This is the page for reseach on my Maternal side of the family...

Ok, here is the information I have so far...


Self : Ammie Christine
Mother : Judy Kate
GrandMother : Merita Runavee GrandFather : James Delbert Swords
Great GrandParents : Swords from North Carolina -- Both Full Blooded Cherokee Indian

James Delbert was Born in North Carolina and died in Louisiana. Years are unknown at this time. He married Ollie May Davis in Walton County Georgia. Year unknown at this time. They had Merita Runavee on August 24, 1936 ( there are other siblings as well ). After James's death Ollie May married again to W.C. Jones of Walton County. Ollie May died in the early 1970's. Merita married my Grandfather , Artis Clegg ,and they had 4 children, my Mother, Judy Kate, being the oldest. She then married my Father and they had me in 1973.

I have looked on THE FINAL ROLLS (DAWES) and found no Swords listed at all. However, this is from the Oklahoma side I believe.. this is noted at the bottom of the page where I got the rolls from....

" General Note: This is the index to the names of individuals entitled to enrollment on the rolls of the various tribes comprising the Five Civilized Tribes in Indian Territory (Oklahoma). The index entries are arranged by tribe and thereunder by enrollment category (Cherokee By Blood, Cherokee Minor, Cherokee Freedmen, etc.). The entries for each enrollment category are arranged alphabetically by surname. (It should be noted that surname entries are not always in strict alphabetical order). Each index entry gives an enrollee's name and final roll number. After a person's enrollment category and final roll number have been determined, the final rolls can be searched to discover the enrollee's census card number. A copy of the census card can be obtained by writing the National Archives--Southwest Region, P.O. Box 6216, Fort Worth, TX 76115-0216. The cost is $10 per census card."

This is what I found from THE GUION-MILLER INDEX ( Index to the Applications Submitted for the Eastern Cherokee Roll of 1909 -- Guion Miller Roll)

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