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"Live by the GuN, Die by the GuN""

"There is Still a Chance, and it Only Has Yet to Begun"
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History & Tradition

In June 2000 something new came to Starcraft Shareware from the confusion and fighting going on between several powerful clans, including '![-iE-]!', the DemonKings, -=SWM=-, [$CashMoney$], {NP}, and {NK}. The GuN clan was started by a few members, including GuN-SoLar, GuN-Teckno, GuN-Blade, and others. After an initial fallout and some infighting through that summer, GuN was re-formed in July under Teckno's leadership and really started to take shape. In fact, we still have news archives from that time if you want to read them - click here. Under the leadership of Teckno and Blade, GuN added a fully featured web site, and several notable members, including GuN-Ho, GuN-Wizz, GuN-Menace, and GuN-Tacom. At this time we allied with -=SWM=- and started a healthy relationship on SW that continues today. At various times we have allied other clans, but that practice has sicne stopped - SWM is our permanent ally and our only official one. This is mainly the case because other clans, no matter how strong their members are (just think of iE or cBs), always tend to fade away and die. Many are so badly organized that they fall under the category of "clans of the week" - that is they come and go in about a week's time (like nWo, [e.P], [ScV], {RKD}, 1St'., -=RoH=-, {TD}, and others).

To this date, over 100 players have joined and left the ranks of GuN... through that time our core members have always stuck with us and thus kept GuN strong by following our rules. You can see several lists of old members here and here. Among these older members is GuN-Wizz, the champion of our first Tourney. Our second tourney took place in the spring of 2001 and was won by GuN-Lockdown (aka X~Treme_Suckage). Tournaments are only part of what GuN is about, however. The GuN clan is built on a rank system to go along with our rules, a system which ensures proper recruiting and adds incentives for members to continue their involvement in the clan. The rank system was first devised by Teckno, and was revised and updated by GhOst and King in the early spring of 2001 when they added the idea of un-official "trainee members." The system breaks down into Leaders, who lead the clan in terms of recruiting, web design, training new members, and keeping things organized; Generals that help with recruiting and fill in when Leaders are unavailable; Colonels, Captains, and Privates which make up the bulk of the membership and contribute through their gameplay and talent. All new recruits have started as Trainees since early spring 2001, and must play 20 games on their GuN name in order to become a full member. This step was taken in order to stop the constant flow of members coming and going, and also served the purpose of protecting the members-only forum password.

Back to our history, where we pick up in the winter of 2000-01... our long time leader GuN-Teckno announced his retirement on Januray 4th 2001, Blade had gone into semi-retirement, and suddenly GuN was in need of new leadership. True to form, GuN-Wizz & GuN-Ho stepped up as our new Leaders. GuN-^^King^^, who joined the clan in November 2000, came on board as the third leader shortly thereafter. A fresh round of talented players, including GuN-^^Wraith^^, GuN-Ghost, GuN-[)agoot, GuN-$eal, and Gun-Lockdown came onboard and revitalized a depleted membership roster in February and March. When Wizz and Ho announced that they had to reduce their involvement in GuN in mid-spring, [)agoot and Ghost came on as interim leaders to help carry the clan into the summer. Later in the spring, $eal left GuN and declared war the GuNs - a conflict that was ended largely because of the common sense and restraint of our leaders at the time. Towards the end of the spring, our membership again started to settle into a good core of members, led by Wraith, King, and Ghost. Then came the summer...

The clan then moved on to Brood War, as it was a little struggle sometimes, but then we became success with more recruiting. There were more tournaments and good battles.

It was the summer of 2004. There were many GuNs on at this point. But some GuNs got into big fights. There were hard struggles for players as leaders had so many decisions to make. GuN-GhOsT, the leader at the time got his Brood War CD broken. He could not play, meaning he could not lead no more. When Ghost retired, the GuNs did not last long. They only lasted bout 2-3 months, and slowly GuN failed and died. GuN was then dead for about 6 months.

But on August 12th, 2005, GuN-GhOsT returned as his computer got fixed and started playing Shareware. Seeing old schoolers like GuN-JiZz and GuN-Pyros on, they played more games. With the inspiration of 0wn4ge, who asked GhOsT to join GuN, there was a little discussion if GhOsT wanted to return to GuN or not. Own4ge became GuN-EaStside and basically was the reason GhOsT brought GuN back to Shareware.

Hosting a Return from the Dead clan GuN, GuN hosted a 1v1s tournament that went good, but failed in the playoffs due to people not playing their games. After a month of Shareware, GuN was ready to move to Brood war.

Moving to Brood War, GuN has changed to GuN TeaM and not GuN Clan. The GuNs have made it an invite only as they changed their ways of looking as themselves as wanting to be a gosu team. Old Schoolers like -=SWM=-Pride=- and miCz has joined and helped GuN out. They are now on Brood War and many -=SWM=- have joined. Like -=SWM=-Dragon=-. 2 SWM leaders have become GuN and GuN became stronger.

Playing clan wars, making a PGTour team. GuN has taken their ranks off as every GuN was treated equal. Except the Leaders and Co-Leaders. A flag was brought in by each name to represent their nationality. A new site was made. GuN is getting one step closer to a gosu team...

Through next years from 2005-2007, GuN went on a unordinary streak of always being triumph during the summer days, May - August. But now, as of October 2007, GuN will have its strongest year... a chance... to be the greatest... has started.

This history page was started by GuN-^^King^^ on August 29th 2001 and will hopefully be updated by many generations of GuNs in months and years to come.

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