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A Very Merry Valfrey Holiday

Val & Jeff's First Christmas

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Christmas Day with the Rushings.

When the flash went off in the dark, Val knew she was caught, and the gift-shaking stopped.

Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house
Two newlyweds were stirring, hyper as a mouse.
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
A couple so blessed; a perfect pair.

Like Josh & Cathy (on the right), we would have written a year in review note, but only needed Courier size-36 font: "We got married this year. You might have noticed. It was in all the papers. And Internet."

If you don't see your card on any of the walls, then let the ceramic Jesus note the shame of your belatedness!

As you'll see from our stocking hauls, Val and I are awful enablers.

Why two Kit Kats and only one Twix? I don't know. I just don't know.

Nothing like relaxing on Christmas morning with Christmas music playing and opening presents by the tree and the *cough*fire*cough*.

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