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A Muggle's Guide to the Order of the Phoenix

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The Order of the Phoenix was first established in the 1970s. Dumbledore gathered a group of people together to fight againt Lord Voldemort. They used number twelve Grimmauld Place as their headquarters, until Sirius died. The house was old and in a run-down area of London about a mile from King's Cross. It is hidden with a Fidelius Charm.

Sirius Black

*His nicknames were Snuffles and Padfoot
*Padfoot refers to his Animagus form
*His Animagus was a black dog
*He was pure-blood
*He was born in 1960 and died in June of 1996
*He had gray eyes and black hair
*He was tall and very thin because of his time spent in Azkaban
*He started Hogwarts in 1971
*He was a Gryffindor
*He helped create the Marauder's Map
*He had a flying motorcycle and a two-way mirror
*He was part of the Marauders
*He was sent to Azkaban for seemingly blowing up
Peter Pettigrew, but he was actually framed by Peter himself
*He was killed by his cousin Bellatrix Lestrange
` *He left all his possessions to Harry in his will
*His mother died in 1987 and her portrait is mounted permanently on a wall of the Black family home
*He had a brother named Regulus
*He had an Uncle Alphard (left him money) and an Aunt Elladora (started the tradition of beheading house-elves)
*His cousins were Narcissa Malfoy, Andromeda Tonks, and Bellatrix Lestrange
*His second cousins were Nymphadora Tonks, Draco Malfoy, and Arthur Wealsey
*His family motto is Toujours pur which means "always pure"
*He was the best man at James and Lily's wedding
*He was Harry's godfather

Sirius Black is played by Gary Oldman in Prisoner of Azkaban and Goblet of Fire

Fan art of Sirius Black.

Aberforth Dumbledore

*He is tall and thin
*He is a grumpy-looking old man
*He wears glasses
*He is Albus Dumbledore's brother
*He is the barkeep at the Hog's Head in Hogsmeade
*He is very dodgy

Aberforth DUmbledore has not yet been introduced to the films

Albus Dumbledore

*His full name was Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore
*He was born in 1840 and died in June of 1997
*He had a brother name Aberforth
*He had a pet phoenix named Fawkes
*He had blue eyes and white (originally auburn) hair
*He had a scar on his knee in the shape of the London Underground
*His right hand was withered and blackened in the summer of 1996
*He was tall, thin, and very old
*He had a silver beard that was long enough to tuck into his belt
*He wore half-moon spectacles
*His first year at Hogwarts was in 1851
*He was in Gryffindor
*He was very good with a wand
*He started teaching at Hogwarts in 1938 as Transfiguration professor and Head of Gryffindor house
*In 1955, he became Headmaster of Hogwarts
*His office was located, according to book 4, on the second floor, but according to book 6, it's located on the seventh floor in one of the towers
*The entrance to his office is behind a statue of a gargoyle, with the password usually being some kind of sweet
*In his office was a golden perch for Fawkes, the Sorting Hat, Gryffindor's sword, cupboard with a Pensieve in it, portraits of previous Headmasters and Headmistresses, a claw footed desk and chairs, and silver instruments that stood on spindle legged tables and whirred and emitted little puffs of smoke
*He owned several magical devices, including a pensieve (thought storer), the mirror of erised (allows you to see your hearts deepest desires), a put-outer (steals light from lamps), time-turner (allows you to go back in time), and a gold ring with a heavy black stone cracked down the middle
*He could speak Mermish and could understand Parseltongue
*His favorite foods were sherbet lemon drops, cockroach clusters, hot cocoa, raspberry jam, and acid pops
*The organizations he was involved in were Order of Merlin, First Class, Order of the Phoenix, Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation of Wizards, and Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot
*He defeated the dark wizard Grindelwald
*He discovered 12 uses for dragon blood
*His skills consisted of alchemy, transfiguration, legilimency, wandless magic, invisibility, can see through invisibility cloaks, and can send messages with his Patronus
*His patronus is a phoenix
*He has predited the end of Hogwarts

Professor Dumbledore was played by Richard Harris in Sorcerer's Stone and Chamber of Secret
He is now played by Michael Gambon in Prisoner of Azkaban and Goblet of Fire

Fan art of Professor Dumbledore.

