Team: One
Campaign: The Arnor Campaign
Summer 2004

A rogue group of Old Order wizards, two hundred strong, were planning to create a staging ground for a future invasion of Alalsil. They were going to use this as a reason for Upper and Lower Drakazoriem to stop their civil war and unite against a common, and now vulnerable, enemy -- the New Order.

The Old Order forces sent a preliminary group ahead to attack small villages in Sorrell. The main group was to use zombies created from the killed villagers to launch their main attack. Their true target was Arnor, an isolationist city-state that had no idea of what was coming.

The New Order's operatives on Sorrell learned of the pending attack, but misreported the number of enemy wizards as only twenty. The New Order could not send an army to Arnor, as Arnor was landlocked and surrounded by kingdoms that did not want the New Order passing through their borders.
Having no other options, the New Order sent a strike team to Sorrell. The team's goal was to stall the Old Order wizards until a real army could be allowed in. Unfortunately, things did not go so smoothly, and the New Order team had to take immediate action within a day of arriving.

The team managed to save several small villages, but two towns were lost before they had even arrived. The Old Order forces struck quickly and quietly, slaughtering the villagers and keeping their actions secretive. But with luck and the help of small local militias, the team managed to stop the first wave of Old Order wizards.

The final and real battle came at Arnor. A massive sneak-attack was launched against the Old Order wizards while they camped, using highly-explosive chemicals created by the team's Earth Sorcerer Ivan Girwood. A few well-placed fireballs killed most of the Old Order wizards. The real battle had hardly begun, as the Old Order group still had plenty of life -- and demons -- left to strike back. Much of Arnor's outer wall was destroyed, and the city itself was nearly lost when a Black Demon was summoned.

In the end, Arnor was saved. Two of the New Order magic-users were lost -- Hana when she personally took-out the Black Demon, and Katashi as he held off a horde of trassils from entering the city. As it turned out, the New Order managed to send an army through to Arnor after all, but it only arrived the day
after the battle. Fortunately, it hadn't been needed. Of course, it would have surely helped....
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