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A Muggle's Guide to Hogwarts Students

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Abbott, Hannah

Born: 1980
Hufflepuff, 1991 - 1998
Prefect 1995 - present

*A pink-faced blonde girl who wears her hair in pigtails
*A close friend of Ernie Macmillan
*Hobby: collecting chacolate frog cards
*Became Prefect of Hufflepuff in August of 1995
*Involved in Dumbledore's Army
*Mother was killed by Death Eaters during her sixth year
*She left Hogwarts in the sixth year and has not yet returned

Hannah Abbott is played by Charlotte Skeoch in Chamber of Secrets and Goblet of Fire

Fan art of Hannah Abbott.
Fan art of Katie Bell.

Bell, Katie

Born: 1978
Gryffindor, 1990 - 1997
Quidditch team Chaser

*Oliver Wood considered her to be a superb Chaser
*One of three Chasers, along with Angelina Johnson and Alicia Spinnet
*Involved in Dumbledore's Army
*She was put under the Imperius Curse by Madam Rosmerta

Katie Bell was played by Emily Dale in Sorcerer's Stone and Chamber of Secrets

Bones, Susan

Born: 1980
Hufflepuff, 1991 - 1998

*She wears her hair in a long plait down her back
*Got involved in Dumbledore's Army in October 1995
*Her uncle Edgar was a member of the ORder of the Phoenix in the 1970s
*Her uncle and his family were killed by a Death Eater before Voldemort fell
*Her aunt Amelia was Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement until her death
*Her aunt was murdered by Death Eaters in the first weeks of the Second Wizarding War

Susan Bones was played by Eleanor Columbus (the Director's daughter) in Sorcerer's Stone and Chamber of Secrets

Fan art of Susan Bones.
Fan art of Terry Boot. Boot, Terry

Born: 1980
Ravenclaw, 1991 - 1998

*Became involved in Dumbledore's Army in October 1995
*Heard about the DA from his friend Michael Corner

Terry Boot has not been introduced in the films

Brown, Lavender

Born: 1980
Gryffindor, 1991 - 1998

*Best friend of Parvati Patil
*She is keen on Divination
*She is convinced Professor Trelawney is a full blown Seer
*Involved in Dumbledore's Army
*She attended the Yule Ball with Seamus Finnigan
*Had a hot and heavy relationship with Ron Weasley in their sixth year

Lavender Brown was played by Jennifer Smith in Prisoner of Azkaban

Fan art of Lavender Brown.
Fan art of Cho Chang.

Chang, Cho

Born: 1979
Ravenclaw, 1990 - 1997
Quidditch team Seeker

*She is very popular and often has a group of friends around her
*She has been a fan of the Tutshill Tornados since she was six
*She has long black hair
*She was Harry's crush
*Attended the Yule Ball with Cedric Diggory
*Dated Cedric in her sixth year
*She was Cedric's hostage for the second task of the Triwizard Tournament
*Involved in Dumbledore's Army
*Her Patronus is a swan
*Dated Michael Corner after Ginny Weasley broke up with him

Cho Chang is played by Katie Leung in Goblet of Fire

Corner, Michael

Born: 1980
Ravenclaw, 1991 - 1998

*Dark-haired boy
*Met Ginny Weasley at the Yule Ball
*Began dating Ginny at the end of his fourth year
*Involved in Dumbledore's Army
*Ginny dumped him because he was sulking after Gryffindor beat Ravenclaw in Quidditch

Michael Corner has not been introduced in the films

Fan art of Michael Corner.
Fan art of Vincent Crabbe. Crabbe, Vincent

Born: 1980
Slytherin, 1991 - 1998
Quidditch team Beater

*He is one of Draco Malfoy's bodyguards
*He is thickset and mean
*He has a pudding-bowl haircut and long gorilla-like arms

Vincent Crabbe is played by Jamie Waylett in Sorcerer's Stone, Chamber of Secrets, Prisoner of Azkaban, and Goblet of Fire

Creevey, Colin

Born: 1981
Slytherin, 1992 - 1999

*He is very excitable, short, and has mousy brown hair
*His father is a Muggle milkman
*Harry is his idol
*He was petrified by the basilisk in November of his first year
*He wasn't cured until late May
*His brother, Dennis and him both joined Dumbledore's Army in October 1995
*He is muggle-born

Colin Creevey was played by Hugh Mitchell in Chamber of Secrets

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Fan art of Colin Creevey.
Fan art of Roger Davies.

