Dark Eldar - Mandrakes
Dark Eldar
Photos Section  (click on thumbnail to enlarge it)
Miniatures � Games Workshop 2004. All rights reserved. Used without permission - models painted by Dan Moore
Dark Eldar Mandrakes are probably one of the least understood  and consequently least used units in the army.  Their special deployment rules and their "shadow-skinned" abilities can make them quite effective under the right circumstances.  The key is knowing when and where to use them.  If you are facing an opponent with power armor, then they will serve you best by holding table quarters or supporting other units in assauluts.  If you are facing an opponent without power armor, then mandrakes are great for pouncing on weaker units and tearing them to shreds.

Other pages of interest:

A Mandrake tactics article by Don Barnett

Another viewpoint on ways to use Mandrakes

Making converted Mandrakes with plastic Warrior bits

A low cost, ground-based army that features Mandrakes
Two mandrakes:  The one on the left is standard model from a blister pack.  The one on the right is a  made with bits from the plastic Warriors sprue and a jetbike riders head.  Check out this conversion
A close-up of three mandrakes.  I opted to use a more gray skin tone to simulate their "shadow-skinned" ability.
A 10-man unit of mandrakes.  These guys can be a great unit to support assaults since they can appear when and where you want them and be a full strength.
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