Hosting Services
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Hosting Services

Koinonia network owns and maintains all of its Internet serving infrastructure, ensuring quick and reliable service for our clients. We have the flexibility to implement custom solutions for specific requirements, whether it means running proprietary software or hosting a dedicated machine. Koinonia network's Web servers utilize Digital's high-performance Alpha microprocessors.

A dependable link to the Internet backbone is one of the most important factors to consider when choosing a hosting provider. Koinonia network 's digital data connections are provided directly by UUNet, the most reliable and widely deployed Internet company in the industry. Many other hosting providers save money by using third party resellers of Internet data connections. We pay the considerable extra cost for using a premium provider like UUNet to guarantee YOUR online presence is always fast and accessible.

Website Hosting
Koinonia network maintains UNIX and NT web servers for site hosting, providing a variety of enhanced features such as SSL encryption, Microsoft FrontPage compatibility, and a library of user accessible CGI scripts. FTP access is available to organizations who need complete control of their sites. Hosting rates are $35/month for most sites. Newly available is Domino server hosting for customers needing connectivity for Lotus Notes applications.

Server Hosting
For specialized or high traffic sites, Koinonia network offers dedicated server hosting. We provide a LAN network connection and dedicated IP address space for your server, and maintain it on site.

Costs  $450 a year  


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