Davies, Roger

Born: 1978
Ravenclaw, 1990s
Quidditch team Captain/Chaser

*He is very popular and athletic
*He's a year or two oler than Harry
*Attended the Yule Ball with Fleur Delacour
*He could barely think straight around her

Roger Davies is played by Henry Lloyd-Hughes in Goblet of Fire

Diggory, Cedric

Born: 1977 | Died: June 24, 1995
Hufflepuff, 1988 - 1995
Quidditch Team Captain/Seeker

*He was a very handsome boy with grey eyes
*He was quite tall and very quiet
*He was selected by the Goblet of Fire to represent Hogwarts in the Triwizard Tournament
*He was killed by Wormtail on Voldemort's command
*"He was a person who exemplified many of the qualities that distinguish Hufflepuff house. He was a good and loyal friend, a hard worker, he valued fair play. His death has affected you all, whether you knew him or not." told by Dumbledore after his death
*Attended the Yule Ball with Cho Chang
*They were romantically envolved until he died

Cedric Diggory is played by Robert Pattinson in Goblet of Fire

Fan art of Cedric Diggory.
Fan art of Marietta Edgecombe.

Edgecombe, Marietta

Born: 1979
Ravenclaw, 1990 - 1997

*Friend of Cho Chang
*Daughter of Madam Edgecombe
*She has curly, reddish-blonde hair
*She was forced to attend DA meetings by Cho
*She told Professor Umbridge about Dumbledore's Army and had "SNEAK" written on her face in nasty purple postules
*Before she could tell Fudge, Shaklebolt modified her memory with an Obliviate spell

Marietta Edgecombe has not been introduced in the films

Finch-Fletchley, Justin

Born: 1980
Hufflepuff, 1991 - 1998

*Involved in Dumbledore's Army
*He has curly hair
*He is a muggle-born
*He was threatened by a snake at the Dueling Club until Harry called it off in Parseltongue
*He was petrified by the basilisk on December 18, 1992
*Sometimes his name is given as "Fitch-Fletchley", but that is incorrect

Justin Finch-Fletchley was played by Edward Randell in Chamber of Secrets

Fan art of Justin Finch-Fletchley.
Fan art of Seamus Finnigan. Finnigan, Seamus

Born: 1980
Gryffindor, 1991 - 1998

*His worst fear is banshees
*He is an Irish boy with sandy hair
*He is a Half-blood, his father is a muggle and his mother didn't tell his dad that she was a witch until after they were married
*The Sorting Hat took almost a whole minute to decide his house
*He is good friends with Dean Thomas
*His family camped out in the Irish section of the campground at the 1994 Quidditch World Cup in a tent covered with live shamrocks
*His favorite Quidditch team is the Kenmare Kestrals
*Involved in Dumbledore's Army

Seamus Finnigan is played by Devon Murray in Sorceror's Stone, Chamber of Secrets, Prisoner of Azkaban, and Goblet of Fire

Flint, Marcus

Born: 1975
Slytherin, 1986 - 1994 (He repeated a year)
Quidditch team Captian/Chaser

*Reasoning for Repeating a year, in the first book it said the Slytherin house Quidditch captain was sixth year Marcus Flint. If there are only seven years of Hogwarts, why is he in the third book?

