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A Muggle's Guide to the Death Eaters

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Death Eaters are wizards that follow Voldemort. Some of them have children in Hogwarts. They were formed between 1946 and 1956. Their original name was "The Knights of Walpurgis."

Ludovic Bagman

Suspected Death Eater

*He has blue eyes and blond hair
*He was a Beater for the Wimbourne Waspes from 1980 to 1993
*He worked in the Department of Games and Sports from 1993 to June of 1995
*He eventually became Head of his Department
*During his Quidditch days, he was accused of passing info to
Augustus Rookwood
*Rookwood was a friend of his fathers
*He admitted to passing the info to Rookwood, but said he didn't realise Rookwood was working for Voldemort
*He has problems with gambling
` *He went backrupt from his compulsive gambling
*He got in trouble with goblins for borrowing money from them, then not being able to pay them back

Ludovic Bagman has not yet been introduced in the films

Regulus Black

*He died in 1980 after trying to leave the Death Eaters
*He was Sirius Black's younger brother
*He is a pure-blood
*He was favored by his parents because he shared there prejudices
**His mother died in 1987 and her portrait is mounted permanently on a wall of the Black family home
*He had an Uncle Alphard (left him money) and an Aunt Elladora (started the tradition of beheading house-elves)
*His cousins were Narcissa Malfoy, Andromeda Tonks, and Bellatrix Lestrange
*His second cousins were Nymphadora Tonks, Draco Malfoy, and Arthur Wealsey
*His family motto is Toujours pur which means "always pure"

Regulus Black has not yet been introduced to the films

Mr. Crabbe

*He is large and dim-witted
*He is Vincent Crabbe's father
*He fought in the Department of Mysteries battle

Mr. Crabbe has not yet been introduced to the films

Bartemius Crouch Jr.

*His father is Bartemius Crouch Sr.
*He is pale with straw-colored hair
*He was one of the Death Eaters who tortured the Longbottoms
*He was caught torturing the Longbottoms and was sent to Azkaban
*His mother was dying so she convinced her husband to let her switch places with her son in Azkaban by taking the Polyjuice Potion
*He was put under the Imperius Curse to keep him under control
*He was forced to stay under an invisiblity cloak and was cared for by Winky, the house-elf
*To get to Harry and Dumbledore he took Polyjuice Potion to become Mad-Eye Moody and become the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor
*He arranged for Harry to be selected as a fourth champion
*He turned the Triwizard Cup into a Portkey to take Harry to Voldemort
*When Harry returned after escaping Voldemort, Crouch took him back to his office and intended to kill him there, but Dumbledore rescued him
*He was stunned and giving Veritaserum and told the entire story
*He was given the Dementor's Kiss on June 24, 1995

Bartemius Crouch Jr. is played by David Tennant in Goblet of Fire

Mr. Goyle

*He is large and oafish
*He is the father of Gregory Goyle

Mr. Goyle has not yet been introduced in the films

Fenrir Greyback

*He is a werewolf
*He kills just for the thrill
*He has a raspy voice
*He has yello fingernails and pointed teeth
*He bit Remus Lupin as a child

Fenrir Greyback has not yet been introduced to the films

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Igor Karkaroff

*He is a former Death Eater
*He ratted out other Death Eaters when he was caught by the Ministry
*He is Head of Durmstrang Institute
*He was found dead in the first weeks of the second wizarding war (June/July 1996)

Igor Karkaroff is played by Predrag Bjelac in the Goblet of Fire

Bellatrix Lestrange

*She was born in the 1950s
*Her sisters are Narcissa Malfoy and Andromeda Tonks
*Her husband is Rodolphus Lestrange
*She is Sirius Black's first cousin
*She was in Slytherin House at Hogwarts
*She joined the Death Eaters in the 1970s
*She was part of the Death Eaters that tortured Frand and Alice Longbottom
*She was the one that made them lose their minds
*She was caught and sentenced to Azkaban
*She escaped from Azkaban in January of 1996
*She is one of Voldemort's top lieutenants
*Voldemort calls her Bella
*She participated in the Department of Mysteries battle
*She killed Sirius and Harry tried to use the Cruciatus Curse on her, but he couldn't because he wasn't evil enough
*She escaped the battle with Voldemort

