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Let's Go See A Show!
Our trip to Branson, Missouri, July '09

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And if everyone behaves during the show, we'll go to McDonald's and get chicken nuggets! Hooray!

Cheryl was excited to see "Fraggle Rock On Ice." After Boober and Wembley are busted for drugs and Uncle Matt goes missing, they must redeem themselves by asking the Doozers to build a delicious bridge and save everyone from the Gorgs. (It was either that or "Smurfs On Parade," where Brawny Smurf is busted for steroids and Smurfette is on having an affair. I was torn.)

It's a nice park of waterfalls and castles, but someone should really do something about all the holes in the ground.

Off the side, against the big rock in the middle, carom off the big rock in the back, and it's in the hole! Just like the real thing.

Top Flite 5, center pocket. Okay, I've got solids!

I didn't tell Val until afterward that in a skins game you don't actually have to take off your clothes when you lose. Oops, sorry I "left that out," Sweetheart!

I claim this land as the Jeffro De Rushingo Golf Paradise! Bring on the jewels and feasts! Hold the foreign diseases.

An old man and his daughter go to the doctor for his monthly checkup. During examination, the doctor asks how his nightly incontinence is. "It's fine," says the old man. "I just get up and go to the bathroom, and God turns on the light for me."

The doctor finishes up the examination, and then calls in the daughter to tell her about the God-light thing.

"Oh, my God!" says the daughter. "He's been using the fridge again!"

Don't worry, Sheriff, I aim to do right with this pretty little saloon girl and make her mine.


You can barely see anything from here, what with all the scenery.

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