Site Maintenance and Promotion
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Site Maintenance and Promotion

Once your Web site is created, it must be maintained to keep it current and promoted to attract site visitors. I  offer you a wide array of services to accomplish these tasks:

Site Linkage and Registration Services
Even the best designed site is of no value if your audience is unable to find it. I systematically link your site to the most popular search engines and most closely related industry sites already on the Web. By skillfully manipulating the search engines, we maximize the number of "qualified hits" - visitors to your site who are actively interested in your products or services. And since 80% of qualified hits come from other, related sites, we scour the Web for sites to link to that attract the demographic you want to reach.

Internet Advertising
I  can design banner ads that match the look and feel of your Web site. We choose the specialized content found to be most effective for this form of Internet advertising, and then assist you with placement. Your ads will appear in the right venues for your target audience, in a context that will find your audience receptive.

I can incorporate new features and new content into your site to keep it current. Fresh content keeps your target audience coming back, which promotes the development of brand loyalty. We can either update the site for you or design a custom interface for you to do it on your own.

Usage/Demographic Analysis
I can analyze your monthly hit reports, form responses, and e-mail inquiries to determine how well your site is working for you. Information such as which pages on your site are the most popular and which questions are asked most frequently by site visitors can tell you about the needs of your audience - and allow you to fill them before your competitor does.
I can use this data to recommend targeted improvements to the site.

Costs for maintenance and promotion $120.00 a year 
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