Marcus Flint was played by Jamie Yeates in Chamber of Secrets

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Fan art of Marcus Flint.
Fan art of Gregory Goyle.

Goyle, Gregory

Born: 1980
Slytherin, 1991 - 1998
Quidditch team Beater

*He has short, bristly hair that extends down his forehead
*His eyes are small, dull, and deep-set
*He has a low and raspy voice
*He has long, gorilla-ish arms
*He is thickset and extremely mean
*He is almost stupid as he is mean
*He follows Draco Malfoy around and acts like his bodyguard
*He was a member of Umbridge's Inquisitorial Squad
*His father is a Death Eater

Gregory Goyle is played by Joshua Herdman in Sorceror's Stone, Chamber of Secrets, Prisoner of Azkaban, and Goblet of Fire

Granger, Hermione

Born: September 19, 1979
Gryffindor, 1991 - 1998
Prefect 1995 - present

*She is Muggle-born
*Her parents are dentists
*She is an only child
*Her middle name is Jane
*She has a Cat/Kneazle hybird named Crookshanks
*She has brown, bushy hair and brown eyes
*Her best friends are Harry Potter and Ron Weasley
*She is also very good friends with Ginny Weasley
*In fourth year, she found herself the object of the affection of Viktor Krum
*She earned 10 "Outstanding" OWLs and 1 "Exceeds Exspectations" OWL in Defense Against the Dark Arts
*Involved in Dumbledore's Army
*Created S.P.E.W.
*Her Amortentia Potion gives the smell of greshly mown grass and new parchment
*Her wand is vine wood with a dragon heartstring core
*She knits socks for the house elves
*Her Patronus is an otter
*Her Boggart is Professor McGonagall telling her she failed everything
*She is the brightest witch in her year at Hogwarts
*She is very disapproving of rule-breaking
*By her fifth year, she could cast a Protean Charm, which N.E.W.T. standard magic
*She excels in most subjects and helps Neville Longbottom through Potions

Hermione Granger is played by Emma Watson in Sorceror's Stone, Chamber of Secrets, Prisoner of Azkaban, Goblet of Fire, and will be in Order of the Phoenix due out in June 2007

Fan art of Hermione Granger.
Fan art of Angelina Johnson.

Johnson, Angelina

Born: October 1977
Gryffindor, 1989 - 1996
Quidditch team Captain/Chaser

*She is a tall black girl
*Attended the Yule Ball with Fred Weasley
*She was knocked off her broom during a Slytherin vs. Gryffindor match

Angelina Johnson was played by Danielle Tabor in Sorceror's Stone, Chamber of Secrets, and Prisoner of Azkaban
She is now played by Tiana Benjamin in Goblet of Fire

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Longbottom, Neville

Born: July 30, 1980
Gryffindor, 1991 - 1998

*He is a round-faced boy
*His mothers name is Alice and his fathers name is Frank
*Both his parents were Aurors
*His parents were tortured into insanity by Bellatrix Lestrange and other Death Eaters
*He is a Pure-Blood
*His family worried that he might be a squib
*He lives with his grandmother, her name is Augusta Longbottom, but is referred to as "Gran"
*He has a pet toad named Trevor, that was a gift from his Great Uncle Algie
*He received an "Acceptable" OWL in Transfiguration, "Outstanding" OWL in Herbology, "Exceeds Expectations" in Defense Against the Dark Arts, and "Exceeds Expectations" in Charms
*When he started at Hogwarts, he used his fathers want, but it broke in the Battle of the Department of Mysteries
*His new wand is cherry wood with a unicorn hair core
*Involved in Dumbledore's Army
*His boggart is Professor Snape
*He is very forgetful and has trouble performing magic
*His best subject is Herbology
*He snores

Neville Longbottom is played by Matthew Lewis in Sorceror's Stone, Chamber of Secrets, Prisoner of Azkaban, and Goblet of Fire

