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A Very Merry Valfrey Holiday

Val & Jeff's First Christmas

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Christmas with the Burks, Dec. 30, 2006.

Kevin thought Cody should go with the nickname Tennessee Casanova, but Cody wasn't in love with it.

This would have gone faster if Emma didn't giggle every time Kevin told her to hold the butt of the stick.

Beth and her beau Lauren come a-wassailing. And if you know what that means, you're smarter than me.

Everyone got a kick out of it whenever Cheryl would act out the lords a-leaping during The Twelve Days of Christmas.

I really can't stay - Baby it's cold outside
I've got to go away - Baby it's cold outside.
See, what I'm getting at, is that I'm looking for warmth via cuddling, is all.

I didn't mind singing Run DMC's Christmas In Hollis, but then again I'm just hip like that.

All I'm saying is that Ray can certainly light the blazing yule and strike the harp while decking the halls, if you know what I mean.

Gloria's a big fan when Tim inhales helium and does his Alvin impersonation of The Chipmunk Song.

Glenn and Stephanie are good sports despite hearing that Santa's sleigh broke down and he shipped all his packages via UPS. Maybe it's because all the packages were a day late, and left at the door without signatures, and sent to the wrong address ...

Why is this gift leaking?

Stevie gives Ken $20 to never mention the pink shirt and tan again.

Okay! I finally got my subscriptions renewed to Tiger Beat and Highlights!

Gloria lets Lamb Chop know that she's onto the puppet. You can't pull the wool over her eyes.

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