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Cherokee Songs in
English and Cherokee

Cherokee Morning Song

We n’ de ya ho, We n’ de ya ho
I am of the Great Spirit, Ho! I am of Great Spirit, Ho!
We n’ de ya ho, We n’ de ya ho, ho ho ho
I am of the Great Spirit, Ho! I am of Great Spirit, Ho! It is so, it is so.
He ya ho he ya, Ya ya ya
Great Spirit, Great Spirit, Great Spirit

Repeat Four times

Amazing Grace
*same tune as traditional*

u ne la nv i u we tsi
God's Son
i ga gu yv he i
paid for us.
hna quo tso sv wi yu lo se
Now to heaven He went
i ga gu yv ho nv
after paying for us.
a se no i u ne tse i
Then He spoke
i yu no du le nv
when He rose.
ta li ne dv tsi lu tsi li
I'll come the second time
u dv ne u ne tsv
He said when He spoke.
e lo ni gv ni li s qua di
All the world will end
ga lu tsv ha i yu
when He returns
ni ga di da ye di go i
We will all see Him
a ni e lo hi gv
here the world over.
u na da nv ti a ne hv
The righteous who live
do da ya nv hi li
He will come after.
tso sv hna quo ni go hi lv
In heaven now always
do hi wa ne he s di
in peace they will live.

The Lord's Prayer

Our Father, heaven dweller,
ga-lv-quo-di-yu ge-se-s-di de-tsa-do-v-i
My loving will be (to) Thy name.
tsa-gv-wi-yu-hi ge-sv wi-ga-na-nu-go-i
Your Lordship let it make its appearance.
a-ni-e-lo-hi wi-tsi-ga-li-s-da ha-da-nv-te-s-gv-i
Here upon earth let happen what you think,
na-s-gi-ya ga-lv-la-di tsi-ni-ga-li-s-di-ha
The same as in heaven is done.
ni-da-do-da-qui-sv o-ga-li-s-da-yv-di s-gi-v-si go-hi-i-ga
Daily our food give to us this day.
di-ge-s-gi-v-si-quo-no de-s-gi-du-gv-i
Forgive us our debts,
na-s-gi-ya tsi-di-ga-yo-tsi-na-ho tso-tsi-du-gi
the same as we forgive our debtors,
a-le tla-s-di u-da-go-le-ye-di-yi ge-sv wi-di-s-gi-ya-ti-nv-s-ta-nv-gi
And do not temptation being lead us into,
s-gi-yu-da-le-s-ge-s-di-quo-s-gi-ni u-yo ge-sv-i
Deliver us from evil existing.
tsa-tse-li-ga-ye-no tsa-gv-wi-yu-hi ge-sv-i
For thine your Lordship is,
a-le tsa-li-ni-gi-di-yi ge-sv-i
And the power is,
a-le e-tsa-lv-quo-di-yu ge-sv ni-go-hi-lv-i
And the glory is forever.

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