Ireland 2002
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The final stop on my "summer of fun" tour before starting business school was Ireland  to attend the wedding of my friend Nellie.  While only in Ireland for a three-day weekend, I and my traveling partners (Andrew Van Der Laan and Rebecca Schwietz) managed to go on a whirlwind sightseeing tour that took us to some incredible and interesting sights.

Before you continue on, please let me note that driving in Ireland, especially for a guy who lived in New York for the last five years, is quite a challenge. This photo shows an average rural road in Ireland.

Please note two things about this photo:
  • This road is by no means the smallest road we drove on - notice the extra foot on either side of the car below. What a luxury!
  • Those pretty green walls on either side of the road are by no means nice soft, cuddly lumps of dirt and grass. They are jagged, brutal, car battering limestone.
Now that we have cleared that up, we can get on with our program. We had an amazing time in Ireland, from being stunned by the incredible landscape of the Irish coast to celebrating our friend's marriage at the gorgeous Dromoland Castle. So, please come on in and enjoy!

Table of Contents:

  • Day One: Quin Abbey and the Moonghaun Hill Fort.
  • Day Two: Cliffs of Moher, the High Crosses of Kilfenora, the Burren, and the Poulnabrone Dolmen.
  • Day Three: Our last day at the Cliffs of Kilkee.
  • Nellie's Wedding: Check out the photos from this awesome event.
< Also, while you're browsing around, do note that a description of the photos can be obtained by resting your mouse over the photos.

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