Places I've been
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1. - Telluride Colorado with my parents and my Aunt, Uncle and Cousins from Minnesota during September of 2000.

2. - Paris for the wedding of my long-time friend Evan Winkler to Camilla Meyer in November of 2001.

3. - Tokyo, for work and sightseeing (as shown in this website created by my brother Matt Battles) and for the wedding of my college classmate Junko to Taka (aka the Stud,) all during the first five months of 2002.

4. - The Deep South, on a two-week roadtrip with my brother during June of 2002.

5. - Argentina (under construction,) for skiing and sightseeing during my 2002 Summer of Fun prior to starting business school.

6. - Ireland for the wedding of my college friend Eleanor Praschma to Joel Hope-Bell over Labor Day weekend of 2002.

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