Arabella Figg

*Her fill name is Arabella Doreen Figg
*She is a squib (no magical power)
*She lives with several cats on Wisteria Walk which is two streets from Privet Drive
*She is the key to Dumbledore's efforts to watch over Harry while he's with the Dursleys

Arabella Figg has not yet been introduced in the films

Mundungus Fletcher

*His nickname is Dung
*He is a half-blood
*He is very dodgy
*He is a crook
*Harry and the Weasley boys think he's a lot of fun to hang out with
*He smokes a pipe that emits greenish smoke that smells like burning socks
*In Spring of 1997, he was sent to Azkaban for "impersonating an Inferius (walking dead) during an attempted burglary"

Mundungus Fletcher has not yet been introduced in the films


Rubeus Hagrid

*He is a half-blood
*His mother, Fridwulfa, is one of the last British giants left
*His mother left him when he was 3 years old
*His father was a wizard; he died when Hagrid was in his second year at Hogwarts
*He has a giant half-brother named Grawp
*He was raised by his father and when he became orphaned, Dumbledore looked out for him
*He's had many pets including, Fang (boarhound), Aragog (Acromantula), Buckbeak (Hippogriff), Norbert (Dragon), and Fluffy (Hellhound)
*He has black eyes and long, wild tangled black hair and beard
*He is almost twice as tall as a normal man and at least five times as wide
*He started Hogwarts in 1940
*He was expelled from Hogwarts during his third year because he was framed by Tom Riddle for opening the Chamber of Secrets and causing Moaning Myrtle's death
*He is gameskeeper and keeper of keys and grounds at Hogwarts
*In 1993, he became Care of Magical Creatures professor
*He escorts the first years across the lake to Hogwarts
*He lives in a hut on Hogwarts' grounds near the Forbidden Forest
*His wand is oak, sixteen inches, but was broken when he was expelled
*He has embedded his wand into his pink umbrella
*He is involved in the Order of the Phoenix
*He respects and loves magical animals, especially the dangerous ones
*His worst memory is his father's death
*He was in Azkaban for a few weeks during May 1993, after the Chamber of Secrets re-opened

Rubeus Hagrid is played by Robbie Coltrane in Sorcerer's Stone, Chamber of Secrets, Prisoner of Azkaban, and Goblet of Fire

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Fan art of Hagrid.

Frank and Alice Longbottom

*They are Neville's parents
*They were both Aurors
*They survived Voldemort three times
*They were tortured into madness by the Lestranges and Barty Crouch Jr. after Voldemort's fall
*They are currently in St. Mungo's

The Longbottoms have not yet been introduced in the films

Professor Lupin

*His full name is Remus John Lupin
*His nickname is Moony because of the full moon's effect on him
*He is a half-blood
*He was born March 10, 1959
*He is a werewolf
*He was very small when he was bitten by a werewold named Fenrir Greyback
*He transforms at each full moon
*He often looks sickly and tired
*He started Hogwarts in 1971
*He was in Gryffindor and a Prefect from 1975 to 1978
*He created the Marauder's Map with James Potter, Sirius Black, and Peter Pettigrew
*The Shrieking Shack and the Whomping Willow were created by Dumbledore in Lupin's first year to protect him on nights that he is a werewolf
*He became Defense Against the Dark Arts professor for the 1993-94 school year
*His office was located on the second floot of Hogwarts
*He was one of the four Marauders
*He is involved in the Order of the Phoenix
*His worst fear is a full moon
*He is attracted to Nymphadora Tonks
Professor Lupin was played by David Thewlis in Prisoner of Azkaban

Fan art of Professor Lupin.

