This is the start of my search to find my Native Cherokee Family

As far back as I can remember I have been told I am "Part Cherokee Indian" by the memebers of my family. I have since learned that this blood running in my veins comes from many place all over this world, but that there is a lot of Indian in my past as well. So far as I know, it's just Cherokee at this point, but by the time I am done I hope to find out ALL there is. My family members have this tight bond that nothing or no one has ever been able to break. We dream of one another and have an odd sense of knowing when someone we love is in need or hurting. Some people call us weird, we call ourseves Gifted by the Father.

My Search for my Cherokee roots began with a dream. A dream of healing by my fellow Cherokee's. I have always had dreams in my life. Some are your normal dreams that most people have, and some are more like visions then dreams really. They lead me to where I need to be in my life. They alert me when something is wrong. They give me peace when all is well.

After this Healing dream, I contacted my Maw Maw Clegg to see what she could tell me about where our Cherokee blood lines come from. Sad to say, she wasn't a whole lot of help, mainly because she was never told and didn't try to find out for herself. Now, most of the people who would know are dead and resting.
I also contacted my Maw Maw King about my Dad's side of the family too. You can just look at Maw Maw King and tell she is Indian. Bad thing is... she was given the the state for adoption right after her Mom died when she was about 2 months old... and can't tell me any more then Maw Maw Clegg did about Mom's side of the family. So, with little information I tried to look. Nothing so far. I will keep looking though.

Click the Buttons below to go to the Search results for each side of my family.

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