Fan art of Neville Longbottom.
Fan art of Luna Lovegood. Lovegood, Luna

Born: 1981
Ravenclaw, 1992 - 1999

*She has dirty blonde, waist-length, straggly hair
*She always has a dreamy look on her face
*She holds a variety of rather strange beliefs that seem to have no basis in fact
*Her nickname, Loony Lovegood, is how people make fun of her
*She has a bizarre sense of appropriate social behavior
*When other students waved banners and wore rosettes in team colors to a Quidditch match, Luna wore a hat with a life-size lion's head that roared very realistically
*Her family is possibly the Lovegoods mentioned living near Ottery St. Catchpole
*Her father is the editor of The Quibbler
*Her mother loved to experiment, but when Luna was 9, one of her mother's spells went wrong and her mother was killed

Luna Lovegood has not been introduced in the films

Macmillan, Ernie

Born: 1980
Hufflepuff, 1991 - 1998
Prefect 1995 - present

*He is stout and sort of pompous
*His close friend, Hannah Abbott and himself are the prefects for Hufflepuff
*Involved in Dumbledore's Army
*He looks like a bad case of a Head Boy waiting to happen (He could be the next Percy Weasley)

Ernie Macmillan is played by Louis Doyle in Chamber of Secrets and Goblet of Fire

Fan art of Ernie Macmillan.
Fan art of Draco Malfoy. Malfoy, Draco

Born: June 5, 1980
Slytherin, 1991 - 1998
Quidditch team Seeker
Prefect 1995

*His name means Dragon of Bad Faith
*Ron Weasley gave him the nickname "The Amazing Bouncing Ferret" after being turned into a ferret by Mad-Eye Moody
*He is Pure Blood
*His mother is Narcissa Black
*His father is Lucius Malfoy, a confirmed Death Eater
*Aunts, Uncles: Belatrix Lestrange, Rodolphus Lestrange, Andromeda Tonks, Ted Tonks
*Cousins: Nymphadora Tonks, Sirius Black, Regulus Black, and Molly Weasley
*He is an only child
*His childhood was affluent
*He worships his father
*His mother frequently sends him sweets from home
*His lives with his parents in Malfoy Manor in Wiltshire (southwest England)
*He has an Eagle owl
*He has grey eyes, pale, white blonde hair, and a pale pointed face
*He was involved in the Inquisitorial Squad
*Harry believes Draco has become a Death Eater
*He is friends with Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle
*Attended the Yule Ball with Pansy Parkinson
*They were very cosy on the train to Hogwart for their 6th year
*He used to use a Comet 260 broom, but now has a Nimbus 2001
*Voldemort ordered Draco to murder Albus Dumbledore
*His mother asks Professor Snape to protect him if he fails to carry out Voldemort's deed
*He gets so frightened and lonely that he went to Moaning Myrtle to talk
*He starts to lose weight, get paler, and he has dark circles under his eyes
*If he failed, Voldemort would have his whole family killed
*He was unable to kill the Headmaster

Draco Malfoy is played by Tom Felton in Sorceror's Stone, Chamber of Secrets, Prisoner of Azkaban, and Goblet of Fire

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Nott, Theodore

Born: 1980
Slytherin, 1991 - 1998

*He is the son of a Death Eater
*He is described as "weedy-looking"
*He can see thestrals
*According to JKR, he is a "clever loner who does not feel the need to join gangs, including Malfoy's"

Theodore Nott has not yet been introduced in the films

Fan art of Theodore Nott.
Fan art of Pansy Parkinson.