Fan art of Professor McGonagall.
Professor McGonagall

*Her first name is Minerva
*She was born October 4, 1925
*She has black hair that is always pulled back into a bun
*She is an Animagus (she can turn into a tabby cat)
*She began teaching in December of 1956
*She is Headmistress, Transfiguration professor, and Head of Gryffindor house
*She was in Gryffindor when she was in Hogwarts
*Her office is on the first floor
*Involved in the Order of the Phoenix

Professor McGonagall is played by Dame Maggie Smith in Sorceror's Stone, Chamber of Secrets, Prisoner of Azkaban, and Goblet of Fire

Professor Moody

Defense Against the Dark Arts professor 1994

*He wasn't actually the professor teaching the Dark Arts, just his body
*The class was actually taught by a Death Eater named Barty Crouch Jr. (He took Polyjuice Potion to make him look like Moody)
*Moody has one normal eye and one magical
*His magical eye is vivid blue and moves independently
*He can see invisible things and through solid objects (including the back of his head)
*He is an Auror
*He "taught" Defense Against the Dark Arts for the 1994-95 school year

Professor Moody was played by Brendan Gleeson in Goblet of Fire

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Fan art of Professor Moody.

Peter Pettigrew

*He was born in 1960
*His alternate names are Wormtail and Scabbers
*Wormtail refers to his Animagus form
*His animagus form is a rat
*He is missing a finger on his right hand
*He is easily influenced by people around him
*He helped create the Marauder's Map
*He was Scabbers, Ron's pet rat, from November 1981 to June 1994
*He transformed into a rat and escaped thru the sewers
*He is a Death Eater
*For Voldemort to get his body back he needed a hand of a servant, so Peter cut off his hand for Voldemort
*He now has a silver right hand
*He killed Cedric Diggory

Peter Pettigrew is played by Timothy Spall in the Prisoner of Azkaban and Goblet of Fire

Sturgis Podmore

*He was born in 1958
*He has thick straw colored hair
*He was part of the Advanced Guard that helped Harry escape from the Dursley household
*He was arrested on August 31, 1995 in the Ministry of Magic for trying to force open a top-security door
*He was charged with trespessing and attempted robbery
*His trial was held on September 6, 1995
*He was sentenced to 6 months in Azkaban

Sturgis Podmore has not yet been introduced to the films



James Potter

*His nickname is Prongs
*Prongs refers to his Animagus form, which is a Stag
*He was born in 1960
*He died October 31 1981
*He was murdered by Lord Voldemort
*He had hazel eyes and wore glasses
*His hair was black, untidy, and stuck up in the back
*He is a pure blood
*His mother and father died between 1976 and 1981
*He married Lily Evans *His family was extremely wealthy
*He started Hogwarts in 1970
*He was in Gryffindor
*In his seventh year at Hogwarts, he was Head Boy
*He had the reputation of being a troublemaker and rule breaker
*He was a Chaser on his House Quidditch team
*He won the Quidditch Cup
*His wand was Mahogany and eleven inches
*He had an invisibility cloak
*He helped create the Marauder's Map

James Potter is played by Adrian Rawlins in the Sorceror's Stone, Chamber of Secrets, Prisoner of Azkaban, and Goblet of Fire

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Lily Potter

*She was born in 1960
*She died on October 31, 1981
*She was murdered by Lord Voldemort
*She had green eyes (just like Harry)
*She had long, thick, dark red hair
*She was muggle-born
*Her mother and father died before 1981
*She married James Potter sometime between the summer of 1978 and winter of 1979
*They have a son named Harry Potter
*She has one sister named Petunia Dursley
*She started Hogwarts in 1971
*She was in Gryffindor
*In her seventh year at Hogwarts, she was Head Girl
*She was part of the Slug Club
*Her wand was ten and a quarter inches, made out of Willow
*She was very good at potion-making
*She was the reason Harry is still alive, she sacrificed herself to save him

Lily Potter is played by Geraldine Somerville in Sorcerer's Stone, Chamber of Secrets, Prisoner of Azkaban, and Goblet of Fire


Kingsley Shacklebolt

*He is an Auror
*He was in charge of the hunt for Sirius Black
*He was chosen by Fudge to help in his confrontation with Dumbledore about the DA
*He was part of the Advanced Guard that helped Harry escape the Dursley household
*He fought in the Department of Mysteries Battle
*After Sirius was killed, he continued Sirius' battle with Bettatrix Lestrange, but she escaped

