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Let's Go See A Show!
Our trip to Branson, Missouri, July '09

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Our five day mission, this is the voyage of the Starship Rushing, to explore strange new worlds (Branson, a city in a whole 'nother state), to seek out new life and new civilizations (with funny hairdos and wacky outfits); to boldy go where thousands of slow drivers have gone before.

As the Native Americans of yore used to say, "Eagle carved in wood stand strong to protect cabin for paleface devils who took our land to eat buffets and listen to songs about loose blue-eyed women."

Thankfully the screened-in porch will prevent any serial killers with hockey masks from getting in. That, and we're not a bunch of drunken teens having premarital relations.

Know what not to say to a pregnant woman? "At least all the stairs will give you some exercise." Don't say that.

Finally, a use for all those stars we see for sale at Old Time Pottery!

The Claw is our master. The Claw chooses what food will go and what will stay!

The last thing I saw before I keeled over from the awesome smell of bacon wafting up the stairs.

"Let's see ... here's a show featuring a country artist who had hits in the 70s ... here's one featuring a country family who had hits in the 80s ... oh, I know, a country show with performers who were big in the 90s! Man, the shows in this town sure have a lot of variety!"

Contrary to your first thought, the swim trunks are not mine. Val uses it in the bullring, or occasionally as a parachute.

When everything in a cabin is made of wood it's called "rustic." When it's in your house it's called "tacky and so 1970s."

If you're thinking, "That's a tiny pool for 100 cabins," then you're on the same wavelength with us. Actually, I went further, something like this: "If one good cannonball would empty the water, then you should probably build a bigger pool."

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