Bellatrix Lestrange has not yet been introduced to the films

Rabastan Lestrange

*He is the brother of Rodolphus
*He participated in the torture of the Longbottoms
*He was sentenced to life in Azkaban
*He escaped in the mass breakout in January of 1996
*He fought in the Department of Mysteries battle

Rabastan Lestrange has not yet been introduced in the films

Rodolphus Lestrange

*His wife is Bellatrix
*He is Rabastan's brother
*He participated in the torture of the Longbottoms
*He was sentenced to life in Azkaban
*He escaped from Azkaban in January 1996
*He participated in the Department of Mysteries battle

Rodolphus Lestrange has not yet been introduced in the films

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Walden Macnair

*He has a black moustache
*He is the Executioner of Dangerous Creatures for the Ministry of Magic
*He was sent by Voldemort to talk with the giants
*He participated in the Department of Mysteries battle
*He is in Azkaban

Walden Macnair was played by Peter Best in the Prisoner of Azkaban (credited as the Executioner, but in the book "the executioner" is Macnair)

Fan art of Draco Malfoy. Malfoy, Draco

Suspected Death Eater

*He was born June 5, 1980
*His name means Dragon of Bad Faith
*Ron Weasley gave him the nickname "The Amazing Bouncing Ferret" after being turned into a ferret by Mad-Eye Moody
*He is Pure Blood
*His mother is Narcissa Black
*His father is Lucius Malfoy, a confirmed Death Eater
*Aunts, Uncles: Belatrix Lestrange, Rodolphus Lestrange, Andromeda Tonks, Ted Tonks
*Cousins: Nymphadora Tonks, Sirius Black, Regulus Black, and Molly Weasley
*He is an only child
*His childhood was affluent
*He worships his father
*His mother frequently sends him sweets from home
*His lives with his parents in Malfoy Manor in Wiltshire (southwest England)
*He has an Eagle owl
*He has grey eyes, pale, white blonde hair, and a pale pointed face
*He is in Slytherin house
*He plays Seeker on the Slytherin house Quidditch team
*He was a Prefect in his fifth year
*He was involved in the Inquisitorial Squad
*Harry believes Draco has become a Death Eater
*He is friends with Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle
*Attended the Yule Ball with Pansy Parkinson
*They were very cosy on the train to Hogwart for their 6th year
*He used to use a Comet 260 broom, but now has a Nimbus 2001
*Voldemort ordered Draco to murder Albus Dumbledore
*His mother asks Professor Snape to protect him if he fails to carry out Voldemort's deed
*He gets so frightened and lonely that he went to Moaning Myrtle to talk
*He starts to lose weight, get paler, and he has dark circles under his eyes
*If he failed, Voldemort would have his whole family killed
*He was unable to kill the Headmaster

Draco Malfoy is played by Tom Felton in Sorceror's Stone, Chamber of Secrets, Prisoner of Azkaban, and Goblet of Fire

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Lucius Malfoy

*He was born in 1954
*He is pure-blood
*He lives in Malfoy Manor in Wiltshire, which is in south west England
*His wife is Narcissa Malfoy
*He has a son named Draco
*He has cold grey eyes and blond hair
*He was in Slytherin
*He donates to St. Mungo's
*He was on the Governing Board of Hogwarts until 1993
*He participated in the Department of Mysteries battle
*He was sentenced to life in Azkaban

Lucius Malfoy is played by Jason Isaacs in the Chamber of Secrets, Goblet of Fire, and will be appearing in the Order of the Phoenix due out in June 2007

