Dear Mr. Gates:







Date:  Sun, 13 January 2008  10:40 WesternIndonesiaTime

Subject:  Not Passing the 25 December





Jensen Ackles as Dean Winchester (left) and Jared Padalecki as Sam Winchester (right) in the TV series "Supernatural", about the sibling hunting bad genies.




Jeffrey Dean Morgan as John Winchester, the father in Winchester family at the TV series Supernatural.


DVD of Supernatural second season as advertised at It is not clear whether the episodes I watched on 24, 25 26 December 2007 were from the second season of from other season.






Monday 24 December 2007, early morning in the small hours around half past three I was practicing early morning prayer in my bedroom. All of a sudden came a vision of a woman. At first I thought it was a famous Indonesian dangdut singer, but then came some kind of denial, she was just had a similar look but much younger.

Around eight o'clock, after taking a bath and dressed, I prepared to go to the Internet Shop. The white and yellow cat that just came to the bedroom was lying on the bed. Usually, whenever I went out of the room, it would immediately followed me, but that day after several times I went in and out of the room it kept on lying on the bed. It immediately reminded me with my promise two days earlier that on that day I would not go anywhere. The cat was like reminding me not to break my promise. Especially since the last time I broke a similar promise, on 30 November 2007, it ended up with Comel's Death

I immediately changed my clothes and shared the bed with the cat, after all it was a holiday season. Then  came a dream in my mind, I met my former teacher in the Senior High School, he and I discussing the Islamic holy book. When I woke up later on, I thought it was just because recently that teacher of mine invited me and my friends for his daughter's marriage but I was not attending it.

In the afternoon, when I watched TV, something surprising appeared on TV screen, the girl who came to my vision when I prayed in the early morning that day, appeared on TV. It was a commercial spot of the TV series, and her name was Jessica Iskandar. Up to that point I still wondering what could be the message.    

In the evening at 20.30 on Trans-7 there was the TV series of "Supernatural", about a sibling, Dean and Sam Winchester who spend their life hunting bad genies. The opening part surprised me, because Sam was having a discussion with someone, while some books were on the table in front of him. Then he made a phone call to his brother Dean, explaining that the genies are mentioned so many times in the Koran, the Islamic holy book. It matched with my dream several hours before, the dream of I met my former teacher in the Senior High School, discussing the Islamic holy book.

Then Dean, the older brother of Sam, went to an old abandoned warehouse, he entered the administration office, approaching an old type machine on a table. All of a sudden came a bad genie, in the form of a bald man with many tattoos on his arms and head. They fought each other, until Dean was defeated, the man pushed him to the wall, opened his mouth, and a light came out and entered Dean's head. Dean fainted.

When he woke up, Dean found himself in another place, with a girl beside him. He walked to the living room and found his death mother was still alive. He began to think there was something strange in the circumstances.

Later on his little brother Sam came to the house, riding a luxurious car, wearing expensive clothes, with a beautiful girl. He then found out that Sam had become a successful lawyer, and the girl was his fiancée, her name was.........Jessica. Now it began to match again, the girl who came to my vision when I prayed in the early morning that day, who later on appeared on TV and made me knew that her name was Jessica Iskandar. A similar name of Jessica, Sam's fiancée.

Approaching the end of the episode, Dean struggled to move out of that strange situation, he wounded himself, and he succeeded. He began to get conscious, in the old abandoned warehouse again, with Sam in front of him, the ordinary Sam who was not a lawyer.


On the next evening, 25 December 2007, the episode was about Sam being unconsciously dragged by a bad genie to an old, abandoned town. He then found that he was not alone, there were four others, two men and two women, all at the same age of around 23 years old, and all had experienced accepting some psychic ability in the recent months.

It appeared that the bad genie who dragged them there had a purpose of asking them to help the genie. In order to do so, each of them should compete one another, and only one of them  would survive to leave the town and helped the genie.

One by one each of them began to die, leaving only two, Sam and a young soldier dragged from a war zone in Afghanistan. At first they agreed not to fight each other and tried to leave the town. But the bad genie had influenced their mind that finally they fought each other and Sam was defeated, he died by a deathly stab in his back spine. 


26 December 2007, on the other episode, Dean could not accept the death of his younger brother. He made a ritual of calling another genie to help him raised his death brother. The genie came in the form of a sexy woman, she agreed to help him with one condition, he should replace his younger brother with his own life. Dean agreed and asked for five years to live before he should die in replacement of his younger brother. But the genie insisted on shorter period. They argued for several minutes, and finally Dean agreed for only one year.

He returned to his younger brother, who had come to live again, and they continued chasing bad genies.


Now I think the message here is some kind of choices for me, whether I would cancel my consent to move to the eternity, to be like Sam who came to live again, with the consequence of my older brother should die. My answer is no, and it is final. I should never pass the 25 December episode and live again in the 26 December episode.

26 December is also known as the Asian Tsunami, that killed more than 200 thousands people in more than 12 countries in year 2004.

Moreover, my older brother name is Faisal, with a syllable of "sal" like in the word "salib", an Indonesian word for Christian's "cross". If I cancelled my consent to move to he eternity, and it happened like in that "Supernatural" TV series, my older brother should replace me to die, it would be terrible.   

















Date:  Sun, 13 January 2008  11:44 WesternIndonesiaTime

Subject:  Slank = Slash, "nk" = "sh"






Slash (L), guitarist for the band Velvet Revolver, plays next to Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates onstage during Gates' keynote address for the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas, Nevada January 6, 2008. The annual electronics trade show opens January 7. REUTERS/Steve Marcus


Sun Jan 6,11:00 PM ET

Slank the famous Indonesian rock group, with the lead vocalist Kaka on the right.








