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A Very Merry Valfrey Holiday

Val & Jeff's First Christmas

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Christmas with the Burks, Dec. 30, 2006.

Guinness would later verify this gathering as The Most People In One Kitchen With Room To Spare.

Jonathan wonders why this Japanese guy keeps telling him to "save the cheerleader."

America, our long national nightmare is over. Tim and Jan have arrived with the cute kids!

Hey, nobody told me there was a Cutie Pie Convention in town!

"And now let us say grace ... 'Rub-a-dub-dub, thanks for the grub, yeah God!'"

Little known reality: Calories don't count during holiday meals. True fact.

Toni tells Marcus, Alex and Brandon that the train behind her carried the coal that will fill their stockings should they have, God help them, run up their cellphone bills.

Things later got hairy when Chris declared allegiance to Trump and Phillip said he was rooting for Rosie.

Toni shares her nutritional philosophy: When you drink Diet Coke, it offsets everything unhealthy.

Val wasn't sure whether to believe Cathy's tale of growing up in a town being taken over by a country club and she and her outcast friends found pirate treasure to save their homes.

Ignore Cody or Kevin, they're just here for dessert. Yep, too bad no one brought cookies ... *whistling*.

Much to Amanda's chagrin, Coley assures her that sometimes when Weebles wobble, they do fall down.

It was a "berry" good Christmas!

Once under hypnosis, Ken was susceptible to many things, such as smiling for pictures.

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