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The Bloody Baron

Slytherin Ghost

*He is grim and silent
*He is very terrifying with his bloodstained clothes
Peeves calls him 'Your Bloodiness" and 'Mr. Baron'
*Peeves respects him
*He never says a word

The Bloody Baron was played by Terence Bayler in the Sorcerer's Stone

Fleur Delacour

Beauxbatons Academy

*She was born in 1977
*She was one of the Triwizard Tournament champions
*She is part Veela
*She has blue eyes and long silvery-blonde hair
*She has poor english skills, she speaks French
*She is snobbish
*She attended the Yule Ball with Roger Davies
*She had a part-time job at Gringotts for the summer of 1995 to help improve her english
*She is engaged to Bill Weasley
*The wedding is scheduled for the summer of 1997 in France
*Molly and Ginny don't like her very much
*Ginny nicknamed her 'Phlegm'

Fleur Delacour is played by Clemence Poesy in the Goblet of Fire

Dudley Dursley


*He is the only son of Vernon and Petunia
*He lives in Number Four Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey
*He was born June 23, 1980
*Harry is his cousin
*He is a chubby, blonde hair, blue-eyed boy
*He has many nicknames from his mother including 'a baby angel,' 'Diddy,' 'Dinky Duddydums,' 'Duddy,' 'Ickle Diddykins,' 'Ickle Dudleykins,' 'popkin,' and 'sweetums'
*His father calls him 'Dudders'
*Harry called him 'a pig in a wig'
*His gang calls him 'Big D' and 'Dud'
*He hates to exercise, unless you cound punching someone
*He is the leader of his gang because he is the biggest
*He attends school at Smeltings
*He smokes, vandalizes, throws stone at cars and children, and beats up younger boys
*He was attacked by a Dementor on August 2, 1995

Dudley Dursley was played by Harry Melling in the Sorcerer's Stone, Chamber of Secrets, and Prisoner of Azkaban

Petunia Dursley


*She is Harry Potter's aunt
*She is tall and thin
*She is very nosey
*She nearly starves Harry, but spoils her 'perfect' son
*Her sister is Lily Potter
*She knows more about the wizarding world then she is letting on, but we won't know any thing until book seven

Petunia Dursley was played by Fiona Shaw in the Sorcerer's Stone, Chamber of Secrets, and Prisoner of Azkaban

Vernon Dursley


*He is large and heavy-set
*He has a mustache
*He is the director at Grunnings, which is a drill making shop

Vernon Dursley was played by Robert Hardy in the Sorcerer's Stone, Chamber of Secrets, and Prisoner of Azkaban

The Fat Friar

Hufflepuff ghost

*He is jolly and friendly
*Every year he says good day to the first years and hopes they'll be in Hufflepuff

The Fat Friar was played by Simon Fisher-Becker in the Sorcerer's Stone

Marvolo Gaunt

Lord Voldemort's grandfather

*He has brown eyes and a wrinkled face
*He is the father of Morfin and Merope
*He wears a gold ring with the Peverell coat of arms carved into a black stone
*He was attacked by Ministry personnel who came to arrest his son
*He was sentenced to six months in Azkaban
*He died before his son completed his sentence

Marvolo Gaunt have not yet been introduced in the films

Merope Gaunt

Lord Voldemort's mother

*He eyes gaze in opposite directions
*Her father abused her
*She was attracted to a wealthy muggle named Tom Riddle
*She tricked him into marrying her with a Love Potion
*She died after giving birth to Tom Marvolo Riddle

Merope Gaunt has not yet been introduced to the films

Morfin Gaunt

Lord Voldemort's uncle

*He is missing several teeth
*His eyes stare in opposite directions
*He is a Parselmouth (talks to snakes) and a sociopath
*He is summoned to a hearing at the Ministry, but refuses to go, he is convicted and sentenced to three years in Azkaban
*He confessed to the murder of the Riddle family (Voldemort actually killed them) and was sent back to Azkaban
*He died in Azkaban

Morfin Gaunt has not yet been introduced to the films

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Mr. and Mrs. Granger

*They are both dentists
*They are Hermione Granger's parents

Mr. Granger was played by Tom Knight and Mrs. Granger was played by Heather Bleasdale in the Chamber of Secrets

The Grey Lady

Ravenclaw ghost

*She is very tall
*She was very scholarly
*She never married because she never found anyone up to her standards

The Grey Lady was played by Nina Young in the Sorcerer's Stone

Godric Gryffindor

Gryffindor house founder

*He believed anyone who showed magical ability should be allowed in Hogwarts
*He came from the moors
*He owned the Sorting Hat and rubied encrusted sword, which now reside in Dumbledore's office

Godric Gryffindor will not be introduced in the films

Helga Hufflepuff

Hufflepuff house founder

*She came from the valley
*SHe was loved for her charm
*She brought people from all over to help build Hogwarts

Helga Hugglepuff will not be intoduced in the films

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Viktor Krum

Durmstrang Institute

*He was born in 1977
*He is the Bulgarian Seeker at the Quidditch World Cup in August of 1994
*He was a Triwizard Tournament champion
*He was attracted to Hermione Granger, who went to the Yule Ball with him

Viktor Krum is played by Stanislav Ianevski in the Goblet of Fire

Moaning Myrtle

*She is a ghost that haunts a toilet in the girls bathroom on the second floor of Hogwarts
*She was killed by the basilisk from the Chamber of Secrets
*She has lank hair, pimples, and thick glasses
*She very rarely smiles
*She is attracted to Harry
*She even spies on him in the Prefects' Bathroom
*Lately she's been hanging out with Draco Malfoy

Moaning Myrtle is played by Shirley Henderson in the Chamber of Secrets and Goblet of Fire

Nearly Headless Nick

Gryffindor ghost

*His full name is Sir Nicholas de Mimsy Porpington
*He died in an execution on October 31, 1492
*He was hit 45 times with a blunt axe
*He has been rejected from the Headless Hunt because he is not fully headless
*He was petrified by the basilisk

Nearly Headless Nick was played by John Cleese in the Sorcerer's Stone and Chamber of Secrets

Peeves the Poltergeist

*He is an indestructible spitir of chaos (He is NOT a ghost)
*He solid looking
*He swoops along corridors causing havoc
*He can become invisible
*He throws things as people
*He loves to cause trouble for Filch
*He is afraid of the Bloody Baron
Peeves has not yet been introduced in the films

Rowena Ravenclaw

Ravenclaw house founder

*She came from the glen
*She came up with the changing floor plan
*She was very intelligent and creative

Rowena Ravenclaw will not be introduced in the films

Tom Riddle Sr.

Lord Voldemort's father

*He is a rich and snobby muggle
*He abandoned his wife (Merope) and unborn son (Tom Riddle Jr.)
*He was killed by his son in 1945
*His bones helped bring his sons body back

Tom Riddle Sr. has not yet been introduced to the films

Salazar Slytherin

Slytherin house founder

*He came from the fen
*He believed only pure-bloods should attend Hogwarts
*He built the Chamber of Secrets
*He is a Parselmouth

Salazar Slytherin will not be introduced in the films

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