Web Services
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Quien soy
Álbum de fotos
Sitios favoritos
Tienda Virtual
Aprenda Ingles

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Internet Consulting
For clients seeking assistance in planning their Internet strategy, I offer Internet consulting services. I conduct research into your organization and your industry, then draw on our experience to determine the most appropriate use of Internet technology for your needs.

Site Design and Construction
I ensure that text, graphics, and programming work together to effectively communicate your targeted message.

Site Maintenance
Once your site is created, it must be maintained to keep it current and promoted to attract site visitors.

Hosting Services
for site hosting, providing a variety of enhanced features such as SSL encryption, Microsoft FrontPage compatibility, and a library of user accessible CGI scripts. Hosting rates are $35/month for most sites.

Domain name registration
There may be a "Joe's Plumbing" in every local Yellow Pages, but there's only one joesplumbing.com on the Internet. I'll secure your domain name by registering it for you, before someone else selects it. After your domain is registered, your site will resolve at the new address and you can receive email at that name, with complete control over usernames.

What kind of Ib services

E-Business Cards

I call this the Electronic Business Card where you could have a Brief Description of your business, Containing vital contact information.


Pagina creada y diseñada por Demosthenes Valera

Hosted by www.Geocities.ws