Design & Construction
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Tienda Virtual
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Site Design and Construction

After consulting with members of your team to determine your Internet strategy, Koinonia Network's creative professionals build your Web site. We ensure that text, graphics, and programming work together to effectively communicate your targeted message.

Since your Web site represents you, it must be held to the same high standards as any other form of client communication. Koinonia Network builds testing and review into every phase of site execution. We perform the following services:


Site Layout and Navigation
Koinonia Network inc  plans ahead to create a site that visitors find easy to use. At all times, users should have a clear sense of where they are in the site, where they have been, and where they have the option to go. We organize the information in the site logically and intuitively. From a design standpoint, we make use of the standards that have been developed for navigation while resisting graphical clichés.

Copywriting and Editing
Our professional writing staff creates clear, engaging copy in a Web-friendly format. We understand the way users read text on the Web and can rework your existing material to make sure your message is communicated effectively. Our copyediting staff reviews all text for typos and grammatical errors.

Graphic Design
Koinonia network reviews your existing material to create an inviting look-and-feel suited to your organization. We understand Web design and how it differs from designing for print, television, or other media. Image manipulation, illustration, and page layout accommodate the number-one need of most users: quick download time.

For clients that require a site containing multimedia elements, Koinonia network can incorporate animation and streaming media into the design. We can take existing audio and video materials and convert them to formats appropriate for the Web, or assist you in creating the content yourself.

RealAudio and Real Video streaming

Shockwave animation

JavaScript programming

Custom Programming
To take advantage of the true power of the Web, Koinonia network can custom program applications for your site to accomplish specialized tasks. We can create the interfaces between existing systems and the Web to display or gather specific data. Koinonia network can create applications for NT or various UNIX platforms, from simple CGI scripts in PERL to more sophisticated programs in Java or C.

Database Creation and Management
The Web is an ideal interface for implementing dynamic databases for buying, selling, and information retrieval. In fact, you can learn a tremendous amount about your clients from the information they supply. Koinonia network is experienced at database creation for a variety of uses, and can convert existing databases to a format usable on the Internet.



Basic $ 850.00 (for 10-20 pages) 


Pagina creada y diseñada por Demosthenes Valera

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