Ireland 2002: Day One
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The Mooghaun Ring Fort: After getting lost a few times (easy to do in Ireland!) we managed to find our way to the Mooghaun Ring Fort, located deep into the Dromoland Forest. As we learned, this fort is one of the largest Iron Age hill forts that remains in Europe. In its original configuration, the fort consisted of three large circular earthen banks (aka ramparts) that enclosed around 13 hectares of land.

Arial View of the Mooghaun Ring Fort
The large circular walls provided defense against invaders and protection for villagers, etc. living within ramparts. This photo, from inside the first rampart, shows (if you look closely) impressions of where dwellings once existed inside the rampart.
Location of Dwellings Inside the Ring Fort
Within the three large circular rings there are also two smaller rings with denser walls. These structures are known as "cashels," which were later used to defend smaller settlements and households of wealthier familes.
Cashel Walls
Note the excellent technique with which Drew surveys one of the cashels.
Drew the Surveyor

Quin Abbey: As we had a wedding to get to that day, we only had time left for one more sight, but it was well worth it. The Quin Abbey is an impressive place, with a truly colorful (ie bloody) history (click here for a detailed account.) Briefly, the current Abbey was built in 1420 using the foundation of the razed of De Clare castle, a norman castle destroyed by the McNamara Clan for personal reasons (ie dead family member.) Among the many people buried here are "Fireballs" McNamara, an infamous duelist who was also a member of the areas ruling family, and Friar John Hoga, the last of the Franciscan monks to live in the Abbey.
Quin Abbey Exterior
Insdie the Cloister No Bats in this Belfry
Ruins of the Battlements of De Clare Castle The Cloister at Quin Abbey
Interior of the Abbey, Resting Place of Friar John Hogan
After all that, we had to run - a wedding was coming that was sure to be fun! Either continue on to Day Two or check out Nellie's Wonderful Wedding!
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