On 8 January 2008 when I uploaded to my websites your photos playing guitar with Slash, the administrator played the songs of Slank, a famous Indonesian rock group.

The rather similar name of Slank and Slash inspired me to write this letter.

Using the equation of algebra, "Slank" = "Slash", so the "Sla" could be wiped out, leaving only "nk" = "sh".

In Indonesian word, "sh" is the title for law degree, people working as lawyers, attorneys, public notaries, judges, prosecutors, are using the title "sh" in the back of their names.

But since I am not holding a law degree, so the "sh" could mean "susah hidup", or "living miserably". While "nk" could mean "end kakak", a combination of English and Indonesian, whereas "kakak" means older brother or older sister. But since the name of the lead vocal of group band Slank is Kaka, a male, so in this case "end kakak" is "end older brother". My older brother name is Faisal, with a syllable of "sal" like in the word "salib", an Indonesian word for Christian's "cross".

So "End of my older brother" could be equal with "miserable life" for the people in this world, because most of the important secrets of life are in the hand of the Christians, if all of a sudden all the Christians were vanished, and the important secrets of life fell to the wrong hand, it would be miserable for the people, there could be the World War 3, that leaded to the end of the world. And it surely against this "Closing the Window of Disaster".


Actually I was planning to write this on Wednesday morning of 9 January 2008, but my intuition was not in the mood to go. Later on I found out the reason, because on that Wednesday evening Slank band appeared at Empat Mata on Trans-7, in a live show. It was like to make sure that their song played in the Internet Shop on 8 January 2008 was not a coincidence.

Slank has a hit song in 2005 that boosted their success in the show biz, the song called "Kamu Harus Pulang", or "You Should Get Back Home", a song that sounds commensurate with my consent to move to the eternity.  
















Date:  Sun, 13 January 2008  12:18 WesternIndonesiaTime

Subject:  50 Cars Crashed at Florida Interstate 4, Reminding My Future Car Crash 




Dense smoke left from a brush fire and fog caused an early morning multi- vehicle pileup that closed Interstate 4 near Lakeland, Fla., seen in this aerial view Wednesday, Jan. 9, 2008. Officials said the accident killed at least three people and closed nearly a 15-mile stretch of the highway in central Florida.

AP Photo/Reinhold Matay)

Wed Jan 9, 3:30 PM ET


In this undated photo provided by the Polk County Sheriff's Office, Sheriff's Deputy Jack 'Carlton' Turner III, 26 , is shown. Turner was responding to an accident on Interstate 4 near Lakeland, Fla., early Wednesday, Jan. 9, 2008 when his vehicle was hit and he helped survivors of a massive pileup get to safety, according to Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd. (AP Photo/Polk County Sheriff's Office,)

Wed Jan 9, 5:00 PM ET




Dense smoke left from a brush fire and fog caused an early morning multi- vehicle pileup that closed Interstate 4 near Lakeland, Fla., seen in this aerial view Wednesday, Jan. 9, 2008. Officials said the accident killed at least three people and closed nearly a 15-mile stretch of the highway in central Florida.

AP Photo/Reinhold Matay)

Wed Jan 9, 10:34 AM ET


Less than a mile from the accident scene extreme dens fog mixed with smoke as seen here was the cause of an early morning multi- vehicle pileup that closed Interstate 4 in Auburndale, Fla., Wednesday, Jan. 9, 2008. The fatal wreck closed a 14 mile stretch between Kissimmee and Lakeland.

AP Photo/Reinhold Matay)

Wed Jan 9, 3:34 PM ET




Drivers involved in the 70-car accident on Interstate 4 said the mixture of smoke and fog was so thick, they couldn’t see their feet after getting out of their vehicles.

News Channel 8 photo


tampa bay on-line


The fog has lifted and some of the smoke has cleared at the scene of a triple-fatal pile-up on I-4 in Polk County revealing a charred disaster.



The 50 car crashed, or some other resources mentioned 70 cars, happened nearby a lake called Lake Mattie, like Indonesian word "mati" which means "die".







The above letters were supposed to be written earlier, on Thursday morning 10 January 2008 actually I had prepared myself to go to the Internet Shop. But the maid who worked for my sister was sick, she had an influenza, and when I was pushing the bike at the garage that morning, my sister told her to get home earlier to get some rest.

Though my sister and my brother-in-law were at home that day, since it was the holiday of Islamic new year, but I felt responsible not to go for too long, because who knows they would go out without planning it earlier, if I was not at home then the house would be empty. So that day I only went to the nearby Alfamart mini supermarket and immediately went back home.

And in the evening this car crash news appeared on TV, as if my canceling to go to the Internet Shop was having a certain meaning, otherwise this part would be written separately from the above two letters.

The car crash was like reminding about the probability of my having only 2,5 year left of my life after the car accident of Taufik Savalas on 12 July 2007 that took his life away, and I would also ended up in a deadly car crash, like written in my previous letter of "My 2,5 Term of Life and Your 2,5 Grant to Four High Schools" and "Purchase of 25 November and the '2,5 Year Transit to the Eternity' ".

Especially since the car crash happened after I uploaded the photos of "Supernatural" TV series on 8 January 2008. Like reminding me that my end of life should not in the form of getting stab like Sam Winchester on the 25 December 2007 episode, instead in a car accident, like Lady Diana and later on Taufik Savalas. 

Of course the important thing here is that I should make sure that it will be really me who will meet the end of my life, not others.















A.M. Firmansyah

[email protected]

Tel. +62812 183 1538










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