Parkinson, Pansy

Born: 1980
Slytherin, 1991 - 1998
Prefect 1995-present

*According to Harry, she is a "hard-faced Slytherin girl"
*She has a face like a pug
*She is the leader of the Slytherin girls
*Involved in the Inquisitorial Squad
*She dotes on Draco Malfoy
*Attended the Yule Ball with Draco
*She wore frilly, pale pink robes
*During their 6th year train ride, she had Draco's head on her lap and was stroked his hair

Pansy Parkinson was played by Genevieve Gaunt in the Prisoner of Azkaban

Patil, Padma

Born: 1980
Ravenclaw, 1991 - 1998
Prefect 1995 - present

*She is the identical twin sister of Parvati
*She has long dark hair
*Attended the Yule Ball with Ron Weasley as a blind date arranged by her sister and Harry Potter
*Involved in Dumbledore's Army
*Her and her sister were almost called home because of the Death Eater activity

Padma Patil is played by Afshan Azad in the Goblet of Fire.

Patil, Parvati

Born: 1980
Gryffindor, 1991 - 1998

*She is the identical twin sister of Padma
*She has long dark hair
*According to Dean Thomas, her and her twin are the best-looking girls in their year
*Attended the Yule Ball with Harry Potter
*Harry paid very little attention to her at the Ball, so she went off with a boy from Beauxbatons
*Her best friend is Lavender Brown
*They are both impressed by Professor Trelawney and love Divination
*Involved in Dumbledore's Army
*Her and her sister were almost called home because of the Death Eater activity

Parvati Patil was played by Sitara Shah in the Prisoner of Azkaban
She is now played by Shefali Chowdhury in the Goblet of Fire

Fan art of Padma and Parvati Patil.
Fan art of Harry Potter. Potter, Harry

Born: 1980
Gryffindor, 1991 - 1998
Quidditch team Seeker 1991 - 1995
Quidditch team Captain 1996

*His full name is Harry James Potter
*His has many nicknames including, "The boy who lived," "Saint Potter," "the Mudblood's Friend," "The chosen one," and "Parry Otter, the Chosen Boy"
*He is mentioned in Modern Madical History, The Rise and Fall of the Dark Arts, and Great Wizarding Events of the Twentieth Century
*He is a half-blood
*His mother was Lily Evans, she was killed by Lord Voldemort
*His father was James Potter, he was killed by Lord Voldemort
*His Aunt and Uncle are Petunia Dursley (his mother's sister) and Vernon Dursley
*His cousin is Dudley Dursley
*He is an only child
*He was raised by the Dursley's at their home on 4 Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey
*His godfather is Sirius Black
*He has a pet owl named Hedwig
*He has brilliant green eyes to match his mother's
*His hair is black that is always messy and sticks up in the back just like his father's
*He wears round glasses and has a lightning bolt scar on his forehead
*He got his scar because he was touched by a powerful, evil curse
*It was the same curse that killed his mother and father, but it didn't kill him, that's why he's so famous
*Dumbledore believes that Harry's scar hurts when Voldemort is near Harry or when Voldemort is feeling a particularly strong surge of hatred
*He earned seven OWLs; one Acceptable (Astronomy), 5 Exceeds expectations (Care of Magical Creatures, Charms, Herbology, Potions, and Transfiguration), one Outstanding (Defense Against the Dark Arts), and one Poor (History of Magic)
*He has won the Quidditch cup, Special Award for Services to the School, and he was the Triwizard Tournament Champion
*His wand is holly and phoenix feather, eleven inches
*His wand is the "brother" of Lord Voldemort's wand *The phoenix feather came from Dumbledore's phoenix "Fawkes"
*He had a Nimbus 2000, until the wind blew it into the Whomping Willow, which smashed it to pieces, in his third year
*He now has a Firebolt
*He has a Invisibility cloak and the Marauder's Map
*Involved in Dumbledore's Army and the Slug Club
*Attended the Yule Ball with Parvati Patil
*He wants to be an Auror
*He speaks Parseltongue
*He can cast spells withour a wand
*He appears to be resistant to the Imperius Curse and Veelas
*His patronus is a silver stag
*His worst memory is the death of his parents
*His boggart is a dementor
*His love potion smeels of treacle tart, the woody smell of a broomstick handle, and something flowery that he thinks he smelt before at the Burrow
*The prophecy on him says,

