
Game Aids, etc.

Equipment Lists and Monetary Conversion Chart- This is a very cool chart I came up with that converts the prices from the equipment list from Guilders into any monetary unit in Theah. It will also soon include a barter chart for Ussura.

Sail Names- This handy reference will allow you to spout nautical terms for sails and rigging that will leave the other players mystified...Complete with images to show what is what!

7th Sea GM's Guide Review- This is a review of the 7th Sea GM's Guide that I originally wrote for our Yahoo Group, GamezRS. It has since been published on the pages of the National Gamer's Guild, an online gaming guild of which I am now a Guild Councilman.

Historical Duels- This document is an in depth description of duels, their rules and consequences. It is re-printed here without permission from a book by R. Frank with the title Das Strafgesetzbuch f�r das Deutsche Reich, published in T�bingen in 1931

Books- A list of good reading and source material for 7th Sea "flavor".

Movies- A list of movies that fit the 7th Sea genre.

Ship and Tavern Names- A list of names for ships and taverns. This is in "Name Generator" form so that you can easily and quickly generate a unique name.

7th Sea Names- A huge list of names from many different countries. A good addition to the suggestions given in the players guide.

7th Sea Quick Reference- A quick reference for the most commonly used rules in 7th Sea.


William's Story- a spoof of the history of William McCormick.

Are You a Fop?- Take this test to see how you measure up to the likes of Le Emporeur.

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