

History of CROD


History of Aeolus

History of Terry, later Mamook

Astoria, OR

Astoria Marine Const. Co.

The ERRIA Fire, 1951

Columbia River Maritime Museum

The Dyer Legacy

Gallery 1 Aeolus

Gallery 2 Aeolus

Gallery 3 Old CRODs

Gallery 4 Phantom

Gallery 5 Merrimac

Gallery 6 Mine Sweepers

Crods Cruise to Bonneville

My Little Austin Seven


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The Columbia River Maritime Museum

The wave-form roofline of the Columbia River Maritime Museum is testimony to the perpetual challenge the area's waters have posed to those who navigate them or reap their bounty.

Built directly on the south bank of the Columbia River in downtown Astoria, the Columbia River Maritime Museum is an exquisite and educational monument to the area's maritime tradition.  Inside, visitors can see restored fishing, sailing and Coast Guard watercraft from various times in history.  A brief introductory film presents the history of the town and of the waters that have been its lifeblood.

Inside the museum, several pristinely restored local boats are on display.

A number of audio and video commentaries enrich the visit.  Outside, the lightship Columbia allows on-board, hands-on understanding of a Coast Guard lightship.

In addition to the exhibits, the Museum operates a significant library which contains a wealth of information on the area's maritime history.  It is here that a number of the articles and photographs on the Columbia River One Design sailboats were found.  This website would not have been possible without the kind cooperation of curators David Pearson and Jeffrey Smith.

For more information on the Columbia River Maritime Museum, visit their website.

Jeff Smith of the Columbia River Maritime Museum curatorial staff, displaying drawings of the Columbia River One Design.

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