"The one with the power to vanquishthe dark lord approaches...Born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies...And the dark lord will mark him as equal, but he will have power the dark lord knows not...And wither must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives."
Harry Potter is played by Daniel Radcliffe in the Sorceror's Stone, Chamber of Secrets, Prisoner of Azkaban, Goblet of Fire, and will be in Order of the Phoenix due out June 2007

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Smith, Zacharias

Born: ?
Hufflepuff, 1990s
Quidditch team Chaser

*Involved in Dumbledore's Army
*He is very skeptic
*Ron, Fred, and George threatened him at the first DA meeting

Zacharias Smith has not yet been introduced in the films

Fan art of Zacharias Smith.
Fan art of Alicia Spinnet. Spinnet, Alicia

Born: 1978
Gryffindor, 1989 - 1996
Quidditch team Chaser

*She was on the reserve team from 1990 to 1991 after being discovered by Oliver Wood

Alicia Spinnet was played by Leilah Sutherland in the Sorcerer's Stone
She was then played by Rochelle Douglas in the Chamber of Secrets

Thomas, Dean

Born: 1980
Gryffindor, 1991 - 1998
Quidditch team Chaser

*He is a half-blood black boy who is taller than Ron
*He is a West Ham football (soccer) fan
*His family consists of his Muggle parents and a number of brothers and sisters
*He is good at drawing and can forge signaures well
*His greatest fear has something to do with a severed hand
*His best friend is Seamus Finnigan
*He dated Ginny Weasley during his sixth year, until she broke up with him in May of 1997
*His bloodstatus is a bit complicated because his biological father was a wizard who walked out on the family when Dean was very young
*His muggle father is really his stepfather
*His siblings are really stepbrothers and stepsisters
*His mother never knew the truth about his biological father, he did leave them, but to protect them and was killed by Death Eaters when he refused to join Voldemort's ranks

Dean Thomas is played by Alfred Enoch in the Sorcerer's Stone, Chamber of Secrets, Prisoner of Azkaban, and the Goblet of Fire

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Fan art of Dean Thomas.
Fan art of Fred and George Weasley.

Weasley, Fred and George

Born: April 1, 1978
Gryffindor, 1989 - 1996
Quidditch team Beaters

*They were born on April Fools Day
*They are stockily built and have red hair
*Their parents are Arthur and Molly Weasley
*They are two years younger than Percy and two years older than Ron
*They are very clever magical inventors and practical jokers
*Their ambition was to open a joke shop and sell some of their inventions
*They are very similar in personality
*They're always at odds with their mother
*They greatly enjoy pestering Percy as well
*They love to be the life of the party and the center of attention
*They are very sneaky and spend a lot of time breaking rules and exploring areas of Hogwarts castle and grounds that students are not supposed to enter
*They have a knack for finding secret passages
*Argus Filch has an entire file drawer devoted to them and their rule-breaking
*They tried to enter the Triwizard Tournament, but the Goblet was charmed with an Age Line so no one under the age of 17 could enter
*They took an Aging Potion to try to fool the Goblet's charm, but it failed and they were left with long white beards
*Their best friend is Lee Jordan, who was the announcer for all the quidditch matches
*In June of 1995 Harry gave all his Triwizard winnings (1,000 Galleons) to them for their joke shop
*They purchased ingredients (e.g. Venomous Tentacula seeds) for research and development, launched a mail order business, and advertised in the Daily Prophet with Harry's winnings
*Their joke shop is called Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes
*Over the summer, they tested their products on themselves, but when the school year came around, they tested their products on first years and other gullible students
*Their departure from Hogwarts will be legendary; they left of their brooms after announcing the launch of their joke shop at 93 Diagon Alley
*They left school to further defy Dolores Unbridge *By the summer of 1996, they had moved out of the Burrow and had an apartment above their shop

