Ireland 2002: Nellie's Wedding
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The real reason for my visit to Ireland was not to see the sights, but to join in the celebration that was the wedding of Eleanor Praschma and Joel Hope-Bell. While I won't get into all the details (of the wedding or the reception), I'll just say that it was not only beautiful (how could it not be, when the reception is held in both the Rose Garden and the Dining Hall of Dromoland Castle?) but a wicked good time.


Led by a bagpipe player... Nellie and Joel arrive at Dromoland Castle
The Rose Garden at Dromoland Castle
The Fallen Soldiers
Nellie and Joel cut a rug on their first dance. Drew and Rebecca get into the act!
Not everyone was still perky at 5:00 am.  Face has been obfuscated for the protection of the innocent.
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