Life Magic

Magic subdivisions:
Healing (individual, group, circle, transferance, etc.), Curing, Purification/Purifying, Repair/Mending, Soul Seeking/Life Detection, Mental Control
Ruling Family: Violette
Dungeons: Entrana, Hemenster
Terrain: Grassy plains, fields, meadows, lakes, woodlands

   Drezmore is the home to numerous spiritual centers and shrines. Tourists are not the only ones who go to Drezmore; most are pilgrims and many seek cures for their ailments. While they cannot reverse the effects of aging, Life Wizards can cure most anything else. The influx of pilgrims and the sick is so great that a lottery system is often used to pick who will be healed next. First-come-first-healed policies are in effect elsewhere.
   People gifted with Life Magic are in high demand, both at home and everywhere else. Virtually no missions have been authorized by the Council without at least one Life Wizard onboard. To become a Life Wizard is to fully dedicate oneself to the health of others, as there will be almost no rest.
   Drezmore itself is stereotyped as a nation of environmentally-obsessed, overly-polite people who are also really good cooks. This stereotype is, rather fortunately, fairly true. Drezmore is a pristine, clean kingdom that attempts to protect nature as much as possible. And, yes, the food is quite good.
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