the wolves.
Clan who could kill a wolf.

AniTsiskwa - Bird

The Clan color for the AniTsisqua is Purple.
Bird Clan are the Keepers of the birds.
Bird Clan was skilled in using blowguns
and snares for bird hunting.

AniKawi - Deer

The Clan color for the AniKawi is Brown.
Deer Clan are the Keepers and hunters of the Deer.

AniGilohi - LongHair

The Clan color for the AniGilohi is Yellow.
Long Hair Clan also known as Twister Clan,
Hair Hanging Down Clan or Wind Clan.
Clan wore their hair in elaborate hairdos,
walked proud and vain manner.
Peace chiefs are usually from this clan.

AniWodi - Paint

The Clan color for the AniWodi is White.
The Paint Clan made red paint and the
medicine men come for this clan.

AniGatowegi - Wild Potato

The Clan color for the AniGatogewi is Green.
Wild Potato Clan are also known as the Bear Clan,
Raccoon Clan or Blind Savannah Clan.
They gather the wild potato plants in swamps and
along streams for food.

Ani Sahoni - Blue

The Clan color for the Ani Sahoni is Blue.
Blue or Panther Clan made blue medicine
from a special blue plant to keep the children.
Also known as the Wildcat Clan.

Clan membership was always inherited through the mother and children belonged to their mother's clan and sat with them at the ceremonials. The children's father sat with his mother's clan. A child's uncle on his mother's side was a very important figure, and had a great deal to do with the rearing and discipline of the child. The father would be more concerned with his sister's children.

There was love and respect between children and their father, but it was the mother's brother, as a member of their own clan who had the most to say about their upbringing.

It was also the clan who protected, supported,a and looked out for its members. Clan loyalty was the strongest bond among the Cherokee. It was also the clan that revenged wrongs, and the law of blood revenge survived into the nineteenth century. By the 1890's the bilateral extended family had taken the place of the clan as a support group.

Traditional Tribal Leaders

UKU – Chief – principle/peace
Ulotv – Chiefs –principle chiefs right hand man
Kalanu – War Chief – Chief Justice as in US courts
Utsidihi –War Chief right hand man
Beloved Woman
The ones listed above sit on National council.

Council of Advisors consist of
One Man from Each of these Clans

Clan Advisor of Ani Wodi (Paint) Clan
Clan Advisor of Ani Waya (Wolf) Clan
Clan Advisor of Ani Kawi (Deer) Clan
Clan Advisor of Ani Sahoni (Blue) Clan
Clan Advisor of Ani Gilahi (Long Hair) Clan
Clan Advisor of Ani Tsiskwa (Bird) Clan
Clan Advisor of Ani Gatogewi (Wild Potato) Clan
Speaker for Council of Advisors :
He speaks for all the men on council.

Council of Honored Women consists of
One Woman from each of these Clans.

Honored Woman of Honor of Ani Wodi Clan
Honored Woman of Honor of Ani Waya Clan
Honored Woman of Honor of Ani Kawi Clan
Honored Woman of Honor of Ani Sahoni Clan
Honored Woman of Honor of Ani Gilahi Clan
Honored Woman of Honor of Ani Tsiskwa Clan
Honored Woman of Honor of Ani Gatogewi Clan
Beloved Woman :
Speaks for the council of Women

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