Dark Eldar
Dark Eldar - New Units
I have felt for some time that the Dark Eldar army list needs to be re-worked and expanded to provide more unit choices and more variety for successful armies.  The following experimental units are my first attempt at updating the codex.  Please feel free to try out any of these units with your opponent's permission.  Any feedback from playtesting would be welcome.  E-mail me.

Please note these ARE NOT official Games Workshop units
Play tested codex revisions sent to me by Aaron Bonar in Omaha
Alternate Dark Eldar Codex
A new Troop choice with its own custom transport
Slaver Squad
A new twist on an old favorite
Revised Mandrakes
My reasoning for updating Mandrakes
Why Mandrakes should be changed
Revised Scourges
Scourges as a Fast Attack choice
Tempest Squad
A new Heavy Support unit to replace Scourges
Sniper Squad
A new Troop choice that can infiltrate
Revised Jetbikes
Discussion on Reaver Jetbikes and new rules for them
More Jetbikes
New wargear for Reaver Jetbikes plus the Striker jetbike
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