Earth Magic

Magic subdivisions:
Plant Manipulation, Plant Alteration, Plant Growth, Dirt/Soil Control, Communicate with Plants, Detect Plants/Sense Plants, Instinctive Herblore
Ruling Family: Floriv
Dungeons: Lumbridge, Baxtonia
Terrain: Extensive forests, fields, hills, meadows

   Xanderah is perhaps the strangest of the Nine Kingdoms, largely because of the Earth Wizards. Many commoners believe that if all you do is talk to plants, you are bound to become insane. This is only partially true: many objects that enhance Earth Magic skills or powers often have unforeseen psychological side effects on the user/wearer. Earth Gems from the Dungeon Wars are the best example of this, as anyone who has heard of Ivan Girwood surely knows.
   The main exports of Xanderah are foodstuffs and potions, and for obvious reasons. These potions include virtually anything imaginable and are in high demand for equally varying reasons. Other brews such as perfumes and beverages are also common.
   Xanderah is also known for its superb educational standards. Critics say that the educational system has advanced at the expense of defenses. While it is true that Xanderah is the least protected of the Nine Kingdoms, the nation has not been threatened for quite some time. Besides, some Xanderahites joke, they live next to Sefina: the tough Hand Wizards can protect them. In all honestly, the Kingdom of the Hand probably could and would, even if it was to protect Sefina's own borders.
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