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Peter Pettigrew

*He was born in 1960
*His alternate names are Wormtail and Scabbers
*Wormtail refers to his Animagus form
*His animagus form is a rat
*He is missing a finger on his right hand
*He is easily influenced by people around him
*He helped create the Marauder's Map
*He was Scabbers, Ron's pet rat, from November 1981 to June 1994
*He transformed into a rat and escaped thru the sewers
*For Voldemort to get his body back he needed a hand of a servant, so Peter cut off his hand for Voldemort
*He now has a silver right hand
*He killed Cedric Diggory

Peter Pettigrew is played by Timothy Spall in the Prisoner of Azkaban and Goblet of Fire

Augustus Rookwood

*He is a spy in the Ministry
*He was one of the Death Eaters that Karkaroff named on his trial
*He was sentenced to life in Azkaban
*He escaped Azkaban in January 1996
*He fought in the Department of Mysteries Battle

Augustus Rookwood has not yet been introduced to the films

Professor Snape

*His first name is Serverus
*James Potter and Sirius Black used to call him Snivellus
*He was born January 9, 1959
*He is the Half-Blooded Prince
*He is a half-blood
*His mother was Eileen Prince
*His father was Tobias Snape
*He lives in a brick row house on Spinner's End
*He has black, greasy, shoulder length hair
*He has the Dark Mark on his left forearm
*His first year at Hogwarts was in 1971
*He was Potions professor and Head of Slytherin House at Hogwarts from 1981 to Spring of 1996 *He was Defense Against the Dark Arts professor for the 1996-97 school year
*His office was located adjacent to the dungeon classroom where he teaches potions
*His worst memory is the episode when James Potter hung with upside down so his graying underwear showed
*He killed Professor Dumbledore

Professor Snape is played by Alan Rickman in Sorcerer's Stone, Chamber of Secrets, Prisoner of Azkaban, and Goblet of Fire

Fan art of Professor Snape.

Lord Voldemort

*His full name is Tom Marvolo Riddle
*His birthday is December 31, 1926
*His other names are 'You-Know-Who,' 'He Who Must Not Be Named,' 'The Dark Lord,' and 'Tom'
*He is half-blood
*He is a descendent of Salazar Slytherin
*His mother was Merope Gaunt, she died in London after giving birth to him
*His father was Tom Riddle, who was a muggle from Little Hangleton
*His father abandoned his mother because she was a witch
*He was raised in a Muggle orphanage in London
*His grandfathers were Mr. Riddle and Marvolo Gaunt
*His uncle was Morfin Gaunt
*He has a large snake named Nagini
*He murdered his father and grandparents
*His worst fear is death
*His greatest desire is for himself to become all powerful and eternal
*He has many different appearances:

Time Frame Description
16 years old tall, handsome, jet black haired, dark eyed boy
Late 20s deathly pale face that looked waxy and oddly distorted. His eyes were permanently bloodshot
Before rebirth hairless, scaly-looking, and a dark reddish black color. He was thin and feeble. His face was flat and snakelike with red eyes
After rebirth tall, skeletally thin, whiter than a skull, scarlet eyes, flat and snakelike nose
Department of Mysteries battle tall, thin, snakelike face, white, gaunt, scarlet eyes

*He attended Hogwarts from 1938 to 1945
*He was in Slytherin
*He was a Prefect in 1942 and Head Boy in 1944
*He was awarded a Medal for Magical Merit, Special Services to Hogwarts
*After Hogwarts, he started working at Borgin and Burke's in Knockturn Alley
*His wand is yew wood, thirteen and a half inches, with one of Fawkes' feathers for its core
*He can speak Parselmouth and perform Legilimens
*He can split his soul and place it in different objects to preserve himself

Tom Riddle was played by Christian Coulson in the Chamber of Secrets

Lord Voldemort was computer animated, so Richard Bremmer did his voice in the Sorcerer's Stone

He is now played by Ralph Fiennes in the Goblet of Fire

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