Team: Three
Campaign: The Croppellian Campaign
Summer 2005

The New Order and the Whites Elves are now at war with the Old Order and the Red Elves. This war has been raging on for three years now, and many of the New Order's best magic-users are overseas fighting in Drakazoriem.

In the meantime, a few vigilantes in Alalsil have sprung up in an attempt to handle any problems on the homefront. One of these people, a "technomancer" named Anthony "Ant" Dehu, made a startling discovery in the Croppellian desert. While exploring an abandonded, ancient mine, he discovered undead monsters that had formed a primitive civilization inside of it.

As this was going on, the town outside of the mine was being repopulated by forty miners, some soldiers, three Death Mages and a noblewoman named Talatia that had been stuck in charge. Their goal was to reopen the mine to provide new materials for the war-effort. The mine had been abandoned due to a Sand Dragon infestation, but the dragons had since left the area. Not knowing about the zombie-creatures, the mines were considered "safe" again.

Ant warned the town and its sparse population of the danger lurking in the deepest, as-yet-unexplored parts of the mines. There was some doubt to his story, and he was nearly arrested for tresspassing, but Talatia humored him and sent in some soldiers to investigate.

A few other people would arrive in time for various reasons. Itneen and Bria Xavben were on leave from the war, with Bria becoming unexpectedly pregnant and forced back to Alalsil. They were staying there, as Talatia was Itneen's sister, until the couple was allowed by the Council to go back into the war. Besides them, Leoross and Abigail Reshoff also arrived. These wealthy merchants wished to discuss new trade-route options with Talatia and arrived the day after Anthony appeared in town.

It was a team including the Reshoffs, three soldiers and one Death Mage (Rah) that discovered that Anthony was telling the truth. After a brief battle, the team returned from the mines and reported what they had found: The Croppellian Undead were real.

(more to come soon)
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