Death Magic

Magic subdivisions:
Reaping (souls), Draining/Leeching, Summoning (spirits/Fol/Elementals), Communication with the Dead (deadspeak, soulspeak), Resurrection, Exorcism, Soul Scarring (non-lethal), Zombification (
illegal), Undead Disruption, Necrosis
Ruling Family: Xavben
Dungeons: Khazard, Crandor
Terrain: Desert, plateaus, mountains, canyons, coastal beaches

   Croppell is the most rabidly jingoistic of all the Nine Kingdoms, and that worries the other eight. The last of the kingdoms to rid itself of the Old Order, Croppell was an independent nation for about a century before joining the New Order. The locals say they did not join the New Order because they needed to, but because the New Order needed them. Foreign historians tend to say otherwise.
   Croppellians share a cultural obsession for history and family. Many consider centuries-old events to be recent offenses. Family, especially immediate family, is considered sacred. If a relative is in trouble, no matter how distant they are, a Croppellian is expected to be helpful if at all possible. Death Wizards consider themselves to be in a type of brotherhood, and they act accordingly: a Death Wizard will assist even the lowliest Death Mage if he or she can.
   For a long time, Death Magic was heavily restricted. The reason for this is simple: Death Magic, as the name implies, is a rather dark and morally questionable practice. In recent times, however, these restrictions have become progressively less severe. The most recent Xavbens to rule Croppell are behind this bout of "social progress," much to the dismay and protest of the other Council members.
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