Fred and George Weasley are played by James Phelps and Oliver Phelps in the Sorcerer's Stone, Chamber of Secrets, Prisoner of Azkaban, and the Goblet of Fire

Weasley, Ginevra

Born: August 11, 1981
Gryffindor, 1992 - 1999
Quidditch team Seeker (1995-1996)
Quidditch team Chaser (1996-present)

*Her full name is Ginevra Molly Weasley, but everybody calls her Ginny
*She is a pure blood
*Her mother is Molly (Prewett) Weasley
*Her father is Arthur Weasley
*She is the only girl in the family
*She has six brothers, Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred and George, and Ron
*She lives at the Burrow near Ottery St. Catchpole, Devon
*She has a pet pygmy puff named Arnold
*She has bright brown eyes and vivid, flaming red hair
*Involved in Dumbledore's Army
*She came up with the name for Dumbledore's Army
*Involved in the Slug Club
*She dated Michael Corner in her third year, Dean Thomas in her fourth year, and Harry Potter in her fifth year
*She is the only other known person, besides Harry, to have been possessed by Voldemort and lived to tell the tale

Ginny Weasley is played by Bonnie Wright in the Sorcerer's Stone, Chamber of Secrets, Prisoner of Azkaban, and the Goblet of Fire

Fan art of Ginny Weasley.
Fan art of Ron Weasley. Weasley, Ronald

Born: March 1, 1980
Gryffindor, 1991 - 1998
Quidditch team Keeper (1995-present)
Prefect 1995

*His full name is Ronald Bilius Weasley, but most people call him Ron
*Dobby calls him Wheezy
*Luna calls him Ronald
*Lavender calls him Won-won
*His inscribed copy of Advanced Potion-Making says Roonil Wazlib
*Slughorn calls him Rupert
*He is a pure blood
*His mother is Molly (Prewett) Weasley
*His father is Arthur Weasley
*He has five brothers, Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred, and George, and one sister, Ginny
*He lives at the Burrow near Ottery St. Catchpole, Devon
*He had a pet rat named Scabbers (until 1994) and now has a owl named Pigwidgeon (Pig)
*He has blue eyes and flaming red hair
*He is tall, thin and gangling, with freckles, big hands and feet, and a long nose
*He got 7 OWLs in Astronomy, Care of Magical Creatures, Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Herbology, Potions, and Transfiguration
*Received a special award for services to the school in his second year *Involved in Dumbledore's Army
*Attended the Yule Ball with Padma Patil
*He dated Lavender Brown in his sixth year
*His wand was originally Charlie's old wand until he broke it in his second year
*He wants to be an Auror
*He is very skilled at Wizard's Chess
*He tends to be wrong when he's serious and right when he's joking
*In the Mirror of Erised, which allows you to see your heart's desire, he sees himself as Head Boy and Quiddtich Captain, holding up the house cup and the Quidditch cup
*His patronus is a jack russell terrier
*His boggart is a spider

Ron Weasley is played by Rupert Grint in the Sorcerer's Stone, Chamber of Secrets, Prisoner of Azkaban, Goblet of Fire, and will be in the Order of the Phoenix due out June 2007

Wood, Oliver

Born: 1976
Gryffindor, 1987 - 1994
Quidditch team Captain/Keeper

*He is described as burly
*He is fanatical about Quiddtich
*After he graduated, in the summer of 1994, he signed with Puddlemere United Reserve Team

Oliver Wood is played by Sean Biggerstaff in the Sorcerer's Stone and Chamber of Secrets

Fan art of Oliver WOod.
Fan art of Blaise Zabini.

Zabini, Blaise

Born: 1980
Slytherin, 1991 - 1998

*He is described as a tall black boy with high cheekbones and long, slanting eyes
*He shares Draco's hatred of muggle-borns
*Ginny thinks he's a poser
*Involved in the Slug Club

Blaise Zabini has not yet been introduced to the films

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