Kingsley Shacklebolt has not yet been introduced in the films

Professor Snape

*His first name is Serverus
*James Potter and Sirius Black used to call him Snivellus
*He was born January 9, 1959
*He is the Half-Blooded Prince
*He is a half-blood
*His mother was Eileen Prince
*His father was Tobias Snape
*He lives in a brick row house on Spinner's End
*He has black, greasy, shoulder length hair
*He has the Dark Mark on his left forearm
*His first year at Hogwarts was in 1971
*He was Potions professor and Head of Slytherin House at Hogwarts from 1981 to Spring of 1996 *He was Defense Against the Dark Arts professor for the 1996-97 school year
*His office was located adjacent to the dungeon classroom where he teaches potions
*He is involved in the Death Eaters
*His worst memory is the episode when James Potter hung with upside down so his graying underwear showed
*He killed Professor Dumbledore

Professor Snape is played by Alan Rickman in Sorcerer's Stone, Chamber of Secrets, Prisoner of Azkaban, and Goblet of Fire

Fan art of Professor Snape.

Nymphadora Tonks

*She was botn in 1973 (the same age as Charlie Weasley)
*She likes to be called Tonks
*She is a half-blood
*Her father, Ted Tonks, was a muggle-born wizard
*Her mother was Andromeda (Black) Tonks
*She is a metamorphmagus, she can assume many different appearances
*Her hair is a variety of colors and can be changed at will
*She is an Auror
*She was part of the Advanced Guard that helped Harry escape the Dursley household
*She fought in the Department of Mysteries Battle

Nymphadora Tonks has not yet been intoduced in the films

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Arthur Weasley

*His birthday is February 6th
*He is pure-blood
*His wife is Molly (Prewett) Weasley
*Together they have seven children (Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred, George, Ron, and Ginny)
*They live in "The Burrow" in Ottery St. Catchpole, Devon
*The family pet is an owl named Errol
*He wears glasses
*He has red hair and going bald
*He was in Gryffindor
*When working under Cornelius Fudge at the Ministry of Magic, he worked in the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office
*When working under Rufus Scrimgeour at the Ministry of Magic, he was Head of the Office for the Detection and Confiscation of Counterfeit Defensive Spells and Protective Objects Office
*His dearest ambition is to figure out how muggle airplanes stay up in the sky

Arthur Weasley is played by Mark Williams in the Chamber of Secrets, Prisoner of Azkaban, and Goblet of Fire

  Bill Weasley

*He was born November 29, 1970
*He is the oldest son of Arthur and Molly
*He was a Prefect and Head Boy at Hogwarts
*He is a curse-breaker for Gringotts bank in Eygpt
*After Voldemort's return in June 1995, he asked for a desk job at Gringott's headquarters in London so he could work with the Order
*He has long, bright red hair and an earring made from a fang
*He is tall and slim
*He caught the eye of Fleur Delacour when she was a Hogwarts for the Triwizard Tounament
*They are now engaged
*He earned O.W.L.s in all 12 subjects
*He was attacked by Fenrir Greyback during the battle at Hogwarts
*His face is unrecognizeable
*Madam Pomfrey believes his face will not heal properly
*He may now have werewolf traits

Bill Weasley has not yet been introduced in the films

Charlie Weasley

*He was born December 12, 1972
*He is the second oldest son of Arthur and Molly
*He has red hair
*He studies dragons in Romania
*He often has burns on his skin
*He was seeker for the Gryffindor house Quidditch team
*He won the Quidditch Cup

Charlie Weasley has not yet been introduced in the films

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  Molly Weasley

*Her birthday is October 30
*She is pure-blood
*She had two brothers named Gideon and Fabian who were both killed during Voldemort's first reign of terror
*Her husband is Arthur Weasley
*Together they have seven children (Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred, George, Ron, and Ginny)
*They live in "The Burrow" in Ottery St. Catchpole, Devon
*The family pet is an owl named Errol
*She has red hair
*She is short, plump, and kind
*Her first year at Hogwarts was in 1961
*She was in Gryffindor
*Her worst fear is her family all dead

Molly Weasley was played by Julie Walters in the Sorcerer's Stone, Chamber of Secrets, and Prisoner of Azkaban

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