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"Live by the GuN, Die by the GuN""

"There is Still a Chance, and it Only Has Yet to Begun"
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: Hall of Fame :
Greatest Members of GuNs won't be forgotten.

GuN-SoLaR - As the creator of Clan GuN, we believe he deserves a place in the greatest members! Maker of the site and life of GuN!

GuN-Teckno - Without doubt this is the best and most respected leader ever, he helped GuN battle lots of hardships, thus he will always have a home here! Without this dedicated individual, GuN would never have been what it is today.

GuN-Tacom - A player who helped out GuN start. He played alot, was very gosu, and was good member.

GuN-Blade - He was a really good player who started the website and the members forum, and helped keep GuN alive during its hardest times.

GuN-LockDown - Can be complimented as the best skilled GuN to win the GuN tourney when he first joined!

GuN-[)agoot - A born leader and a smart individual, friendly person to hang around with, a long term member.

GuN-Dogg - There are a couple things too describe GuN-Dogg. He was not the average Gosu but the so-called nerd that pulls everything together. He made the website, he loaded the bots and was a great member. Without him, GuN would have fallen apart long ago. Go Dogg GO!

GuN-WiZz - A skilled individual, who helped Teckno and King fight off inactiveness, without him, GuN would have died! Also set an outstanding record, GuNs Biggest record on SW. Greatest Highlights: Won The First Ever Gun Tournament.

GuN-DaM - aka nuwara. The player talked little and beat almost every GuN. He was good mannered and very skilled. Only one GuN beat him.

GuN-Ho - was one of the best $4N players and was a great leader of GuN.

GuN-$EaL - was a true GuN member. Sure he did join cBs before and stuff. Be he did come back. $EaL has true skillz on shareware and likes to win.

GuN-BiG@KiTTY - was a loyal member of GuN, never even thought about defecting to other clans when offered. Kitty came with GuN from shareware to broodwar showing great leadership and helping build GuNz skill, Kitty one second place in GuNz 2nd tournament.

GuN-^^King^^ - was a proud member and respected leader of the GuN Clan. King lead GuN through some very hard times of inactiveness, and fought off other clans. Through all this King without a shadow of a doubt deserves a spot in GuNz Greatest Members list.

GuN-CePToR - was a true GuN-Member. We called him Tom and he was a great skilled and mannered player. He was known as SCC::Carrier in Shareware but joined GuN later on. He was a great leader and fought with GuN during its hard times.

GuN-^^Wraith^^ - A skilled player, a great former leader. He had lots of skill and today, continues to play as a retired GuN as [$McDaDDy$]

GuN-SyCrOm - was an amazing contributor to GuN. He was a natural born leader leading GuN through some really tough times. He was the first GuN ever to get over 1000 wins on his GuN account, was a very gosu player and helped update the site.

GuN-Toonami - was one of the youngest leaders ever to join GuN at age 9. He became leader at age 12 and held great skills and respect for GuN. Without his help, GuN would not have returned. Also known for his sexy terran.

GuN-KrOniQ -A great leader. Kroniq held Gun well in the hard times when he was the only GuN left on Shareware. He was a key asset in bringing GuN back to Brood War. He won't be forgotten.

GuN-Pride - Probably one of the greatest GuNs, Pride played through tough times and helped GuN out a lot. He helped with the recruits and training and was a great leader. He even managed time to play while hes got a family to take care of. We hope Pride returns one day.

GuN-Hybrid - An old school GuN, Hybrid has been retired. A great GuN who contributed many of his time on Starcraft back on Shareware and Brood War. He held his bot up in channel and was a great player.

GuN-Toonami - A young GuN member. Always had enthusiasism and liked the game. He was very loyal and respected the team.

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